Wednesday 17 January 2024

O Fickle sun - and other complaints.

 It snowed - rather half-heartedly- here on and off all day.   Miserable little-flake stuff.   Then about 3pm it stopped and a ball of pale yellow appeared surrounded and slighty shaded by snow or snow clouds.. After this brief glance by golly it snowed - enormous great 'I really mean it' stuff.   After about ten minutes it gave up just as it was getting dark.   My evening carer chose to leave her husband's BMW on my drive (her car was at the garage) which then meant an urgent text this morning to my morning carer not to swing round my hedge into my drive otherwise she would cause a crash and last evening's carer would be up the creek without a paddle as they say.

Main roads clear, side roads skating rinks.   Sun up bright and early, clear deep blue sky, brilliant sunshine, even colder tonight forecast.

So to today's thoughts.   Do you have a list of Pet hates (not talking animals here necessarily - using 'pet' as an adjective)?

As I have got to 'elderly' with little to do except  wander about the house with my walker, watch the passers by, chat on the phone, greet callers and eat the lovely lunches J my main carer provides for me (Scotch Egg with jacket potato and salad today), I find that pet hates tend to fester and become more uppermost in my mind than they merit.   So in an effort to rid my mind of the festering heap here are a few:

Dog walkers who allow their dogs to poo on the piece of land opposite and because it is just a 'spare bit of land' don't clean it up if nobody is looking.  I tend to sit up straight if I see it might be going to occur and regulars seem to look at me before turning and getting a poo bag out.  Sometimes I am tempted to knock on the window but I fear getting a reputation of an -'old fussy hag' or worse.

Litter louts.  I am lucky to live in an area where it doesn't happen much except on nights like Bonfire Night, Boxing Night, New Year's  Eve, when cans, the odd bottle (a broken on on the bottom of my drive last New Year) and worst of all left over take-aways (will not mention s***) which my carer hates and I suspect on the odd occasion it appears is the result of youth/too much alcohol.  But alleyways in our little town are apparently reservoirs of cans, bottles, even the odd old mattress.   We have a jolly good collection service for domestic rubbish.   Would a few yards further to a litter bin/ the tip/ be too much to ask?

And last, but by no means least and apologies for mentioning it (ladies of a nervous disposition look away now) men who feel the need to sit with their legs wide apart.  I watch 'Mastermind' - love it - it always reminds me of just how little general knowledge I have.   Some of the male contestants adopt this pose (a la Boris) and I find it objectionable.   If their trousers are too tight and that is the only way they find comfortable to sit then buy bigger trousers.  As a child/young woman my mother would correct me if I sat in what she called 'an unladylike manner' and that was in the days when girls/ladies never wore trousers.  I hope these men are just adopting  what is their normal way of sitting rather than making a statement, but wouldn't it be good if they realised that there are more 'gentlemanly' positions to adopt?

There has been a pause while B, my District Nurse attempted - and eventually succeeded -  to draw blood from the back of my hand.

Off to microwave my jacket spud now (not as tasty as doing it in the oven but too late now).   Enjoy the sun - and I promise you it is creeping up a tiny bit every day - Spring is on its way.


Tom Stephenson said...

To me, there are worse dog owners who pickup the poo in rural areas, put it in a bag - then hang it up on a bush for someone else to take away!

Nelligrace said...

We have missed the snow so far, though it is quite chilly.

I agree with you on how untidy men look when they take up as much space as they can on public transport. I assume that they feel like inadequate little boys, or they have some nasty rash.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, the "man-spreading" guys sitting with their knees/thighs/whatever as far apart as possible. When I commuted by subway this drove me nuts, especially in the aisle seat so they had to be climbed over. At least one could stomp a bit on their feet on the way by. Ditto also on littering (especially broken glass!) and dog waste. I'm not even going to venture into our domestic politics here in the US.


Susan said...

It snowed 3-4 inches yesterday and then we had a mix of rain/hail. The top of the snow became crusty ice. Everything is plowed and shoveled and the sunshine is brilliant but it is freezing outside. The South facing side of my house is filled with sunshine has heated my home to 75 degrees. It is cozy.

My pet peeve is dog owners that do not control their dogs. The large dog that charges and jumps up on other people their dogs and the owner says, "He's friendly," taking no responsibility.

I am choosing to ignore US politics at the moment. The large number of DT supporters makes no sense. It is almost cult-like.

Barbara Anne said...

Oh, yes, litterbugs, those who don't clean up after their dogs, and those who let their pets jump all over you are all so annoying as they just don't care.

In traffic, someone who stops to let a car from a parking lot or side street into traffic while holding up the umpteen cars behind him/her.

We have half-hearted snow here that has frozen into ice in some places. Our low last night was -11*C and the high today will be 1*C. Warm and cozy clothes are the order of the day.


the veg artist said...

I can cope with 'manspreading', after all, if they feel they have something to prove, I can just feel sorry for their egos. What I cannot stand, in males and females, is people who do not feel the need to wash.

JacquieB said...

I have to park on the busy street outside my house. If someone doesn’t let me out I might never leave home!

John Going Gently said...

Add to Tom’s comment
Or flint it high up in a tree where it sits like a Christmas decoration

Tasker Dunham said...

Didn't Victor Silvester wear baggy pants? I know some very rude jokes about his ballroom.

Tracy said...

All of your pet hates, plus those recorded message menus that are now obligatory whenever you ring anywhere, especially the ones where none of the options seem to apply to what you are ringing about. Then there is the tinny 'on hold' music, followed by the announcements stating that "your call is really important to us". Arggghhhh!!!

Granny Sue said...

You just made me laugh out loud with that last line! How funny!

Granny Sue said...

I do not understand littering. So easy to just put your trash in a bag and dump it in your can at home, or in a public receptacle. We live in a very rural location, and often people think they can dump trash somewhere along our road where they won't be seen doing it. Then there are those on 4-wheelers and other such off-road vehicles who seem to toss a huge number of beer cans along our roads and into our forests. How they drive with so much drink in them I do not know, but there are many fatalities every year involving these vehicles.
A pet peeve if mine is people who bring their dogs when visiting without asking first if it's okay. My gra dchildren, God love them, are guilty of this. Because, you know, granny lives out in the wilderness and how nice for the dogs. Not so nice for granny who has to deal with her upset dogs, visiting dogs who want to be inside, or chasing chickens or scaring our penned rabbits.

Anonymous said...

Irresponsible dog owners, whether it be lack of walking, failure to deal with distressed barking at home, or laughing at the danger their dog/s present to other animals or small children, when their dog is not controlled properly - no contribution to a medical or vet bill if things go badly.
I think my biggest pet hate is people not taking responsibility and leaving others to clean up the fall-out, particularly social services. Sometimes I look at a situation and think 'it's not that hard' - just DO it ! I always say if we all acted responsibly, the world would be a better place.
Oh, and people here who say 'Orstraya'. Please say it properly, again not hard. - Pam, Aust.

Anonymous said...

Unsolicited advice from people who then say “I’m just trying to help”. Pet owners who either have pet unleashed or let pet jump on people. Also pet owners who say”oh my dog is friendly or my pets are housebroken. The former is usually incorrect and the latter is why i no longer pet sit for others.
Also petty thievery. Apartment manager put gift wrap supplies for tenants to use in the common room for holiday wrapping. Someone stole the scissors, tape and pens. She said there have been other incidences of stuff being purloined.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are comfortable.
I live in a condo complex in Florida with one million dogs. I am elderly. The friendly dogs who jump on those of is trying to remain standing up…also clean up as the HOA requires. And litter…do not get me started…Brenda

gz said...

People who let their dogs poo on our front lawn....
People who leave dishes to soak...where a quick rinse would do...and then even worse, leave that in the sink instead of on the bench at the side..out of the way!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh Tracy - high on my list too - it is par for the course that none of the buttons you can press deal with the probem you want to discuss.

Thank you everyone.

anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather said...

No snow here but very cold and I am well wrapped up. Pet hates:- dog owners who allow their dogs to poo on the pavement, litter louts, pedestrians who do not thank motorists who stop for them at crossings, unsolicited phone calls - especially the ones when I answer and there is no-one there. Probably a few more, but it's nearly bedtime and I'm getting sleepy. Night-night.x

Anonymous said...

I am with Tracy as the phone is my pet peeve, if they really cared they would just answer your call. And those unsolicited phone calls. I have started blocking any call that I receive without a name showing up. That is most of my calls! Also peeved by dog poop bagged up and left in front of my house or as John said, flung up into the trees. People around here are very good about picking up after their dogs, so that rarely happens. It really upsets me when people without the permit park in the handicap parking spaces. The fine is huge so I think they would only need to be caught once to stop them. Gigi

Anonymous said...

Tracy has nailed it! These computerized answering services are my number one pet peeve. Probably number two is people who are always right.

Virginia said...

Oh Weaver, you've just started another Biggie!

Dog poop in our suburb is a rarity, thank goodness. But I seriously object to off-leash dogs, on on-leash dogs permitted to approach passersby.. I have a friend who is quite phobic about dogs and she can be seriously distressed for many minutes after an idiot has done the "but my dog just wants to say hello" thing at her.

As for businesses/healthcare places where you have to go through an interminable series of twaddle before you are told to "For x, Press 1. For y Press 2" ... etc, and NONE of them are what you want, or worse still you get into a loop because no-one answers and eventually it puts you back to the Operator!! Grrrr!

I'd better stop! Not good for the Blood Pressure! I guess I need a KitCat to reduce it!

Anonymous said...

I think their reason is that if you hang it high no one will walk in it, not condoning but just my theory

Red said...

I don't really have any pet peeves that I can think of. Some of the things you list happen here. I do pick up some garbage in the park system. There are times when things are thrown away on my street but there's not a lot that can be done.

Joanne Noragon said...

We have a fellow who visits here, in a wheel chair, with his service dog. I am unaware of the cause for this service dog. However, the dog has needed to poo several last visits, and his wheelchair bound owner has taken him out onto an enclosed atrium to leave his deposit on the sidewalk. He cannot get out of his chair to pick it up, be also does not designate someone to do so. After several days one of our servers is sent out to do it. I do not like the young man.

Anonymous said...

Litter is a big one for me. Since retiring I just take it upon myself to go out with my bucket and grabber stick, telling myself at least it's rewarded by fresh air and exercise. Jackie

Cro Magnon said...

I suppose my greatest 'pet hate' is rudeness. Having been brought-up to be well mannered and respectful, it really grates when I experience people being the opposite.

Librarian said...

All of your pet hates come down to one thing: Inconsideration/shelfishness, and all of them are very high up on my personal list, too. One pet peeve of mine are leafblowers. What's wrong with getting a good old broom in your hands and just sweep the leaves in a heap, easy to take away (or leave for small animals to shelter in during winter)? Those blowers are noisy and pollute the air, as if we had not enough of that yet through cars and factories.

The snow we had on Monday/Tuesday was all washed away when yesterday (Wednesday) a very sudden rise of the thermometer and strong winds brought plenty of rain. Now we're reverting to frosty temperatures, and snow is forecast from around lunch time today.

Yes, there is already more than half an hour's worth of daylight left for my after-work walks compared to what it was just before Christmas.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Virginia I find everything seems a bit better after a Kit at!

Gugu I used to get so many unsolicited phone calls that now I put the phone down unless the caller is someone I know.

Thanks everyone. Getting a bit of a moan about it all makes us a bit brighter I think - especially when the sun is shining.

Anonymous said...

I forgot, my biggest peeve is taxis and the drivers who smell so bad that I feel like puking. I can only make myself get into one in a real emergency. Why do they not teach the drivers about showering and deodorant when they start driving taxi. It’s only common Gigi

su-zee said...

My pet hate is dog owners who walk their dogs on the pavement on very long leads. Then when you come to the lead they expect you to climb over it! Once again it is people being inconsiderate.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

I agree with you on the way some men sit.
People blocking the travel path, store, sidewalk, wherever, chatting with somebody as if there's nobody standing there waiting to pass.
Tail gaters
People that don't clean snow off their vechicle
Ads online using soft porn
Ads with pictures of digusting body parts, infections and such

Jacque from Colorado said...

#1: I agree with Librarian: leaf blowers. Totally unnecessary... They should be banned.
#2: People who mispronounce "mischievous" as "mis-chee-vi-ous"
#3: SELFIES! I'll say no more...

Anonymous said...

Men sit with their legs apart to avoid testicular compression from the thigh muscles. It's uncomfortable to sit with legs together as they have a penis and testicles between their legs and has nothing to do with how tight their trousers are.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness gracious Mr. Darcy. Bless me if I'm not blushing behind my fan! - Pam, Aust.

Pixie said...

I hate it when people don't pick up their dog poop.

I can do you one better, with regards to men and their legs uncrossed. When I worked at a different hospital, I walked into the recovery room and their was a man on a stretcher, facing the door, legs spread apart and no underwear. I've seen lots of penises but it was still a surprise because I wasn't expecting it. I covered up his parts for him.

I get angry when people litter, especially cigarette butts, full of plastic and toxins.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Pixie I love your story. It made me smile. I smetimes think that we get too pernickety about our body parts. We are all roughly the same.But how we behave about things like 'modesty' I think depends to some extent on how we are brought up.

Mary said...

Hope all is well Pat - miss you when you don't write something wonderful for us.
Love and hugs, Mary

Judy from Maine said...

Your days might be getter harder, but please know you are loved and missed. You have brought much joy to me, even though we have never met and I live half way round the earth.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking about you this morning Pat. Jackie (the one in Georgia USA)

Marianne said...

Good morning here in Phoenix, winter is making a visit with a rainy day. Just thinking about you and glad that you post in the comments.

anonymous said...

Hi Pat, this is Mary.I live in a rural part of New York state (that's on the east coast of the USA).My son
lives in California (that's on the west coast of the USA) . The news reported flooding near his home today so called him to be sure he's ok.(he is )
Then I read your post from New Years Eve 2019.
You still had Tess then,and that week your son had brought his wife and dinner to your house.
I just think it's lovely to think about how fortunate we have often been . Mary

angryparsnip said...

Missed a few posts ARG !
This has been a very nice spell of our Winter Rains called the Female rains because of usually the soft rains that we need here in the desert as opposed to the Summer Male rains the come down in a torrent and cause so much destruction.
The gud dugs send woofs.

Barbara Anne said...

Wishing you well, Pat. You are missed.
