Sunday 15 October 2017


Sundays have now become synonymous with eating out at the same restaurant where we are now seen as regulars,   The same goes for various other people so that we meet a lot of old friends there now which is rather nice.

The outlook from the bar across the golf course means looking at literally hundreds of deciduous trees and today they were at their autumnal best - all shades of oranges greens and yellows  literally glowing in the sunlight.   There is so much that is beautiful about Autumn isn't there?   I suppose this is true of every season although I find I have to search hard to find anything beautiful about Winter unless it is a Christmas card scene seen through the sitting room window and a blazing fire in the grate.

There is something to be said for living in a place where the climate is never too extreme.   On the whole we don't have forest fires, gales so severe that they bring down thousands of trees, heat waves , tornados, hurricanes, floods - well if we do then they become headline news because they are so unusual.   Looking at the TV coverage of the awful fires in California and the beautiful houses of the rich which have been burnt to the ground does make one realise that how lucky we are.   And the whole town of quite ordinary folk - all gone, consumed by the flames.

The hurricanes in the Caribbean area and all the homes destroyed.   I could go on -  I just feel lucky
that I live in good old boring UK.   But if they mention Brexit one more time I shall do something I may well live to regret.   (Haven't thought what yet - probably utter some of those words I never thought I would say!)


angryparsnip said...

It is grand to be a regular.
Yes you do live in a beautiful place you are lucky.
My home was burned in a wildfire and when we drove away it was raining fire on us.

cheers, parsnip

justjill said...

Hope you had a good meal. I so envy you with your meet ups. All mine seem to be about volunteering and I am getting too old for this and wondering where the replacements are coming from! You mentioned fearing the winters as we have in the NE of Scotland. They are very similar to what you experience - I am from Yorkshire. Where we live, near the sea, we dont get swathes of snow unlike the Cairngorms. Their bread and butter depends on it snowing!

donna baker said...

Pat, you paint a beautiful picture of winter, my least favorite season of the year. I thought 'The Exit' was a done deal. I'll have to look at a British news site to find out what is going on. Hopefully, it is not as bad as our daily, excruciating fight in Washington.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

I love autumn and all of its colours. It was a very windy day today and we've lost many of our beautiful leaves. Probably our extreme weather is in the form of snow storms. -Jenn

Joanne Noragon said...

Today is becoming a nasty tomorrow here, weatherwise. Hope yours is not to exciting.

Devon said...

Your Autumn sounds wonderful. Here in Northern California we often joke that we have 3 seasons, Winter, Spring, and Fire. The smoke is so thick this week that I brought home some face masks from the clinic I work at just to walk my dog. I have a German Shepherd who would rather breathe smoke than miss his daily long walk!
I shouldn't complain, I have friends and family all evacuated but lucky to be alive today. It is the price we pay for living in a beautiful place I suppose. I could do with some of your rain though!

Cro Magnon said...

May and Davis (that wonderful double-act) are off to lunch in Brussels today. The papers will be full of it tomorrow!

Librarian said...

Every time I hear about such extreme climate conditions and catastrophes resulting from them, like you I am so glad to live where I do live - with a hail storm being about the most head-line making weather phaenomenon to expect. I love the seasons and observing the changes, but right now I would say that autumn is my favourite. In spring I will probably feel the same about spring!

Derek Faulkner said...

The Autumn would be OK if it didn't mean that winter was just around the corner,or it used to be, it's more an extended autumn these days. Brexit would probably plod along fine if we didn't have politicians involved who have a natural default to being opposed to to most things another party propose.

Jules said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your meal with your friends.
We are so fortunate to live where we do. We can enjoy the changing seasons without (for the most part) extremes in the climate. Autumn has been in it's full glory here today even without the sunshine. X

The Weaver of Grass said...

Hope I have not tempted fate. The weather forecast here for the next couple of days is pretty dreadful.

Heather said...

There is a very strange light this morning - a bit like being under water - and a short while ago I glimpsed the sun behind thin cloud. It appeared as a red disc and looked a bit sinister before being swallowed up completely by thicker cloud. At 11am it seems to be getting darker! The wind is increasing and I am very glad I don't have to go anywhere today. I am so pleased that we don't get those terrifying extremes of weather which cause so much damage and heartbreak.