It seems to me that when when one becomes physically handicapped because of a mixture of arthritis and a broken hip and needs some kind of aid in order to walk then there are two approaches. You can either sit at home and hope folk will call in to see you or you can get as many walking aids as possible and get on with it. Well, I have chosen the latter route - not necessarily the easiest but undoubtedly the best.
It is half past ten on a Friday morning. The sun is shining although showers are forecast and it is cool enough to need some kind of anorak. J, my carer, has been and gone and I have done the job I had ear marked for today. The brown sills and frames of my windows back and front were splashed with mud after my gardener had de-mossed the gutters and Zimmer and I ventured out back and front and wiped down the sills and frames with a microfibre cloth wrung out in hot soapy water.
The added bonus is that J, another 'Priscilla user' was just walking to the postbox and so we had a nice ten minute chat - so with my carer that is two I have already clocked up today (I managed six yesterday - keeps the old mind going).
Now my next intention is to walk round the block with Priscilla before the threatened showers arrive. See you later.
Round the block indeed and a nice chicken and leek pie lunch with a selection of veggies. Now it is back in blogland - never a dull moment there. Lots of big black clouds bubbling up - showers ahead I would guess. Feet up and a sudoku for me - so good-bye for today.