Oh dear. This hot weather (the same temperature here yesterday as it was in Cro's garden) is not altogther to my liking. I can do little. I seem to spend most of my day sitting in the cool of the sitting room with a cold glass of something, reading, doing the Mind Games, watching Escape to the Country (I have done) or even (dare I say) dozing. I only really come alive during the evening when the sun begins to lose its strength and even that is not happening at the moment. At least I am wearing a T shirt, which never happened last year.
My carer is now having Tuesdays off. It has always been her day off but since coming to me last November because she lives near she has made the exception and come to me each morning at 7.30 for an hour. Yesterday was the first day when she didn't come (apart from some Sundays and that too is going to become a regular thing). It does me no harm at all, in fact it is good for me to take more responsibility but things do take me a long time to complete. I was rather pleased with myself because I managed to do a load of washing and tumble dry it - she will come this morning expecting to put the washer on and I have done it. Before you tell me off for tumble drying when it is such lovely weather - how I would love to dry the clothes outside in the fresh air - but my balance is not good enough to peg the clothes on the clothes line.
An early start again I see from the time on my computer - 6.27am - and a grey sky. But another scorcher is forecast for today before the weather is set to break from the South tomorrow. Then I suspect there will be high jinks up there in the sky! A nice break yesterday afternoon when friends T and S called and we sat in the shade in the back garden and had a coffee and a chat - spent a lovely hour. They are such kind friends. And S did a little job for me, she dead-headed E A Bowles, my perennial wallflower - she lives high up on the rockery and I cannot any longer get up there to do such gardening jobs. Now I know that within a fortnight she will be flowering again - so thank you S.
I'll be back later if anything exciting happens, in the meantime I shall put on my dressing gown, open up blinds and the front door and watch Breakfast until my carer comes - she will be doubly welcome today. I do hope she realises just how much I appreciate her.
Priscilla and I walked round the estate early before the sun burned off the cloud and mist (now, a few hours later, it is a scorcher again. )I always read the T M S in the Times and today an item made me smile so I thought I would share it with you. Hugh Dennis, the actor, was thinking about the seven wonders of the world and how some of them at least were no longer to be considered as such. He quoted The Great Pyramid of Egypt which is now just in any old suburb of Cairo. Hugh (the son of a Bishop) thought about what his wonders would be today. His father preached once on Matthew 'Man shall not live by alone' and he, a small boy at the time remembers thinking that man could if it was toast. And I got to thinking what my seven wonders would be. English Lit and Music being my subjects, all scientific and medical achievements have gone right over my head so all I am going to say is that for me all seven could be covered by the word Machinery. I sit here typing - my dishes are being washed, my tumble drier is working, my clothes were washed yesterday, D came and mowed and strimmed my lawn, a machine is cuttting the silage in the field behind my house, Tesco will soon deliver my order.......my mother would not believe it all. Oh and the richest man in the world went to the edge of space yesterday and parachuted back. Tires me out thinking about it.