Monday 22 May 2023


I have shingles.   Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.


Derek Faulkner said...

Gawd, that can be very painful.
Have you been inoculated against it.

the veg artist said...

You poor thing. I've had it twice, so I know how painful it can be. Take care.

RITA LOEHR said...

Bless your heart!🙏❤️🙏

JayCee said...

Oh dear. I do hope you recover quickly.

gz said...

Hope you get well soon...this is not what you need xx

Damselfly said...

Oh my. I hope your GP was able to give you one of the anti-viral drugs to speed healing & reduce the risk of complications. Hoping you have minimal discomfort and recover quickly.

Tasker Dunham said...

Oh heck! Get well soon. Hope you have previously had the jab to lessen the severity.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I've had that and it's definitely suckey. My heart goes out to you. Take good care of yourself. Pat in Pennsylvania

Simone said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Barbara Anne said...

Oh, NO! I hope you have the non-painful kind that looked like a splotches scattered here and there that my MIL had and not the very painful linear kind. Hope there is a better, quicker treatment or pill to rid you of this unpleasant bother than when my mother had it decades ago.


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Oh dear! I hope you're soon feeling better.

Yellow Shoes said...

So sorry to hear you've caught shingles Pat
It seems that any of us elderly folk who had chicken pox as a child - and didn't we all? - are vulnerable to shingles.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. xx

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! I just had my first shot against shingles a week ago and have the 2nd shot in July (2 months apart). When I went in to get my Presnar20 pneumonia shot in April it was recommended that I get the shingles shot as I am now over 65 and shingles knows no age. My former FIL had it really bad when he was in his late 60s and I had a coworker have it twice, very bad, in her 50s. I hope you recover quickly and feel better soon.
Dawn Pinnataro, Albany Georgia USA

The Weaver of Grass said...

Derek - No. Thank you for the good wishes folks.

John Going Gently said...

Oh bollocks pat ….lots of pain killers

Anonymous said...

Eek! So sorry to hear this. I hope your case turns out to be mild and that the treatment doesn’t cause havoc with your seizure treatment.

Ellen D. said...

Get well soon, Pat!

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Bonnie said...

Take care and hope your medical team can ease your pain.
Bonnie in Minneapolis

Daisy Debs said...

Oh! No ! Hope it goes away again soon . Oh you poor little thing you !💐 x

Melinda from Ontario said...

I hope you recover quickly, Pat. I'm thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, ugh! Poor you, hope it turns out to be a very mild case!


Tom Stephenson said...

Oh, poor Weave. Get well soon. X

bristol limey said...

Here is hoping Pat that you have the same experience that I had, very mild with minimal pain. I am not quite your age but not much younger.
Terry in Virginia

jinxxxygirl said...

Oh dear Pat! Gosh i hope they are not too painful but i have heard awful things... I'll be thinking about you! Hugs! debs

Red said...

Ouch! Shingles are awful. I hope you make a fast recovery.

Donna Schoonover said...

So sorry. Get better soon so you can blog again amongst other things.

Col said...

Oh Pat, Shingles is a horrid thing to have. I caught a dose when I was in my early twenties, and it was bad enough at that young age, so I can imagine how grotty it could be making you feel!
I was very naughty, and scratched the tops off my spots constantly, so have a lovely line of little scars across my back. It serves me right for ignoring the warnings!
Can you have anti viral meds for it? There was no such thing forty odd years ago, so I just had to wait it out.
When our young grandson had chickenpox a few months ago, his parents were told to give him porridge baths. Apparently, oats are tied up in a muslin cloth and popped into the bath, I had imagined the poor child having to sit in a bath of gooey porridge!
Sending you all good wishes for a speedy recovery, don't pick your scabs! X

Marjorie said...

Hugs and quick healing wishes for you.

Susan said...

Shingles can be awful; I hope you have a mild case and recover quickly. I'm thinking of you.

Joanne Noragon said...

Oh. no. I understand it can be uncomfortable--or worse.

Anonymous said...

It's the fatigue with shingles too Pat, so go easy.- Pam.

Cro Magnon said...

I was recently offered a jab against shingles, which I declined. I hope you feel better very soon.

Hard up Hester said...

Take care Pat, I hope you recover quickly.

Virginia said...

Oh NO! That is horrible. I do hope the medication sorts it out quickly. Years ago, when I had it, the medication sorted it very fast, but left me sleepy for about 5 days, so do take it easy . We hope to hear you're feeling better soon. XX

Librarian said...

Poor you!! Hope you get well soon and are not in too much pain. My own mild case more than 10 years ago was not nice, but it being summer helped - I could wear very light clothing so that the fabric hardly touched those over-sensitive parts.

Heather said...

Poor you. Hope you only have a mild case and recover quickly. Best wishes.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Oh No - I've heard it's not nice. Rest up and painkillers and Get Well ASAP

thelma said...

Hope you get better soon.

Carol Caldwell said...

Oh no, hope you get well soon.

Rachel Phillips said...

Don't let the doom-mongers scare you. I have had it twice, it is not so bad and it need not scare, it seems to be the word as much as anything and olden days when people thought it was a gloomy elderly person thing. In fact people of all ages get it. I hope yours soon dries up and goes away. Once you know what it is is half the battle. xxx

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Very painful I know as unfortunately I've had it 3 times. Hope you feel better soon! VC

Anonymous said...

Oh dear .. take care x

Derek Faulkner said...

Not everybody is a doom-monger Rachel, some speak from experience of the worst side of it. I was talking to a guy a few weeks ago who was according to him, just coming out of it, and yet his face and hands look like somebody had poured acid over them and he couldn't stop scratching at his face.

The Weaver of Grass said...

So far so good. Thanks everyone. It is a bad attack but have tablets from the doctor and apart from being tired I am coping well. Worse things at sea as my mother used to say. Garden is looking lovely and I can walk round the back with Priscilla and sit in the sun and enjoy it. 'see' you all soon.

Debby said...

Ugh. Shingles. I am late to the party here, but glad to hear that you are coping well.

Yellow Shoes said...

Doc here in Sheffield offered us shingles vac along with the flu vac.
All gratefully received.

Mary said...

Hope you are healing Pat. I never had chicken pox as a child but still got the shingles vaccine which is offered to everyone here as they age, along with pneumonia vaccine, and now of course all the COVID vaccs. Guess we are becoming 'pin cushion people' - but if it helps with health issues which can be deadly - I'm taking them all!
Feel better soon - hugs Mary

Anonymous said...

Oh I’m sorry to hear that Pat. Hope you feel better very soon xx

Debbie in London

Jennyff said...

Glad to hear you are coping, don’t you always. Take care and get well soon xx

Judy from Maine said...

I am sorry to hear you are having to deal with this, but I must say how much I admire your attitude. No matter what you face, you face it with grace and an up beat attitude. I am a mere 72 years old, but I am taking lessons from you, surely your positive thinking must have something to do with your longevity. I hope you feel better real soon.

Marcia LaRue said...

I had shingles at 42 and I will be 80 in August ... they were on my back and, for me, the pain was excruciating! My doctor at the time didn't even know what was going on with them! Another doctor said it was too far into it to put a quick stop on it ... I had to go through the entire phase of pain!
I used aloe gel with lidocaine on the rash and it did help!
The entire experience was hell!!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Marcia - my doctor saw it right at the onset of the disease and put me on tablets immediately - she said this would speed up the process - so far it seems to be doing so.

Damselfly said...

So glad to hear your doctor reacted quickly, prescribed the tablets, and you're responding well. Such very good news! 😊 I also believe your basic positive demeanor is helpful as well. May you heal quickly and completely.

Marcia LaRue said...

I sure hope so!

Penny said...

Oh no, I have had it twice but both times I went to the Dr early and had the anti what ever so it wasn't as bad. So glad your Dr got onto it early. Look after your self.

Jules said...

Oh no! Rest up and feel better soon. Xx

Jennifer said...

I've been thinking of you, Pat. I hope you're feeling better every day.

Gail, northern California said...

So very sorry to hear this, Weave. Please get better soon. I'm already missing your wonderful posts. Sending my love from California, USA.

Virginia said...

Thinking of you Pat - I hope you're feeling more comfortable.

Daisy Debs said...

You still feeling poorly Weaves ? Hope it eases up soon . We miss you 💐🦋🐝 x

Granny Sue said...

Oh no. Sending my hopes that you will not have too bad a time with this painful condition.

Barbara Anne said...

Hope you're feeling much better now and leave that misery behind you.

Big hugs!

Brenda said...

Hope you feel better. Shingles are horrible. Some people are lucky and don't get the really bad cases. I don't do well with vaccinations (Did do COVID OF COURSE)...however, I had Shingles...whew...thus got the vaccination...had to...I rec it for everyone...I had some side effects but nothing like Shingles. I have a great pain threshold and have lived in pain since my 20's...have had children...just keep going on...however, Shingles in the wrong places whew...take care...prayers

Anonymous said...

So glad you got to the Doctor quickly, my hubby didn’t and he really suffered. He had nerve pain for a very long time after the shingles were gone. I hope that you will continue to improve every day, we all miss you. GG

Sal said...

I had Shingles ten years ago and it was very painful so I do sympathise. I hope that you’re feeling a bit better now and the meds are helping you.

Country Cottage said...

Do take care, hope you are feeling better daily.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Feeling much better now - thank you for all your good wishes.

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