Monday 11 March 2024

Mountains out of molehills grow!!

 Yes I am afraid that tends to be the side effect of time on one's hands.   Here is the tale - laughable in the end and ridiculous.

Yesterday, Sunday, Mothering Sunday, a day when my usual Sunday visitors were otherwise engaged, dawned cold,dull and promising to never get 'properly' light.   My carer came and went, hot choc poured and two biscuits, false flames on my electric fire for comfort, table lamps on to make it look a bit warmer, central heating up a notch, I settled down with the Sunday papers ( three quarters of which always get put in recycling unread!)

My son was due to come round to move my Sim card into my new phone and to sit and chat for a while.  We had a lovely chat.   Changing the Sim failed - we need some sort of adaptor which he duly ordered and is coming today (good old Amazon Prime) - yes I know some of you will disapprove of using Amazon but believe me - when you are slowly dying off, are immobile more or less, never feeling quite 100% - it is wonderful to need/want something, press a button and know that that something will arrive within 24 hours.

All was lovely and peaceful - we had a lovely morning.   It was as I closed the door after his departure that I noticed it.   Slap bang outside my front door, on the edge of the lawn, there was a large dog 'turd'!!

I can't bend down to remove it.   It had to stay until either another visitor arrived or my evening carer came.

How had it got there?                                           

Had a stray dog wandered up my lawn?   I never see a dog wandering unattended.   Most of the dogs I see are expensive pedigree dogs (almost a compulsory attachment on my estate) so I doubt it.

Had one of the dog walkers taken umbrage at the way I sit up straight in my chair when a dog walks past, so that I can see it properly.   Ageing eyesight means I get a clearer view.  And I take such pleasure in seeing the dog, guessing its breed (not always easy as there is such variation).  Did the walker perhaps mistakenly think I was making sure any pooh on my patch was picked up and bagged?  Had he thought ' I'll show the nosey old baggage that it is nothing to do with her'?

And so dear reader I spent most of the afternoon (between TV Crufts) pondering and making the whole episode into a mountain of anxiety.   Was he going to keep doing it?   How did he get up to my front door unseen?

By the time J, my evening carer, came I had got quite 'hot under the collar' about the whole episode.  How long would the aggravation go on for?   How could I let he or she know that I meant them no harm but just loved looking at their dogs?

J looked at the offending turd in the gathering dusk and came up with the comment, "That's not a dog turd - its more like cat pooh!"

Had one of W's Bengal cats been around?  W is often my evening carer and they often follow her here - she only lives about six doors away.  On well that's a relief then - just a one off - can stop worrying.

As J went after helping me into my dressing gown she was armed with a pooh bag to pick up the offending object on her way out.   I was much relieved  and reassured that it was not after all the start of a 'hate campaign' against a nosy old bag who should find something better to do than be sitting there on permanent 'pooh watch'.   As I sat back in my chair much happier the sitting room door opened and J held up the offending 'turd'.

It was a brown curly leaf.




anonymous said...

Oh my, what a surprising end to your well told story!
Truly I am sorry about your having been distressed prior to knowing it's just a leaf.Enjoy the rest of the day,-Mary

Sue in Suffolk said...

Oh Pat, that did make me smile at the end, after your hours of worry.

I stand at my kitchen window and see dogs going by and lifting a leg on the plants in the front border and think- that's another dead plant!
None of the owners ever look to see me watching !

Sue said...

Amazon Prime does have it's place for emergency items needed, especially when you either can't get out or live miles from any place that 'might' sell what you need. Never let anyone make you feel bad for using it as often as you have to.

As for the curly leaf debacle ... I've fell for that SO many times and almost berated poor Suky the Pug before realising that it was yet another curly brown leaf blown in when the front door was opened.

Anonymous said...

Another "keeper" here Pat. Great story!

Fiona said...

That did make me smile. Such a shame the day was spent worrying about it, but perfectly understandable. I hope today is an easier day.

gz said...

Good to give us a chuckle!
Thanks Weave xx

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for giving me a good example of how I often fret over something that ends up to be not what I imagined at all. It is at least a sign of healthy imaginations between us, I think. Yes Amazon Prime does have benefits, and I have to weigh them against the actual cost. Stay attentive, it's a gift! Then imagine what you will!

Sue said...

Mwah ha ha x

Ellen D. said...

That's an easy thing to do - get excited over nothing. As the song says, "Let it go, let it go!" Your carers certainly take good care of you, Pat.

Debby said...

That started my day with a hearty laugh!

the veg artist said...

We often see similar 'leavings' in our garden. Binoculars are very useful!

Anonymous said...

That is a great story! It made me laugh.
Take Care,

Tasker Dunham said...

Oh heck! Have we gone straight from winter to autumn? We haven't even put the clocks forward yet.

Librarian said...

You had me holding my breath there, Pat - and then laughing out lout in relief when I arrived at the last sentence of your post!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Tasker - thanks for the laugh!!

thelma said...

A typical story of how we work ourselves up only to be deflated by the truth/ or leaf. All's well that ends well.

Anonymous said...

That was well told and hysterical. Thank you for the first giggle of the morning.

Anonymous said...

Just having a cup of tea and my husband was wondered what I was laughing about. Yes, I have almost cleared up ‘leaf poo’ before. Unfortunately we do sometimes have cat poo on our front lawn when the neighbours house cat gets out.
Heather (on my phone, not the Kindle)

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh out loud. Twice! Pat in Pennsylvania

Damselfly said...

You're a marvelous storyteller!
Laughed out loud, which earned me a dirty look from the napping cats.
Hope the week is warmer and sunny.

Tasker Dunham said...

I have been looking at some of your old posts from 2008. I could get lost in them for hours.

Susan said...

Now who would think a curly brown leaf could cause so much drama? That is a very funny story.

John Going Gently said...

You’re learning girl, it sounds like one of my stories lol xx

Country Cottage said...

Oh bless, live this story 😉

Jean Winnipeg said...

Oh God!! Did I laugh. Well done - what a great story! Jean in Winnipeg

gmv said...

You made my day with this story. :)

Bonnie said...

Well told! You’ll entertain your friends with laughter for several days. Very funny, I’ve been giggling for some time.
Bonnie in Minneapolis

Heather said...

What a lovely story - still chuckling over the final sentence!

Barbara Anne said...

What a delightful story and it just goes to show that most bothers and worries should slide past you like water off a duck's back. Ta for the chuckles and this most entertaining post!


Anonymous said...

Great story! We have a neighbor lady who sits in the front window a lot - we always wave and she waves back (and we are conscientious dog mess pickers up so our conscience is clear).


Linda said...

Still chuckling.

Red said...

Great story. You had me hanging on to the last and gave a very surprise ending. You did all that worrying for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Long time reader….rarely comment! Laughed out loud. Kathy near Chicago

Anonymous said...

Loved your story .Ah, deceiving incidents!
My daughter had a trick showbag when she was little...silly cheap contents, including plastic fake vomit.
I left the vomit on the bedroom floor to deceive my husband.
Daughter and I had so many laughs at his expressed disgust at finding 'the cat sick', his attempts to put sand on it , shovel it up and reeling on 'how foul it smelt', huffing to us "What do you MEAN you can't smell it - just do me a favour and open the window ! ".
His face when he stopped sprinkling sand while I picked it up, shook it off and handed it to my daughter.

Thanks for renewing a story in my mind, that I bet husband wishes we'd all forget.

Cro Magnon said...

I thoroughly approve of Amazon. If things are available on the High Street, I will always buy there, if they're not Amazon will always provide. I recently needed a large 5 litre pot of floor polish (we have parquet downstairs) and couldn't find it anywhere. Amazon delivered the next day!

Ursula said...

A leaf is defo better than a turd. Funny story. I sometimes hear my son calling me. Even when he isn't actually here. Even when he was here. I'd go to his room/office (this was lockdown time) and say: "Yes?" He'd look at me:"Yes?""You called." "No, Mama, I didn't." So far so fine. Next stop? Looney bin.

The other day there was a fly - in my face. I tried to shoo it away. Several times. Eventually I realized it was a rather unusual type of floater in my right eye. Which didn't make it less annoying but at least it wasn't a fly.

As you indicate, one needs to see the ridiculous in life and laugh.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Glad you all enjoyed my story. Busy today - dear friends coming over from the Lakes.

Jules said...

That gave me a much needed chuckle, this morning. Xx

Jennifer said...

Hahaha! That last line!! :)

Pat, you are a treasure!

Anonymous said...

Last night I was eating a butter tart bit by bit while watching TV. As I was about to pop the last piece in my mouth, I noticed a raisin beside it but these tarts didn’t have raisins so I just brushed it aside. It was then that the “raisin” walked away. It was a very large ant! Very happy that I didn’t eat the ant. My dog brings ants and leaves in from the yard in her hair and I have sometimes been fooled by the curly brown leaf. Gigi

Melinda from Ontario said...

I laughed out loud when I reached your last line. Thank you for an evening chuckle.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Thanks everyone.

Winters End Rambler said...

Ha ha...a whoops rather than a whoopsie!!