Yes - I am bright and breezy this morning and much more my normal old self. I got up an hour early (half past six) this morning in order to give my carer a surprise. She showered me yesterday so I was able this morning to go into the bathroom with my walking frame and have a good wash and clean my teeth. Then I went back into the bedroom and got dressed - not easy but I managed it. The whole operation took me almost an hour but by the time she came I had managed to make a cup of tea too.
My carers really are so good. This morning J - who comes most mornings - brought me a whole Sunday lunch on a plate - roast beef, Yorkshire pud and a whole load of vegetables (I am really missing these) and it is sitting in the microwave ready for me to push the button at lunch time. Aren't I lucky?
It wouldn't take much today to persuade the sun to come out and that would make a difference. Because my bungalow faces South it makes all the difference if it is a sunny day.
The days drift by and I rarely see the News - it always seems to be at a time when something else is happening. Occasionally I do switch over to 231, the news channel but it is usual covid, covid, covid and I really can't take it any more. But yesterday I did see the absolutely horrendous crash in the motor-racing and to see the driver climb out of that blazing car with only his hands burnt;but I find the whole idea of motor racing and the risks and the money involved quite sickening.