Tuesday 2 May 2023

The Sun?

 As I sit here typing I can 'sense' that the sun is trying to get through - bit by bit the pebbles on my top patio begin to get a bit lighter and the light reflects on my keybooard (I am sitting by a North-facing window).

We have had several days of cloud and mist and no sign at all of the sun - now and then a faint 'drizzle'  in the air.   I have had no incentive to venture out and consequently I have begun to stiffen up again.   Now this morning both the milk bill and the newspaper delivery bill have arrived so as soon as I have had my lunch I must cross the road and post the two cheques.  I think somebody once said necessity was the mother of invention - well that means that providing the sun gets out, as I have to get Priscilla out I shall persuade her that together we need to go a little further so I wonder where my feet and her wheels might go today.   Wherever it is it will not be far.   But, with luck it might bring forth a bit of conversation.

Yesterday friend W called for an hour in the afternoon - that brightened up what was a rather dull Bank Holiday.

My confidence as a ninety year old was boosted somewhat when we were talking of the slow disappearance of short term memory as one ages.  Several times a day I find myself doing something like switching off a light while thinking of something else (what sort of dog is that being taken for a walk?)   I sit down with the coffee I have just made for myself (Lazy Sunday), take my first sip and think, Did I switch off that light?   So I have to go and check.  (I hope my care in switching off lights shows up on my end of year electricity bill).

My friend told me how she ordered something and waited for its delivery.   When it hadn't come after a couple of weeks she rang the company and complained that the goods had not arrived.   They informed her that the parcel had been delivered on such and such a date and she said it certainly had not been delivered to her.   By return she received a photograph taken of her receiving the goods from the delivery chap.   She recognised herself in the photograph, went to the wardrobe and found she had unpacked the goods and put them away!  She had then forgotten about them completely.   So it was profuse apologies all round (luckily to a sympathetic ear).   It is called short term memory recall and happens when you reach our advanced age (unless you are lucky).    But it is nice to feel one is not alone in these things.

Now I shall go and have my delicious lunch - roast pork, Yorkshire pud, roast parsnip and roast potato, cauliflower in cheese sauce. broccoli and carrots and mashed potatoes (on Monday and Tuesday my carer always brings me a plated version of their Sunday lunch to heat in the microwave - yesterday plate one was delicious - now to attack plate two)!


gz said...

The sun is being a bit hit and miss here too, but at least the washing has almost dried on the line.

Just think...you are the same age as Willie Nelson!

Debby said...

It is the second of May, and the weather says it should start snowing here in about an hour. My face is very sad.

As to short term memory...well...I can tell you that I do somethings so automatically that my brain just doesn't register the action.

The package delivery makes me laugh. I received notification that we'd received a package. It wasn't there. I called. The customer service person told me that they had a picture of the delivery. It was set on the patio behind a metal patio chair against a the wall of a white house with a gray foundation. "Well...that's a bit of a problem," I said. "I have a yellow house and we don't HAVE a patio or patio furniture." There was a long pause. She said, "Well, is there a house that fits that description near you?" Unfortunately, that is a popular color scheme on my street. In the end, we did find that package: on another street!

Ellen D. said...

We have clouds here today but I am meeting up with my best friend for brunch so that will help brighten up the day. Hope you have no trouble getting out to post your checks and you get to see some friends along the way.

Derek Faulkner said...

I'm surprised that you still have to post cheques to pay for the milk and newspapers, can't those people knock on your door for payment, or pay by direct debit even.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Derek - my milk comes at 5 in the morning so don't want him knocking on my door. He only lives at the bottom of the road and I used to stick the cheque through th eletter box but am not up to walking that far. Newsagent - usually give it to the paper boy but missed him = but it gives me a reason to walk to the post box.

Anonymous said...

I have a push button combination lock on my front door and when I came home from shopping this morning I had to re punch as I had done it wrong the first time. I was thinking about putting the groceries away. My doctor told me stuff like that is normal at any age. You are doing well. GG

Derek Faulkner said...

Pat, if the milkman only lives at the bottom of the road surely he can collect the cheque during the day once a week, or monthly.

Barbara Anne said...

What a delicious meal you had for tea!

Hope you had a nice walk with Patricia and that dogs and friends were near the post box for you to visit with.

We're off to the library on this chilly and very windy day.


gz said...

Your comment came through ok Weave 🙂

Librarian said...

Your meal sounds mouthwatering even though I have only just finished eating my tea (lovingly prepared by O.K.).
Here, May has begun just like April ended, with a mix of sun and rain and rather windy.
Of the story of your friend forgetting about her delivery what I find most remarkable is that the delivery man took a picture of her accepting the parcel! I seriously would not want delivery people taking my picture - what for, as long as they have the recipient‘s signature?

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

From what I've seen of young people switching off lights the only difference between you and them is that you go back to check.

Heather said...

It is still quite cool down here, though yesterday was a little warmer. The gazebo has been put up in the communal garden here for tomorrow's Coronation tea party. I think we will all be thankful for it if things don't warm up a bit.
Memory loss: I had a similar experience with something I ordered a while back,phoned to enquire as to it's whereabouts, then found it tucked away in a drawer. Grovelling apologies! Your lovely carer certainly looks after you well. Those meals sound delicious.

Susan said...

Your carer is an outstanding cook and her meals sound superb. It is raining and cool in Massachusetts too. It is not conducive to being outside. I'm glad you will not attempt to walk outside while it is raining. You are wise not to take that risk. When it clears, you will be outside enjoying your patio and walking in your lovely village.

Joanne Noragon said...

If you remember your lunch, you short term memory is doing well.

Red said...

Short term memory is a challenge here. I have trouble remembering where I left things such as my hammer. I thought I had lost my binocular case. a few days later I opened a drawer and there it was.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thanks everyone. Message to you all at 5.30 in the morning - can't sleep.

Daisy Debs said...

Ooh ! Lunch sounds good ! mmmmm