Saturday 7 December 2019

Coffee mornings.

The first Saturday in each month holds the  Church Coffee morning in the Village Hall - I no longer live in the village and haven't done for some years but I still go because I know so many of those who go and if I didn't go I would never see them these days.  In any case the Christmas one always holds some 'goodies'.   First of all A bakes, as usual, turkey lasagnes - they are individually packed, delicious and freezable.  I always order two, have one for my lunch and freeze the other for when I need a nourishing meal in a hurry.   Then the Christmas meeting is always enlivened by K's beautiful mince pies which put   mine and I suspect most people's to shame.   She serves us one each, warmed and served on a tiny paper mat.   Then today A,  in addition to her lasagnes - and her marmalade, which is also very good (I bought a jar) - had two home made and decorated Christmas cakes - I bought them both.
We are lucky to have such good bakers in our village aren't we?

Returning home I called to fill up with petrol and realised that during the time I had been away from home the wind had reached gale force and was blowing directly across the forecourt of our local petrol station.   Arriving home I decided to take Tess round the block before the wind got any stronger.   As it was there were places where I had to hold on to the fence until the gust had subsided.  I really don't think Tess enjoyed it any more than I did.

Now in for the day with doors locked, curtains about to be drawn,  central heating turned up a couple of notches and 'Strictly' semi-finals on TV tonight, I can finally relax.    And January Good Housekeeping magazine through the letter box an hour ago (a present each Christmas from my God-daughter) to top up the gap.   See you tomorrow...

PS  I have just noticed that the cake photograph makes it look as though the cake is hanging on the wall - I can't see how to turn it round a notch so sorry but you will have to imagine it one twist round to the left (it will taste just as good).


Sue said...

If you leave the cake hanging on the wall the icing will fall off. I really must get on and do some baking next week.

Tom Stephenson said...

I like that cake wall-hanging. It adds a certain something.

the veg artist said...

I've not had lasagne since having to go gluten-free (coeliac) but I recently realised that it's possible to buy gluten-free lasagne sheets, so I'll make some soon. Like you, I like having portions of home-made food in the freezer for when I'm not up to cooking. Never had a turkey lasagne, though - will try that, too.
I find many gluten-free cakes a disappointment - too heavy. It's easier to do without!

VC said...

I buy my mum the same magazine as one her gifts too, she loves it!

JayCee said...

Are you going to eat both cakes????

Terra said...

It is so good you continue to attend the Church coffee morning so you stay in touch with your friends. You sure stocked up on some wonderful goodies; I had just written marmalade on my shopping list, home made must be the best.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Reading your blog makes the holidays brighter.
And me hungrier to bake.
Thank you

angryparsnip said...

I would love to visit your coffee morning.
What a wonderful day minus the gale force winds. It is so nice to visit over coffee with old friends.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

What a lively day, homemade produce is always great. I made my mince pies today and I've got everything ready for my marmalade and lemon curd in the week.

R's Rue said...


Rachel Phillips said...

One cake would be one too many for me.

Heather said...

I love home made food but have to walk past most of our farmers' market stalls as I am trying to keep my weight down. There is a wonderful bread stall next to a wonderful pie stall - all very tempting and I try not to buy from them too often.
Your cake looks good from whichever direction one views it, and I'm sure will taste delicious. Hope the wind dies down and you can get out for a little walk tomorrow.

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Tempting, but I shouldn't eat stuff like that now that I've put a ton of weight on

Joanne Noragon said...

That cake is as beautiful as your other purchases we can't see.

Cro Magnon said...

I think our cake gets under way on Monday afternoon. It's always a big occasion in this house; we all have a stir and a wish, and the beast is watched over with huge care and attention. My fingers are crossed that it turns outs as well as yours. No icing on ours, just some marzipan.

Peter parker said...
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Rachel Phillips said...

Slick change of colour there in the type, forgot to say earlier. I am in awe.

Librarian said...

I am glad Rachel has mentioned the colour change - until then, I thought it's my eyes playing tricks on me.
The cake looks sumptuous, and I am sure whoever you will be sharing it wirh will enjoy it, too.

Brenda said...

Love this blog!
Cake looks good!!

Gwil W said...

Leave the cake on the wall or better still put it on the wall in an art exhibition and ask $120,000 for it.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Rachel - these cakes are not all that big. The lady who makes them makes a 12 inch cake and then cuts it into four before icing it. I personally don't like cake at all but it is nice to be able to offer anyone who calls a glass of sherry and a slice of cake.

Thanks everyone.

Rachel Phillips said...

Oh, it's a bit of an optical illusion then. I thought it was huge. I wish I lived close enough to call in for a glass of sherry and a piece of cake with you.

pam nash said...

Sounds like it was a very nice Christmas party - good company, good food.