Thursday 20 October 2022

Thursday already.

 Thursday already -not sure where the days go but I assure you all that the days have sped by and I have just not had any spare time.

Tuesday P and D came over from Grange over Sands and together with mutual friend W, we all four went to Tennants, our local Auction  Dealers,for lunch and very nice it  was too.    I(didn't need any rocking off to sleep that night)!

Wednesday - well I am always tired the day after I have visitors.   That doesn't mean I don't enjoy having visitors but it does mean I have to watch it the day afterwards.  I always enjoy Wednesday evening television.   First of all Michael Portillo's train journeys - at present through Vietnam (how very civilised and peaceful it all looks after years of savage warfare) and then a quick switch-over to Channel 4 for the country's finest woodworker.   Isn't anyone else watching this - it is fascinating and such talented individuals? Then another switch over to Doc Martin.   We are nearing the end of a really enjoyable series over the years (I thought it was the last one last night but it is next week) - the last series of all.    I don't suppose the residents of Port Isaac, where it is filmed, will be sorry to say Goodbye to it.   By this time it was half past ten and I was ready for bed.

Because of my recent seizures I keep a bag packed - my "hospital bag" and when I go to bed I leave both pairs of specs in the same place so that my carer can put my specs in the bag at the last minute if necessary.   This is the last job I do before 'lights out'.   Crisis.   Half past ten at night and I can't find my reading specs!!!!   I usually carry them around with me and leave them on the desk in my bedroom,    They weren't there.

After searching for an hour I gave up and got ready for bed.   Then before I got into bed I thought I would look round one last time.   They were where I always put them but because the specs case is black and they were sitting on my black printer they just had not shown up.   By now it was midnight.

I usually get up at a quarter past six (my carer comes at  seven on the dot ).This morning I was awakened by a furious banging on the window - I had slept in.   It was seven and my carer  was getting wet we  were experiencing the worst thunderstorm she could ever remember.  The flashes of lightning were an electric blue the noise of the thunder was horrendous and the rain was literally 'sheeting down'.   An exciting start to today.   Still pouring when the taxi came to take me to the hairdresser; still raining heavily now at halfpast three. See you tomorrow.
























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JayCee said...

Oof! Sounds exhausting.

Sue in Suffolk said...

You'd better have an early night tonight!

Rain here but no thunderstorms

Debby said...

Glad to see your post. The visual that popped in my head...your poor carer standing in the storm, knocking to be let in!!!

Barbara Anne said...

It does sound like busy days and a rush this morning, too.
May I suggest you get lighter colors cases of your glasses? That would solve the blending with the background problem for not much cost - or get a light colored cloth to put them on or an unbreakable bowl to put them in.
It's a sunny, cool day here with a low of 3*C tonight. Brrrr!


Rachel Phillips said...

You are very dedicated to searching. If I mislay something I will have a look around for a few minutes, retracing steps. I will then leave it and know that I will find whatever it is without doubt very quickly. To search for something for 1 hour, no way, I would be a wreck, especially at that time of night.

RunNRose said...

I, like Debby, thought of your poor carer trying to get in out of the rain. On the other hand, there's the fact that you must have been sleeping really well, since you weren't aware of the storm. That is a good thing.

Rachel Phillips said...

I am surprised that your Carer lady doesn't have her own key.

Heather said...

I am quite tired myself after reading your post. Glad you found your reading specs. Perhaps you could tell me where I put my patchwork templates which I put in a safe place!

Anonymous said...

My husband's sister decided to take my husband a book that was precious to her when he was in hospital.
When home he 'put it in a very safe place', and we couldn't find it weeks, months, a year later.
She was so upset. I searched the house thoroughly all those times. Turns out he had put it on the top of a very tall bookcase. He did similar in his work environment with his brother's WW1 family memorabilia, borrowd for the students at school. I've come to dread the words 'lend' and 'borrow', the grief it causes, and have never been a fan. - Pam

Ellen D. said...

Glad you were too busy having fun to post. I was glad to hear that you were enjoying yourself with friends. It's annoying when you can't find something but it's good you found the glasses after all.

Joanne Noragon said...

Hope your carer didn't get too wet. Sorry that extra searching make you oversleep.

Derek Faulkner said...

I agree with Rachel, it's quite normal for carers to access a key in a little key safe on the wall by the front door. The carer has the code for the safe, lets herself in and wakes you up if you've overlayed.

Librarian said...

Same as Rachel and Derek, I would have thought your carer has her own key anyway.
It's a good idea to keep a hospital bag ready, just in case.
So nice to know you had such a pleasant outing to Tennant's with your friend - I know you enjoy these immensely, just like you enjoy visitors, but giving yourself enough rest afterwards is important.

Frances said...

I too am surprised that your carer doesn't have a key. How would anyone get in if you had a fall? From asking this question when my Mum had carers ( and she had a key safe so they let themselves in) if they couldn't get in for any reason the authorities would break the door down to get in to help!
As for searching for over an hour.....could you not have waited until the morning?

thelma said...

All sensible advice, I thought it was cute to have a coded key safe for the cottage. Glad you are enjoying yourself, but searching for glass case in the middle of the night - foolish.

Tom Stephenson said...

We are getting your rain this morning.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thanks for all your sensible suggestions. In answer I would say a) I do have a key safe and my carer and my son both have the access number. In fact the carer was on her way to the key safe when she saw my light and realised I was geting up.
b)thelma - I needed my glasses next morning - I can't see and my hair appointment was for nine. Barbara Ann -good idea to ge ight coloured cases - thanks for the suggestion.

Rachel Phillips said...

You know that your carer would have found them in a twink.

Granny Sue said...

Good morning! A bright sunny one here, again. We could use some of your rain. It is so dry. As to searching for things : we spent a good whole trying to find my husband's phone. After giving up, we found it underneath a book. These new cell phones are so thin it wZ hard to see. His wallet, now, seems to really and truly lost.

Your poor carer, what a start to her day. I am sure you made her comfortable when she got inside.

Librarian said...

Granny Sue, next time you are trying to locate a misplaced phone, simply call the number and then follow the ring (or buzz, if it is on vibrate) :-)
Hopefully the missing wallet has turned up since you wrote your comment. Such a nuisance to get all your cards etc. replaced.

angryparsnip said...

Good Morning... When I lose my phone I don't have a landline to be able to call it.
We are finally just about over our very hot summer and all of a sudden it is Fall !
A few extra rain storms but much needed.
Hope you are well, Hugs from iwinston and Agatha

Barbara Anne said...

I have missed you and hope all is well with you, your health, home, and family.

Hugs from afar!

RunNRose said...

I second what Barbara Anne said. I'm getting worried. Sure hope to hear something soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm chiming in too,
I hope you've been having a relaxing few days and all is well.
Miss hearing from you.
Best wishes,

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Hope all is well, you are missed

Granny Sue said...

Ike the others, hoping all is well? We miss you.

Brenda said...

Hope all is well

Anonymous said...

God bless. Thinking of you Regular reader Moyra

Beachcomber said...

Just to echo what others are saying that I am logging in every day hoping that you are ok.
Take great care of yourself. You are a wise voice, often in the midst of a chaotic world.

Sheila said...

Hoping all is well.

Anonymous said...

We are missing you dear Weaver xx
Wendy (Wales)

Judy from Maine said...

Hope you are ok, Weaver. I read you everyday and miss you. Xx

Brenda said...

Brenda in Florida…hope all is well there

Gerry Snape said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gerry Snape said...

Just a word to say that I miss you Pat...hope you are well...xxxx

Anonymous said...

Anxiously awaiting a post from you. And praying you are well. A devoted fan near San Francisco.

RITA LOEHR said...

Worrying in Austin Texas! Hope you are ok Pat. Really miss your posts!🙏🙏🙏

Rachel Phillips said...

My original thoughts on celebrating 90th birthdays is that first of all you have to get there. Hang on in there Weave.

Country Cottage said...

Missing your posts and wishing you all the best. Xx

Anonymous said...

Hope you’re okay Pat. I’m checking in every day too. xx

Debbie in London

Martina said...

Hope you are all right. Checking every day hoping to see a new post from you.

Anonymous said...

A wave to you from South Australia. Take care Pat, you are missed. xx

Linda from Alabama said...

My thoughts are the same as all, so hoping all is well.
Linda from Alabama

sparklingmerlot said...

Like all the others, I am concerned and miss you.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you. Rose in Delaware

Pam in Texas said...

Thinking about you and hoping all is well.
Love from Pam in Texas.x

Marcia LaRue said...

Colorado checking in, hoping Pat has let us all know she is OK or she has had another fall or seizure!
Surely someone will let us know if she is not doing well.

Melinda from Ontario said...

I'm looking forward to hearing from you, Pat. Miss you.

it's me said...

Checking each day and hoping you are ok.

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well!

Eliane from Brasil

gmv said...

Missing your posts and your reassuring and wise words. Hoping that all is well.


Anonymous said...

Worried about you. Jackie Georgia USA

Country Cottage said...

Thinking of you xx

Damselfly said...

Hoping you're well.
As many others have said... missing you!

Brenda said...

It has been a week…it looks like many of your readers are concerned…here is hoping you are celebrating your birthday and too busy to post…prayers prayers…you have so many who care about you.

vic said...

I'm hoping to hear from you soon. I miss your posts.

LouC said...

Sending prayers and love 💗

John Going Gently said...

Yes like many others I'm concerned
I hope to hear news soon

Erika said...

Missing your posts, praying all is well!
Erika in Florida

Bobbie said...

Hoping you are doing ok. Thinking of you.
Bobbie in Michigan

Susan said...

My thoughts are with you and yours.

Janice said...

We're all thinking about you and hoping to hear from you soon Pat.

gz said...

Hope you are ok..thinking of you..missing your writing xx

Pollyanna_H said...

Also checking frequently from afar (New Zealand) and thinking of you x

Debby said...

You are the first blog I check every morning. My best thoughts to you.

Sue E said...

Hope all is well with you Pat, we’re all missing you , and thinking about you . Xxx

Jayview said...

Thinking of you and hoping you’re on a delightful birthday trip-and NOT to hospital this time.
Sending very best wishes from a very soggy Melbourne, Australia. Jean

jinxxxygirl said...

How could i have missed that i haven't heard from you in a week!!! Oh dear Pat i hope all is well ... Hugs! debs

Anonymous said...

Wishing you well.

Frances SW

Anonymous said...

I check your blog every day looking for a new post. Hope you are well and just busy elsewhere. I miss you. Pat in the US

Justme said...

Sending best wishes to you Pat.

jeangenie said...

Missing you love and light xx

Donna Schoonover said...

I also miss you and hope you are OK.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your next post ! Best wishes and thoughts from Brittany, France.

libby said...

Hoping all is well x

Anonymous said...

Just checking. Rose in Delaware

Terra said...

I know what you mean about needing a day of rest after visitors. I enjoy one or two quiet days at home each week when possible. Your go bag for a crisis in case you need to go for medical care is a good idea. Be well dear lady, I love visiting with you via your blog.

Rebecca smith said...

Missing your posts. Hope that everything is ok.

Warmest wishes from Rebecca in Australia

Anonymous said...

Dear Weaver. If you can, please let us know how you are. Love Andie xxx

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Weaver

bornfreev said...

I am so worried about Weaver. Does anyone know anyone within her local circle that might help get information? Weaver, I hope you are well and will be blogging soon! Hugs from Victoria, CT U.S.A.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Thinking of you, hoping your non blogging is just a temporary glitch. Take care, you are missed.

Anonymous said...

Miss hearing from you and hope all is well. Wishing you peace and comfort. Susan

Debby said...

Today is your birthday, Pat, and I am thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Pat!

Oklahoma Girl said...

Happy Birthday Pat. I don't post much but I read your blog every day. I have missed you and am sending many prayers your way. Hope all is well with you and you will be back soon. You are missed and very loved.

angryparsnip said...

Hope you are well... your card is still sitting on my desk. will mail it tomorrow sorry so very late.

Happy Birthday !From Tucson friends.

Marlene said...

Thinking of you on your Birthday today, your blog is the first one i read every day
Happy 90th Birthday x

Anonymous said...

Dear Pat, I also rarely comment, but we are all missing you so much.
Wishing you a very happy 90th birthday today. Wherever you are, and whatever the reason for your absence, I hope you have a great day, and we will hear from you soon.
Much love.
Julie B

Anonymous said...

Happy 90 th Birthday Pat , I hope that you are well, thinking of you , sending love and best wishes xxx

Simone said...

Thinking of you on your Birthday. x

Brenda said...

Happy birthday

Rachel Phillips said...

Happy Birthday and enjoy your pop in open house today wherever you may be, a few extra visitors I suspect with the pop in day postponed for now. See you later alligator as we say. xxx

Anonymous said...

Happy 90th birthday dear Weaver xx
Wendy (Wales)

RITA LOEHR said...

Happy birthday Pat. Hope you are well and enjoying cake, wherever you may be.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I miss your blogging. And like the others I am hoping and praying that you are well and celebrating with friends and family.

Ruth said...

Happy 90th Birthday, Pat. I am thinking of you and sending love and best wishes.

Ellen D. said...

Happy 90th Birthday, Pat! Hoping all is well and wishing you the best!

Damselfly said...

Happy 90th Birthday!!!
We're all thinking of you and missing you terribly.

Rae said...

Happy Birthday, Pat. Thinking of you and hoping you are well. Ranee (MN) USA

Traveller said...

Happy Birthday

lexie said...

Happy Birthday !

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you! Rose in Delaware.

Donna Schoonover said...

Happy birthday Pat!!!I hope you are recovering from whatever is keeping you from your wonderful blog and can appreciate this momentous day.

1st Man said...

We are all missing you. Hope you are ok. Happy Birthday sweet lady!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Weaver, from the Pacific North West, in the US. Hoping you are comfortable.

Newer reader Olivia.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Pat.

Irene, Arizona, USA

Jennyff said...

Happy 90th birthday dear Pat, hoping you are well and celebrating.

Beachcomber said...

Happy Birthday Pat.
We are unsure how you are at present but hope you'll be able to feel the strength
of good will coming your way.
Take care.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Sue (ad Ken) from the Isle of Man xx

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday, Pat.
Thinking of you - and missing you.
Amanda in Florida

elliek said...

Wishing you a happy Birthday. Hope all is well, and we hear from you soon.

Carol Caldwell said...

Happy Birthday Pat. Like everyone else I hope that you are okay and that we hear from you soon. You are very much missed.

Melinda from Ontario said...

Happy birthday, Pat. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

What a milestone! The big Nine-O! Happy Birthday Weaver of Grass!

Jennifer Barlow said...

Happy Birthday dear Pat. We're all here waiting on you.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Pat! Hope you will be back with us soon. Pat in Pennsylvania.

Sus said...

I've been thinking of you since your last post and anxiously awaiting a new one. I knew your 90th birthday was just around the corner and so hoped you'd make it there! It seems you may be unwell or finally off to be with your farmer(s)...
Thinking of you today and hoping you had a happy, happy birthday, knowing that either option can be a blessing, eventually. You have brought me many a peaceful, happy moment, dear Weaver of Grass. I hope you are in a good place.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you are ok.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Wishing son or carer could update this blog........

Happy Birthday...

Wishing you well...

Gentle hugs

Anonymous said...

Like so many others wishing you well and missing your voice here in blogland x jane

jinxxxygirl said...

Happy Birthday Pat! Missing you! Hugs! debs

Anonymous said...

Happy 90th Birthday, Weaver. Wherever you are, whoever you're with, whatever you can see of us, I hope you are having a great time.

I'm a longtime silent reader, I have nothing much to say or share, but I have enjoyed your blog for many years. You are missed. You are a lovely lady and I wish I had a real life friend like you.

Happy Birthday!
Love from Anon

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday dear Pat.

Felicitations from another random person from the internet who so enjoys your blog, and is missing you!

Hope you are well and able to post again soon.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday dear Weaver! Hope you are well. I am missing your posts❤️❤️Jennie in Australia.

Rambler said...

Wishing you well and hoping you are able to read the lovely comments from your many readers. Like everyone else I hope you will soon be able to return and let us know how you are, dear lady.

Sue said...

Happy Birthday Pat, I do hope you are okay. xx

John Going Gently said...

A note to any friend or relative of pat who may know and has permission to pass her friends here any information about her silence recently . .Any news would be gratefully recieved

Brenda said...

John thanks…I agree…

Emmbee said...

Dear Pat, I do hope you are well. Happy 90th Birthday. Cheers from 🇦🇺

Brenda said...

Would someone on this website email me if they discover what has happened? I do not want to turn to blog and read it.
I also do not want to keep adding to the long emails…but let us face it, we are attached to the lady who writes this blog…

Anonymous said...

Thank you John. I hope that is the case,
Family members may be very protective and want to remaine private if they aren't personally acquainted with
some of the bloggers.

With best wishes to you,

Paule Caillou said...

je pense a vous madame amities paule caillou

Barbara Anne said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you, Pat! Miss you mightily.

Hope someone who loves Pat will give us news.

Group hug!

dixie heath said...

Missing you Pat and hope all is well. Belated Happy Birthday from West Virginia USA

Brenda said...

Dixie I was born and raised WV…lived Ohio…South. CArolina…back to WV…Indiana…now Florida..WVStrong

Debby said...

Elsie, I don't think that a one of us want any personal information. She is a beloved member of a community, and a simple 'she has fallen and is in the hospital' is all that is being asked. No one wishes to pry.

Anonymous said...

Well said Debby! Jackie in Georgia USA

Barbara Rogers said...


Debby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Going Gently said...

Allwe want to know is wearer's present status ....given her interaction with us all.that request is perfectly reasonable xxx

Marjorie said...

I sent her an email a few days ago and have had no response. I have her private email. Hugs to all.

Brenda said...

John right on friend…

Christina said...

It’s puzzling after all this time to not hear anything. Anyone live fairly close to her village, could call the post office? Is that intrusive? Reading Weaver’s blog for several years it’s difficult to accept the fact that we will not hear from her again.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry some of you may have misunderstood or misinterpreted my comment,
I was simply saying if something serious has happened the family may not wish to comment at this time for all kinds of reasons
And I imagine probably the furtherest thing from their minds at the moment. Is that so hard to understand? Debbie,I never implied anyone wanted personal information or
Is trying to pry. You certainly jump to conclusions. A little patients will go a long way. No one knows what the family might be going through..

Marlene said...

Yes we all need to show some patience, Elsies comment above shows how worried we all are but lets just keep it to wishing Pat well whatever the circumstances x

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to add I'm just as anxious as everyone else to hear something of Weavers status,
But as you see no friend or family member has commented yet..
I wish everyone the best,

Derek Faulkner said...

This all seems to be getting out of hand, 148 comments, most all saying the same thing, surely it must be obvious by now that an answer is not yet forthcoming and we should all sit back and wait for an answer to our concerns, rather than keep repeating the same thing.

Ursula said...

Agree, Derek. As much as bloggers may be baked to each other's hearts, in the scheme of things I dare say Weaver's blogging community is pretty low on the list of her son's concerns re his mother. Obviously, all the above commentators mean well, but there is a time and a place for everything. Pleas not answered speak for themselves. One or two readers, no names mentioned, almost demanding an explanation is pretty invasive. Yes, of course it's out of concern for a wonderful woman but isn't it also about satisfying our curiosity?


Anonymous said...

No, there's a difference between curiosity and pure concern. Derek is right, time to sit back and wait, obvious as it is that there are so many who care very much. - Pam.

Brenda said...

I am not curious…I am invested and concerned…if this were one of my friends here, I would text and call…and pray…

Anonymous said...

Absolutely right Derek and Ursula.

Anonymous said...

I find it fascinating that Ursula is getting in on the commenting
There is an old English saying which goes
“ There’s no show without Punch”


vic said...

Well there is the thought that if "the worst" has happened there would be a lot of details to be attended to before any thought might be given about posting something on Pat's blog.

I'm just hoping that "the worst" hasn't happened as I'm sure all of you are.

Ursula said...

"Louise", there is nothing fascinating about my commenting here. I do so occasionally as Weaver and her spirit touch my heart. Not least as she and my mother are only four months apart in age.

I don't know who you are; whatever your beef with me is, take your animosity and punch onto another playground. Weaver doesn't entertain conflict. Do you really think this is the time and place to get up close and personal?


Anonymous said...

Bla bla bla

Derek Faulkner said...

Surely we're not going to have people slagging each other off now on Pat's blog - can't people give it a rest until they know an outcome.

Granny Sue said...

Agree, Derek. We just have to wait for news. And worry, of course. I do miss her.

Granny Sue said...

Another West Virginian! I thought i was the only one who followed Weaver.

Anonymous said...

This is quite uncanny - this time two years ago, Pat was in hospital on her birthday, and stopped posting. Many well wishers commented, but comments were suddenly turned off and disappeared.
So I do agree we should all be respectful here, as we don’t know who else has access, and could be reading this.
Julie B

Jen said...

Love and miss you Weaver. To hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy 90th birthday Pat. I enjoy your posts so much and you are an inspiration. I hope you are OK and back to posting soon

GillyK said...

I understand Weaver has had a brief hospital stay but is home now. I'm sure she will be back blogging soon.

Rachel Phillips said...

Thanks Gilly. News much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Hey ho

vic said...

Oh, so good to hear that!

Oklahoma Girl said...

Thank you Gilly for the update. Looking forward to Pat's posts again when she feels like it. Hang in there Pat and let your body rest.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update and best wishes to dear Weaver.

Debby said...

Oh, what wonderful news! Thank you Gilly for sharing it with us.

RunNRose said...

I SO MUCH HOPE this is true. I have been so downhearted. Pat is one dearly loved lady. Will be wonderful to hear from her.
Thank you, Gilly.

Rachel Phillips said...

There is no reason to disbelieve this RunNRose, Gilly is related to Pat.

Shelly W said...

Cheering news, my thoughts have and are with you and your family xx

John Going Gently said...

Finally good news
I’m sure she’ll. be rather touched by the amount of interest and best wishes shown here

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thank you all so much - I am deeply touched by your carefor me. ||I am not up to blogging but am just saying thank you. Then I can start again when I feel up to it. For anyone who knows about such things - I had a Grand Mal Epileptic Fit and have been in hospital a fortnight. Iam stil deeply confused but I have doubled my care and she is wonderful as are my friends and my son. My drugs aew being changed. Hopefully see you soon.

The Weaver of Grass said...

We purposely did not advrtise the fact I was ill or in hospital - best not to let all and sundry know the house was unoccupied

Traveller said...

Welcome back

Brenda said...

Prayers answered

Lee Lee said...

Bless you my lovely you gave been so very much missed. Rest up and we will catch up with you soon. Love and best wishes Lee x

Tom Stephenson said...

Welcome home, Weave. XXX

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to be back in your own home. Thank you for letting us know.


Yellow Shoes said...

Very good news.
Take care of yourself. xxx

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to hear from you. We both wish you a speedy recovery. Lots of rest and good care will see you back talking to us soon. Many hugs to you xx
Wendy (Wales)

Northriding said...

So relieved to see your comment. I have a friend with Epilepsy so am aware of the effects Hope you feel much better soon xxx

Beachcomber said...

So glad that you are home and that your son, family and carer are there for you.
We have been looking every day but agree that it's not wise to advertise your absence.
Ken said that your comment was very articulate for someone who feels deeply confused.
I'm sure that back in your own home the temporary fog will lift with lots of rest and peace.
We look forward to hearing your blogging voice again but only when you are ready.

wherethejourneytakesme2 said...

Relieved to hear you are OK and on the mend. Take good care of yourself and plenty of rest. x

RITA LOEHR said...

So happy you are home and praying the new medicine does the trick. Seeing all the love for you, from all over the world, must be a good tonic also! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back dear Pat. Jackie in Georgia USA

LouC said...

Pat, you are so dearly loved in so many corners of the world - here included and I’m sending my prayers and hugs. I’m grateful that you are on the mend ❤️‍🩹. Just knowing has put a smile on my heart. Do take care and know that we are here for you.

the veg artist said...

Take care. You are much loved.

Col said...

Sit, back, rest, relax, and let everyone look after you! X

Ellen D. said...


gz said...

Welcome home Weave xx

Anonymous said...

Fabulous news!
Hope you feel better soon, dear Pat.
Julie B

Anonymous said...

That's excellent news that you are back home recuperating. Take care.
Alison in Wales x

Anonymous said...

Echoing the comments above so lovely to hear from you ,wishing you well and so glad you have good care xJane

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Happy to see you are back home Pat. Healing wishes sent your way.

Jules said...

It is good to know you're being looked after so well. Sending lots of love. Xx

Susan said...

It has to be great to be in the comfort of your own home. You'll recover nicely at home with loving help from your son, good friends and carers. We, in blog land, as you know are right here for you. When your are well, you will read all our comments showing just how strident/determined/some might say impossible we are. Sending love and good wishes for a smooth recovery. Susan in Massachusetts

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, dear Weaver!!!
Healing thoughts, prayers & vibes from around the globe.

Sue E said...

Oh I’m so relieved that you’re home Pat ,you’ve had a bit of a shock, but I’m sure you’ll feel better in your own home and bed. Rest and recover , in your own time. You are much loved, and we’ve all missed you so much, above all, you’re a strong and determined lady, day by day , gather your strength and enjoy the little things . Lots of love Sue xx

RunNRose said...

Wonderful news to know that you are home, Pat. All of us are celebrating having you back. Do take care, and ,
the proof that you are well loved is right here! Hugs from Texas.

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