This afternoon I watched 'Flog it' for my rest period - anyone who is not familiar with the programme it is a programme where items are chosen from things the general public bring along which are then sold at auction. Often there are surprises. and often there are lovely things on the programme. Today there was an item which set me thinking. Somebody today brought along a pair of Asparagus servers - I would not have known this had I not been told and I have certainly never seen such a thing. I can't really think why it is not possible to serve asparagus with a tablespoon. What made these special was that they had been taken on a particular Arctic Expedition which had been a failure as one of the team and six of his dogs had disappeared for ever down a crevasse. The owner of these servers wanted a large sum of money for them - can't remember how much - and it did strike me why an expedition to such a place would find it necessary to take such an item. The servers didn't sell and I asked myself would a present day expedition go to the trouble of taking such an item.? Surely not. In fact would they even consider taking aspatagus in the first place.
It has been another lovely day here today with pure unbroken sunshine all day. Priscilla and I had our walk round early this morning. Since then I have done mundane things like empty the washing maching and put the washing in the drier so that I could put it all away later(this helps my carer), emptying the dishwasher when it had completed its cycle, getting my clothes out ready for morning and then sitting on Priscilla for half an hour in the garden in the sunshine. This gave me a chance to complete a Sudoku and also admire the garden now that my gardeners have made such a good job of doing it all yesterday.
And tomorrow? Where am I going? Not very exciting I'm afraid. I am going to have a Bone Scan - as a result of breaking my hip last Autumn I shall wait and see what tomorrow's weather is like to decide what to wear. There are rules - no jewelry, no zips, no wired bras - but how many layers will depend on how chilly it is.
I wish you could see my garden - It took two of them all day but it is immaculate and full of daffodils and dwarf tulips. Some of them came all the way from Australia last Autumn (thank you J and J if you are reading this). Spring bulbs make it all look so cheerful don't they. Until tomorrow......