Sunday 22 October 2017

Nearly there.

Today has been a day of doing a bit then sitting down and having a rest and then starting again.   For some reason I am very tired although I slept well - I suspect it is tension building because Tess and I are to leave our home - the home I have lived in with the farmer for the last twenty four years.

There are very few things left for me to do now but because the family are having one or two very large pieces of kitchen furniture and are collecting them on Tuesday, I have to empty the cupboards and find somewhere to put the 'stuff' until the removal men come.

Only four more nights to go before I leave now.   Tess is definitely beginning to sense that something is happening and as a result she is  
restless most of the time.   Outside it is very cold and windy but I think a short walk may calm us both down.


Joanne Noragon said...

Four nights and then a new kind of feeling!

mrsnesbitt said...

I can't wait to visit your new place Pat - it's a bit nearer! Can you email me your new address please.

Gwil W said...

Nothing to worry about. If you and Tess forget anything you can always come back for it.

Heather said...

Hope your walk did the trick. The last few days are a bit strange. Will you let me know your new address please Pat. I think you probably still have my email address.

Mary said...

Pat dear, right now I wish I could hug you and tell you everything will be alright. It must be very hard leaving a place with so many lovely memories (I many be doing it myself some day not too far off), however this new start in a place easier for you to manage, and safer to get around to places you frequent, will soon be comfortable for you and Tess. . . . . . . . and we all look forward to your new stories as the winter sets in knowing you are managing well and are happy.

Take it easy during the move, things will be fine.
Hugs - Mary

Athene said...

I don't often post on here but I have been reading your blog for some time now with great interest and sympathy. It's hard after 24 years, but this is a new chapter for you - the memories will always be with you, wherever you are. While no doubt some things in your new home will take a bit of adjusting to, I hope that you find many advantages to living a little closer to town, and somewhere that is less demanding. I'm so glad that Tess will be with you, and once you feel calmer she will be more settled. Best wishes

Bovey Belle said...

I can't really add to the sensible comments already made. It will be a wrench leaving your lovely home, but after a very little while, you will have settled in to your new home and realize it is very comfortable and suitable for the next chapter in your life. You will make new friends and be out to lunch even more than ever!

Let everyone do the hard work and just take a deep breath and make sure the kettle and a mug is in your handbag!!

Sue said...

When we moved out of our family home after fifteen years I went back to the house for a final clean before handing the keys over. Suddenly it felt like just an empty shell, the rooms were empty and it no longer felt like home. You will have happy memories of your old house but can look forward to creating a new home for you and Tess.

Polly said...

It’s a while since I visited your blog, I’ve had a sort of bloggers block. I did know about the loss of your husband but not about you moving. You have been so strong and focussed you are allowed a little bit of down time. After 24 years there will be some anxiety as you create a new life. You have a great network of friends and you have Tess to focus on.

Sherrill in PDX said...

Best wishes to you, please take care of yourself and rest as much as possible. I recently moved from a home I had lived in for 17 years and it was a difficult two weeks, starting the week before and lasting the week afterward, even though the move was completed in a manner of hours. It takes time for all your possessions to find a new home and it is quite awkward for some time; I'm still rearranging. There is much you take that you won't need and some that you will have disposed of that would have been handy, but that is just the way it works.
Portland, OR, USA

Gwil W said...

Keep calm and carry on. Have you got one of those coffee mugs? You should have you know.

The farmer will be watching over you. That much I do know. All will unfold as it should.

Rachel Phillips said...

Half term and help to hand.

justjill said...

A hot bed of emotions Weave. But exciting? We are all with you.

John Going Gently said...

Another chapter in your interesting life old friend x

Beverley said...

Good Luck Weaver, I hope your new home is comfortable for you and the pooch.

Mac n' Janet said...

Moving is always stressful. The desire to get on with it while wanting to hold on to what you have and love. You'll feel better once you're settled.

Hildred said...

Hang in there, Pat - it will soon be over and you will be settled and comfy.

thelma said...

It is all going to be a bit stressful so keep calm, we are all on your side, wishing you a happy time in your new abode. The memories will always keep flooding back, but accept them for what they are, a long happy fulfilled life. X

Alphie Soup said...

I'm sure Tess knows something is afoot, as your daily schedule in this final week will most likely be quite different as the countdown to moving day ticks by.

I hope the move goes as smoothly as possible and it will not take too much time before you begin to feel at home in your new house.


Librarian said...

After your moving date was so uncertain and seemed so far away for a long time, now all of a sudden it is almost there! My last move was 14 years ago, and it was only within the same town. Also, I was a lot younger and my husband moved with me. Still, I remember it was quite a big step and I can only begin to imagine what it must be like for you!
Good to know some of your things (such as kitchen cupboards) will still be used. It makes me sad when I see so many things discarded with a move (out of necessity) and nobody wanting them even though they are still good.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

It seems Weaver, we are all along with you during this move. With all the things packed away, I wonder is your house feeling different now, less like your home. That is the way I get to feeling any time I've moved so the end is not as bad as anticipated. And new surroundings are exciting...a shot in the arm as the expression goes. So try to stay calm, rested and give Tess a pat on the head for me.

Elizabeth said...

Sending much love.
This must be rather unsettling - but I'm sure you will, as ever, make the very best
of your new digs.
Really look forward to hearing about it - and, if you get the chance, recruit someone to take some
photos when you are settled.

Linda Metcalf said...

It will surely be a bit sad to go but you will have Tess and a big weight off your shoulders.

Derek Faulkner said...

I think that Jocelyn got it about right, this time next week your only concern will be where to put things.

Frances said...

Weaver, even though I seem to have drifted away from blogging, that does not mean that I have lost any interest in lovely folks like yourself. I am so glad to have popped over here this morning, and have been able to learn that you really, truly are about to make that move into town.

I send you all my best wishes...all your preparations sound so wise and organized. It's going to be fun for you and Tess to have different adventures very soon.

Promise to be back here soon to see what is going on. Thank you again for all the posts you've written from your current location. You have painted such wonderful pictures. xo

EM Griffith said...

We moved house earlier this year to a different town, as well, after 15 yrs. in one place. It was the longest I'd lived anywhere. The process is unsettling. Afterwards, there's a new "normal". From a practical perspective, you're well prepared. Many thoughts & good wishes sent your way... things will settle down soon. As others have said, it's been a privilege to share your journey and I look forward to reading about your new adventures in your new home.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

The last bit is always tiring, but soon you can have a nice rest in fresh new surroundings, and you will soon be busy with putting things in their new places. Hope your last four days go smoothly.

UplayOnline said...
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UplayOnline said...

I can only begin to imagine what it must be like for you!


Unknown said...

Hope the move went well and you begin to settle in your new home. Best wishes and lots of happiness to you and your dog. :)