Thursday 3 February 2022

Never wasted

Thelma on her blog this morning jogged my memory - and made me think of memories per se.    Tomorrow it will be thirty-one years since my first husband,  Malcolm, died of kidney cancer.   It seems a whole lifetime away - so much water has flowed under the bridge and I have had a whole new marriage and twenty two years of another very happy marriage.   How very lucky I have been.   And now, at 89, pretty decrepit but thankfully so far with a reasonably intact memory I have so much to draw on - certainly enough to keep me going - all the music, the art, the travel, the friendships, the moving from place to place with my first husband's job and then the farming - the getting used to and involving myself with the animals, experimenting with keeping hens and geese,involving myself in feeding the calves, coping with foot and mouth and giving support, then many travels around the world mostly to the West whereas with my first husband it had all been to the East.   Both husbands were keen walkers so there were always places to explore, walks to be taken.

Now, when both are gone and I can no longer walk there are memories to look back on.   There is a mention or a picture on television, I read something in the daily paper, someone mentions something - and there is a 'ping' - and there's the memory - clear as a bell.   A piece of music we played together with our group, a church we went inside on one of our walks with a walking group or on our own.    The trigger can be so small but it can spark off a lifetime of memories.

So rest in peace dear Malcolm  - passed away 31 years ago tomorrow - - and it  will be 5 years next month since David went - and both left be hind a huge store of happy memories - and I enjoy them every day .


Jenn Jilks said...

My condolences.

Mary said...

I'm happy you have these wonderful memories with both your late dear husbands Pat.
These days so many don't even give a marriage a chance. We know there are always ups and downs, no relationship is perfect 100% of the time.

The Feminine Energy said...

Good memories are what keep our bones warm in old age. You have enough to be perpetually warm, my dear. ~Andrea xoxo

Barbara Anne said...

Ah, the comfort of good memories, of which you have aplenty, dear Pat. May we all pay attention to our loved ones and be so lucky.

Happy remembering!


Debby said...

What a sweet post! I am glad for all your happy memories. We should all be so lucky.

gz said...

It is a surprise sometimes what small thing will trigger a memory.
Good to have them

Ellen D. said...

Glad you can enjoy so many happy memories! I enjoy when you share them with us too!

Heather said...

It is amazing how a memory from decades ago will suddenly come to mind. I can remember back to when I was 4 years old. I am so pleased that you have all those lovely memories to keep you company.

Rachel Phillips said...

The rich tapestry of life.

Anonymous said...

Condolences on the loss of both husbands over the years, but so happy that they have left you good memories. So important to your health and well-being, and to the families these well-balanced men left behind. Good husbands who double their worth as great travel companions are worth their weight in gold I'd say! - Pam.

the veg artist said...

A full and happy bank of memories. Priceless.

Melinda from Ontario said...

You are lucky to have an excellent memory. My sister arrived today and we just finished having a good laugh over some childhood memories. Those of us gifted with good long term memories means we can revisit the past whenever we like. I truly hope that like you, I will still be able to remember my past at 89 years old.

marlane said...

I am about to publish the blog that remembers my first husband who passed away in 2000. Click on my picture or name to read it. Memories are so precious and sometimes sad. My present husband has to put up with me weeping sometimes in my recollections... brought out by me writing my memoirs.

The Furry Gnome said...

Happy memories make a huge difference!

Susan said...

Happy memories are the best and you have a wealth of great experiences as well.

Red said...

We remember the birthdays And the times around those birthdays. Good memories.

Cro Magnon said...

You've been blessed Weave.

Derek Faulkner said...

One of the few benefits of getting old - we have so much experience and so many memories to look back on. If you could, it'd be nice to write down so many of these memories, as least your very early life, in order that your grandchildren will have something to cherish.

Librarian said...

Yes, memories can be triggered by the smallest things - for me, it is often a certain scent or smell. Years ago I wrote about this on my blog, how we all carry our own little time machine within, that can transport us back to a certain place & time in an instant.
I am very glad for you that you have such manifold and happy memories to look back on.

thelma said...

Memories are good, they bring joy as we wander down their lanes but prove that life is forward moving and that we are the travellers Pat.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thank you for all your lovely responses.

Anonymous said...

Your memories of love are so rich and beautiful. It is wonderful you had many years of love and travel.

Debbie in London said...

How lovely to have such wonderful memories.