Sunday 30 July 2023

Too 'busy'

My readers must look at the heading and think 'what on earth is she doing that makes her busy?'   Well yes dear friends, busy is perhaps the wrong word.   But I am finding the Test Match absolutely enthralling, I am finding 'The Elephant Whisperer' by Lawrence Anthony enthralling, pansies need dead-heading every day to keep my pots by the front door in full flower for the rest of the summer, exercises must be done three times a day (Physio comes again on Wednesday) and it is Sunday when friends S and T come for an hour or two.   All that plus getting my Sunday lunch (out of the fridge and into the microwave I hasten to add) and I am afraid a topic for today has not popped into my mind.

But 'A Life in the Day' - always the last page in the Sunday Times magazine - is today about Ai-Da Humanoid Robot Artist 4  and has words of wisdom which of course we all of us know - but rarely think about.   "The world is unknowable and everyone's journey is unique." - 

And I thought of just a few of the characters in today's paper:   Kevin Spacey,  Yevhenlia Kolesnichenko  (a Ukranian widow who has chosen to work as a front line medic after her medic husband was killed), Sinead O'Connor, and then I thought of you - and me - and all those we love.   All came into the world in the same way - and we shall all go out - not in the same way but our time here on earth is a set time, and  our lives and our attitudes - all shaped by the circumstances of our birth.   And I thought of the Zulu tribesmen who work on the Thula Thula Reserve in South Africa in the book I am reading.

Yes Ai Da reminds us all of something we already know - each one of us is unique.   The circumstances of our birth, the pattern of our lives - each one by choice or by circumstance makes of life what they will (often with no choice but to do what is necessary.)

Too big a subject to even begin to think of writing about,   But sometimes it is good to stop for a moment and think about it.



gz said...

Busy doesn't mean that you are whirling round like a tornado...but it does mean that you are nicely occupied through the day.

JayCee said...

I have often pondered on the uniqueness of we humans. Just take my siblings as an example. Born to the same parents, growing up alongside each other in the same house but evolving into three adults who could not be more different if we tried.

Tom Stephenson said...

Yes, too big for me.

Rachel Phillips said...

With so many opinions originating on social media these days I am wondering if uniqueness is dying out.

Debby said...

Recognizing that all journeys are unique is the first step to pondering whether one have the right to decide how someone should live theirs. People are very quick today to make the decisions that affect others, because they feel, in their own minds, that it is the RIGHT decision. It may well be. For them. I suppose this is on my mind because Houston has made the decision to close down 28 school libraries and turn the spaces into places to discipline students. I cannot imagine a school without a library, but yet here we are. I despair for our world.

Barbara Anne said...

Your posts are always interesting and a delight, Pat, and it's a joy to pop in to see what you have to say.

Something I read long ago: "Every person is unique - just like everybody else!"


rallentanda said...

Socrates said an unexamined life is not worth living.

Tasker Dunham said...

Environment and heredity simplifies it too far.

Yellow Shoes said...

Perhaps your curiosity and enthusiasm for so many different things makes you feel there aren’t enough hours in the day - a good definition of “busy-ness” maybe?

Librarian said...

A giant subject indeed, Pat, and one that I can hardly get my head round at my most focused times, let alone right now (Sunday night with a few glasses of Merlot inside).
Keeping busy without being stressed out is good for the mind and the body, so you are doing really well there.

Heather said...

It is good that you are busy with whatever needs to be attended to. Without something to busy us life would be very boring, and you always give us something to think about, so thank you.

Joanne Noragon said...

Being busy is the purpose of live, in my opinion I have no use for people who claim boredom, yet ignore potential for being occupied.

Cro Magnon said...

Yesterday I read Polly Morland's 'A Fortunate Woman'. It's a book about a rural doctor. If you enjoy such subjects, I can thoroughly recommend it. It's beautifully written; a pleasure to read.

angryparsnip said...

I seem to be busy to me, but I think that is because it takes me so much longer to get anything done.

woofs from the gud dugs !

thelma said...

I think there is a nagging going on in our mind to keep us being busy. It is what drives us forward - not wasting time.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh yes I do so agree with you all. I had three quarters of an hour discussion about the subject with my son on his nightly call last night - result is thinking about the subject kept me awake for a couple of hours!!

Anonymous said...

I always think it is fascinating how siblings have the same parents and upbringing yet are so vastly different. Is it why sometimes couples choose to have around 3 -5 children, to delight in that factor, each child being unique?
As many can attest though, it doesn't always turn out well!- Pam

Gigi said...

I am busy being uniquely me. Everyday I get up with an idea of what my job of the day will be. After I get it done, I think about what else will bring me pleasure that day. Will I read, watch tv, sort out a drawer, do a bit of cooking or cleaning or just sit outside and watch the bird feeder. I am happy that my dog is happy to tag along and “help” me. I feel blessed.