Sunday 15 March 2020

Self Isolation.

I am certainly going out much less than usual.   I have plenty of reading material, I have my computer and I have Percy - surely walking round the block alone (apart from Percy) and just saying hello to folk I meet is as good as self isolation - I certainly hope so.   My store cupboard is fairly full and I can, presumably, keep having Tesco Home Delivery Service to my back door once a week.  So if they do bring in Self Isolation for those above a certain age then it will be possible.    And in the event of us actually getting some warm, sunny weather I can even sit out in the back garden (only sat out once last year - it was never warm enough).

We are all four going out to our usual lunch today - but for how much longer?   I shall be sure to wash my hands after climbing the stairs holding on to the metal handrail.   A far as we know there are no cases up here yet (in spite of the fact that I go to lunch on the edge of the largest army garrison in Western Europe) - although there are supposedly these hidden cases, so who knows?

Salmon on spinach with a Hollandaise sauce I think today with lovely veggies and roast potatoes and parsnips.  Eleven am now - off for a shower - may be back later in the day if there is anything to report. 

Yes, delicious lunch as usual and for me followed by cheese and biscuits with celery, grapes and apple slices.   Finally a cup of tea as the four of us sat in the bar.    Far fewer people there than usual today - the coronavirus is beginning to bite up here now I think.   I feel sad for the people who own the restaurant where we had lunch - lovely people hope they will be able to withstand the trials and tribulations of the next few months.


Tom Stephenson said...

Yes, I think you could walk about outside a bit if you self-isolate Weave. Just don't get too near anyone, as the advice says. It could be quite a relaxing time, but it will be a shame to postpone your lunches I know.

JayCee said...

You are lucky that you are able to get a regular Tesco Home Delivery slot. That will help. I went online here to try it but there are no slots available at all so we still have to go out to get food and essentials.

Rachel Phillips said...

Hallelujah. Tom is with you. Praise be to the Lord Weave .

Bovey Belle said...

It must be a relief you already have a regular Tesco home delivery - I've only used them once. I will just go and get any essentials early in the morning (7 ish - I wake early anyway). So glad I bought lots of bread flour recently, and yeast as I make my own bread, and I invested in a big 10Kg sack of Wessex Mill flour before Christmas.

What a shame your lunches out will have to be fewer but I am sure you and your friends will be in touch on the phone.

Virginia said...

I'm in New Zealand, and the epidemic is just starting to take off in this country. My doctor has said strict isolation for me, from the first sign of problems here. I have provisioned the house so I can cook for some time without needing my husband to do much shopping (fresh fruit and veggies excepted). It's going to be a loooong winter here. Today the sun is shining and it is warm and still quite summery. My lungs always object to the cooler autumn air so this is going to be one more challenge to get to grips with. I can go for walks - if it is warm enough! Otherwise "Isolation"

Keep well,

Gwil W said...

Our self isolation lockdown begins at midnight tonight. I'm not quite sure how it works but I'll watch the news and obey the instructions. The government policy is to 'starve' the virus. It's very contagious and is spreading out even as far as Iceland from its hotspot centre in the Austrian Tirol.

Heather said...

It must be such a worrying time for all businesses, but we must be sensible and follow the guidelines. I am hoping to get through the new week without self isolating as there are one or two small gatherings planned, but am prepared to isolate myself if it becomes necessary. There are places where I can walk without coming into contact with others and, like you, I have plenty of enjoyable things to do to keep me occupied. There is the laptop and telephone for contacting people, so we needn't feel cut off.

Brenda said...

Restaurants closed in USA in some states
Stay safe

Joanne Noragon said...

This will be a tough go.Taking a walk is good. Keep six foot distance, is our warning.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I feel so sorry for business people. The big corporations will weather through the pandemic alright, but the small businesses like your cafe are going to really struggle. Wage earners are also going to find it difficult. We are not living in easy times. Take care, Mxx

angryparsnip said...

I am self imposed home isolation. If I get sick that will not be good for me.
Lots of cafes are doing take out, I hope they can hold on.
Take care !

Cro Magnon said...

I shall visit my supermarket this morning for a few essentials, then probably not leave my tiny hamlet other than on saturdays for some market shopping. No panic here.

Librarian said...

I've not yet found out whether I am expected at the office tomorrow or not, or whether my appointment at the hairdresser's is coming about on Wednesday or not.
Today was scheduled as working from home anyway, as is the case most Mondays, so no different from usual. In a bit, I shall go for some groceries shopping; it will be interesting to see how many people are at the shop and what's left on the shelves! I was not home since Friday afternoon so there is no fresh food left in my kitchen; I want salad, fruit, peppers and some other things that usually make up my diet.
Going out for walks without getting too close to other people should be good for you. You wash your hands anyway, and except for Percy's handles, probably won't be touching anything on your walk.
The trains were still full here for my trip back home last night.

Christina said...

Salmon on spinach with hollandaise sauce, yum! Take care of yourself.

Sue said...

It sounds like you are being very sensible. Walks out in the fresh air (with Percy) will do you more good than harm as long as you stay a reasonable distance from people.

Cafes and restaurants are closing here at the rate of knots, we were going to go for a drink on Saturday night, to support one of our local businesses, but when we got there the gates were padlocked, so we picked up a Chinese takeaway instead … even they were deserted, and our order was ready in minutes.

Take care. xx

Mary said...

Sounds like you are being careful. In my state in the US, the schools, libraries, museums, places of worship and all entertainment places are closed. This morning the governor closed all restaurants and bars. Like JayCee, the soonest grocery delivery is available in my area is sometime next week. I went to the grocery store at 7 am--my usual time--and while they had extra people stocking, the meat counter, the milk case, the frozen veg case and the paper aisles were 95-100% empty. Lots of folks there, too, when usually I am one of only a few people there at that time. Some of my family is telecommuting, but others (including DH) still have to show up--though that may change soon. As I'm nearing my eighth decade, I am sticking close to home (have enough supplies for now). Not a hardship for me--especially after watching some individuals clearing whole shelves of goods this morning. Sigh.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I don't have any problem with being isolated - I have a phone and speak to my son several times a day (they are isolating because of his wife's ill health). I also have blogging and that means keeping in touch. Loads of books to read and Amazon to order more if necessary.
Thanks for calling. Keep well all of you.

Bea said...

Take good care, Weaver. -Bea