Saturday 20 April 2024

Just a thought.

Mr Blackie is singing from the topmost bough of the hawthorn tree next door, two or three 'little brown jobs' are scuttling about in the winter debris under the hedge (and yes they do have wings, not four legs each) and-at 11.03  precisely according to my computer- I have gone round opening the curtains and wiping out the fridge ready for a 12-1pm Tesco delivery.   In other words 'done' for the day - crossword done,codeword  done, supplements read (frankly these days if you have no desire to go on holiday, and no wish to buy anything from the countless pages of adverts there is not enough reading left to keep you going).

So I am off to make a hot choc and lament that I am out of Kit-Kats until 12 - 1pm.   I leave you with a brilliant 'Thought for the day' (Thanks Times Leading Articles)

"It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams"  Gabriel Garcia Marquez. 

Something to ponder over your morning coffee, tea, hot choc, sherry or whatever. 


Anonymous said...

My dreams were always about where to travel to next. So now that I am old and cannot walk far or even stand up for very long, my dreams have come to an end. Now I just dream of the past and try my best to keep this house running. Maybe I will dream about having kit kats with my coffee. Gigi

Anonymous said...

Well, I've pondered...and I think a little from column A, a little from column B Weave - Pam.

Anonymous said...

There are always pleasures to be found, and they are what makes a life worth living.

Anonymous said...

Oh Kit-Kats...for hours! That is so not good. My brother and I share the habit of always having "1 in back". So when you finish the first box of Kit-Kats you always have another new box "in back". And you immediately order 1 more box so you always have 1 unopened box. My vice is tea. I order the stuff by the pound. Pat in Pennsylvania

anonymous said...

Some may pause for a while between pursuits
to reaccess what they now most value.....,I am very happy to see a new post from you! Mary

16 blessings'mom said...

Here in the U.S., the quality of our chocolate bars has diminished through the years, my favorite is the Norwegian version of Kit Kat, the Kvik Lunj bar, so good...when I travel there, I stock up. We are all facing that Grim Reaper, we have that sword of Damocles dangling over our heads. My sister has breast cancer that has spread throughout her body, but found the strength to travel from NY to Australia for three weeks to visit her daughter, something she has wanted to do for YEARS but put it off...suddenly, there was no more putting it off. I was concerned it would exhaust her, but at the end of the day, so what? She's doing what she wants to do. I enjoy reading about your days, thank you for sharing. :)

Susan said...

It is said: Dreams make the world go around. Small or large, each and every one is very important. Taking delight, as we do, in seeing the wildlife and nature in our surroundings is also important. Plans for the garden are never ending and inspiring too. Once again, Spring has brought rebirth and watching everything emerge and flower is a wonderful sight.

LouC said...

I do dream, Pat. In the waking hours (almost said daytime but it could easily be the wee hours when I awaken for a while) I “daydream” of what I want to do or think of times gone by now that DH isn’t beside me anymore. But I look forward to nighttime dreams because they are adventures. They aren’t much about our wonderful travels and I’ve no desire to do that without him anymore but it’s exciting to see who and what will pop up each night. And I know how you enjoy your Kit Kats but marvel at your strength of will limiting your indulgence. I can leave something totally alone (like candy bars or cookie dough or frosting) for a period, even long extended periods, when I’m dieting but once tempted I keep going back all day till it’s gone. Isn’t it wonderful that we still have things to look forward to at our advancing ages!?! You make me smile, Pat.

Derek Faulkner said...

You may have grown old Pat, but you've never stopped pursuing dreams, your words are all the incentive that most of us need.

Anonymous said...

I was sitting here trying to put my thoughts into words. Derek said what I could not articulate. Another example of why I am a blog reader not a blog writer (though I did try). Thank you Derek. I am the same with reading books, love reading but have no talent for writing. Here in Georgia USA we are currently experiencing a rare Cicada event. I love them and welcome them although my dog is a bit distracted. - Jackie

Red said...

Great quote from Garcia. we watch both of these happen.

gz said...

Exactly! So keep on dreaming!!

Barbara Anne said...

Wonderful quotation and am glad you're no longer out of Kit-Kats!

It's always good to see your new posts!!


Ellen D. said...

Always glad to see you post, Pat! By now you should be back in KitKats again! Hope you have had a nice day!

Heather said...

Interesting thought. We had Mrs Blackbird in the garden this morning, the dog was out there too, neither took any notice of each other. I saw something I've never seen before, a crow 'chasing'a grey squirrel through the supermarket car park until the squirrel ran under a parked car. I have since read they are natural enemies. Good to learn something new each day.

Tasker Dunham said...

We bought a new gooseberry bush today. Apparently, it takes 2 or 3 years before they bear fruit. There's my dream for today. Maybe you should get one too.

Heather said...

I dream as I enjoy the photos of glorious countryside and leafy sunken lanes, posted by others on Facebook. In my dreams I can walk among all the wonderful scenery and remember my youth when I could do it 'for real'. I'll bet you enjoyed your KitKat when the Tesco delivery arrived.

Anonymous said...

I dream of making a beautiful flower garden. Easier said than done! I have 18 English roses but get so much die back each year it gets frustrating! Take care! Enjoy your Kit Kats. Kathy

Cro Magnon said...

We obviously share our liking for two finger Kit Kats; I eat mine in the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this quotation. Yes, we are such stuff as dreams are made of. I wonder if you ever hear the cuckoo or skylark in the Yorkshire Dales Weave? Tasker’s gooseberry may bear fruit this year, my layered gooseberry bushes produce fruit in their first year. It’s rhubarb that needs time to bulk up enough to produce stalks worth picking - and asparagus too of course, which like rhubarb is a perennial vegetable. We ate both asparagus and rhubarb from the garden yesterday - absolutely delicious. Sarah in Sussex

Librarian said...

Hopefully, Tesco did not forget to include your kitkats in your order. My Mum has sometimes received replacement items when they were out of stock for what she‘d ordered, but those replacements were always so different from what she wanted, it was of no use to her when she meant that particular product for a specific dish.

My dreams come in different categories… there is the definitely unattainable, the mid-to-long distant future and the near future. My near future is this year‘s May holiday, starting the week after next, and I am already dreaming of O.K. and myself staying at a beautiful hotel, going for good hikes during the day, then enjoying the spa for a while before sitting down for a delicious dinner.

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The Weaver of Grass said...

Tasker - not sure about a gooseberry bush - I always thought that is where babies came from.
But maybe that's just a Lincolnshire expression. (but I won't risk it)

Librarian - that holiday sounds good - enjoy!

Yes everyone the Kit Kats came and now at 11am on Sunday are depleted by three!

Tom Stephenson said...

I would like that Garcia quote to be true. More accurately, I would like someone to convince me it is true.

Mary said...

The GGM quote is quite true in my mind - Bob and I are way behind in regards to travel plans/pursuing dreams this year due to projects requiring attention at the house. We need to get a move on at this late age.

Bob actually sat next to 'Gabo' on a flight many years ago, but didn't know whom he was! I'd already ready his amazing books and was blown away when he told me about "this guy I sat next to...........!!!"

Happy week Pat. Hope the Kit-Kat bars showed up on time, haha!!!!!!
Mary ~

Pixie said...

I think our dreams change as we age. I realize that some dreams will never be achieved now (too old or tired) but I have new dreams (smaller, more manageable).

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

There are blackbirds nesting over my back wall, not sure what the status is. THere's a pair of blue tits too!