Tuesday 22 February 2022

My trip out

As I told you yesterday I have been to the Opticians today.   My son took me, Priscilla and my Zimmer frame, found a parking place as near as possible to the surgery and then  - in a very strong, gusty wind I walked over the road and he walked with my frame alongside Priscilla and me.

Once inside the receptionist helped me up the three steps and on to the stairlift (my first time) while the Optician stood at the top and helped me off.  My son had taken my frame upstairs so I was able to walk into the surgery with that.   After all the tests we did the same thing in reverse, I chose the two frames (varifocals and reading glasses) and then I rang my son to collect me which he did.   Crossing the road to his car was even more scary in the gusty wind.

I came back almost six hundred pounds lighter but I have gone to the same man for the last thirty years, my eyes are now almost ninety year old eyes and he keeps me able to read as well as is possible for my age - so a price well paid.

Too tired to write more.   Hopefully I shall sleep well tonight.


Mary said...

Lovely knowing your Optician is caring for your precious eyes - and that he actually put in a stairlift as there's no elevator! Great news all around.
Sweet dreams - and no price is too much to have eyesight and the continuing ability to read!
Hugs, Mary

RunNRose said...

I'm so glad to know your son was there to help you navigate the obstacles, and that you have the glasses ordered. Those eyes
of yours are special; they allow you to read, and to blog! Fortunate you are to be able to retain the same optician over many years. .

Susan said...

Having your son to help is always good. We only have one set of eyes and keeping them healthy is worth whatever the price. You'll rest well tonight, as you've had a busy day.

vic said...

I'd bet you will sleep well tonight. Not only because of all the effort it took to get to the Optician but you also have your eyes all sorted out now and can continue to read and blog which are such needed activities for you. That must relieve your mind and set you up for sweet dreams.

Brenda said...

Glad it worked out for you.

Granny Sue said...

What a trip, and what a workout. You have a good son, there when you need him. I hope your new "eyes" work wonderfully for you.

Debby said...

I am so glad that your son went with you. I was concerned about the steps.

I am going to bet you DO sleep soundly tonight. Being out in the wind wears a person out.

Melinda from Ontario said...

I'm relieved the journey to and from the optician's office went off without a hitch. It sounds like your optician takes good care of his patients. Sleep tight tonight.

Bonnie said...

I'm so glad your son could go with you. That is another appointment completed and behind you! I hope you sleep well!

thelma said...

What a task for you but it all went off successfully with the help of the people around you. Don't order to many books to read!

Librarian said...

Phew! It sounds exhausting just reading about it, but I never doubted you would have help - either your son, or in case he was not available at the time you needed to go to your appointment, one of your many good friends who always look out for you.
Does your optician suggest any operation? Like I said in my previous comment, my cataract surgeries were so successful I can only recommend it.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Sounds as if things went well, hope the new glasses keep you reading for many many more years.

Gerry Snape said...

Super son...I love that...mine is a gem too...glad you can see better now Pat..I must go to mine...I keep putting it off!!

Tom Stephenson said...

Well worth it.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thanks everyone. See you in the morning.