Well today has been a little kinder weather-wise. I needed to take a cheque down to L who buys my mid week fruit for me in town. I can see her house from my window so getting togged up in hat, scarf, coat and gloves (still not very warm) I set off. Put the letter paying a newspaper bill in the post box I carried on down the hill to L's house and put the cheque through the letter box.
Then I had to make a decision. Do I come back the way I have come or do I take the longer route and go round the block on my usual walk? Well, nothing ventured and all that. Priscilla and I carried on. But we hadn't gone far before I realised I had been foolhardy. By now I was midway round the walk and whichever way I went meant no difference. We carried on and struggled home. I stopped for a chat with E, who told me a lovely story about her little two year old grandson. She had him for the day last week and had promised to take him into town on the bus (only about a mile to the town centre). His first bus ride and the driver let him sit on the seat by the driver. He talked of nothing else all day - it was definitely the highlight of his day. I was able to sit on Priscilla's seat for our chat which gave me a bit of a rest. Then I struggled home.
After my shepherd's pie lunch (delicious) S and T called. S made us all a cup of tea and friends that was all I did for the rest of the day.
My mother always used a "grabber" for picking up items that landed on the floor. In fact, I believe she had two of them. She kept one by her comfy chair and one in the kitchen. You may already have one. She found them indispensable. I think the walking around in your house that you do is more than enough exercise. You're amazing!
I count every move I make as exercise including picking things up from the floor! I know if I sit too long in my recliner my legs don't want to let me stand up without effort. We can only take each day as it comes and do as much as we can.
Good luck with the hearing aid appointment.
I so enjoy that your posts bring back memories for me Pat. How wonderful for the little boy with his first bus ride. My grandmother on Dad's side was not as familiar as on Mum's. She took my brother and I on our first steam train ride to the city, and smacked my brother' hand for pointing , saying it was rude to do so, and held our hands so tightly in the city that it was all a bit strange, and more curious than memorable. Congratulations on tackling your walk.-Pam, Aust,
You are doing well, Pat. Your days sound busy and you always get to socialize and exercise a bit. Good for you!
You are doing tremendously well getting out for a walk weather permitting. Can your Physio recommend indoor exercise for bad weather days? Today's walk sounded hard. Despite the difficulty, you did it! Amazing. The little boy's first bus ride with his Nan was delightful.
Dearest Pat,
Well, you certainly seem to have had some bad weather.
Lucky that you managed to get out and walk a bit.
Be careful walking though!
Sorry to hear that Priscilla is getting stiff and delaying you on your walks :)
I would blame achy limbs on the weather at the moment, damp and cold is not exactly helping. But there were a lot of nice things happening through the day ;)
Ten days without a walk would have seen me going nuts, probably climbing the walls! But I understand that strong wind means walking is unsafe for you. Hopefully you are not all achy today after yesterday's exercise.
Lovely story about the 2-year-old on the bus!
It also works the other way too. My husband is trying to get his muscles back after wastage caused by the long dose of steroids he was on, and he has been doing some exercises - but overdoing them, and going backwards.
I have very achy hips from being on hand and knees on the floor, setting the wallpaper in and trimming it. I gave up whilst I was still ahead yesterday!
Loved the story about the little chap on the bus. He'll probably want to be a bus driver now!
P.S. Your trying to keep active in the house reminds me of the Bronte girls, walking round and round the dining room table in the winter . . .
Well you made it home! When I was a little boy I loved sitting on the top deck of a double decker and holding on to the front handrail as if I was steering the bus. I actually believed that I was and my mother would assure me of it.
Glad you were able to do the walk at last. I hope your weather is better now, I think you got some of the worst of the storms down there.
Thank you everyone for your comments.
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