Monday 24 September 2018


Yesterday, in a fit of enthusiasm, I decided that today was to be the day when I cleared out my wardrobes of all Summer clothes and substituted Winter ones.   It is no use trying to be optimistic and think we will get any more really warm weather and after three weeks of wearing a thermal vest I decided the time had come.

I always have a policy of not rehanging clothes in the wardrobe after I have worn them - I am speaking here of washable T shirts/jumpers etc.   So this morning after breakfast and Tess's walk
I made a start and I continued all day with just a break for home made leek and potato soup at lunch time.   I took every thing out of all three wardrobes, cleaned the wardrobes well inside, ironed any clothes which had become a bit crushed in the drawers over Summer and rehung them, and finally washed a few things like woolly hats, gloves and scarves.

Another walk with Tess at lunch time, a break for a ham and salad tea and another walk after the six news headlines and I can tell you I am well ready to sit down now.   And I am also hungry and may well resort to a jacket potato cooked in the microwave - not as good as done in the oven but a darn sight quicker.

Feeling of satisfaction here - long time since I had a day I felt that. And in addition it has been a lovely day with blue sky, unbroken sunshine and just a cold wind blowing.   One last Red Admiral landed on my Perennial Wallflower this morning - reading Thelma's blog I find she had one too (we are too far apart for it to be the same one!! so there must still be a few about.)

Until tomorrow friends.


Rachel Phillips said...

Lovely day here too. Apart from outer clothes like coats and shoes and hats I wear the same clothes all the year round so no major changes needed between seasons for me.

Barbara Anne said...

It may be too late to suggest this, but in my widowed mother's last home, her bedroom had a double width closet along one wall. She decided to hang her winter clothes at one side of the closet and her summer clothes on the other side. That way, she never had to pack up the out-of-season clothes. Perhaps you could allocate one of your 3 wardrobes to be for summer, one to be for winter, and the third to be for spring/autumn layering items? Of course, I don't know what your wardrobes look like or what types of storage they provide, so my suggestion might be useless.

Still, you should be proud of all you accomplished today! When my mother was exhausted, she took an aspirin before going to bed as she was certain she's sleep well. Otherwise, she might be too tired to sleep as happened sometimes.

Wishing you well!

Aimz said...

It's always good to get rid of things we no longer wear or need, I have a motto which is that if I haven't worn something for a year then out it goes.

justjill said...

I tend to start layering as Autumn/Winter approaches and divest as Spring comes along. It is now time to add t shirt on top of vest and then the dress/tunic. I too have the if not worn last year out it goes.

Bonnie said...

That feeling of accomplishment after a job well done is satisfying!

Chris said...

Interesting comments about discarding clothes not worn for a year. I have recently resurrected some items from my working days (I've been retired for 11 years) and found they still fit and look perfectly presentable! I mix and match them with newer items. It has given my wardrobe a new lease of life without having to spend a bean.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I too have a policy which says if I haven't worn a garment for a year then I put it in a bag and take it to the clothes depot where it is recycled, being given to someone who needs it.
As for keeping a Summer/Wintr wardrobe as Barbara suggests - I have a long wardrobe which is full of Summer clothes at one side and outdoor clothes at the other. It is therefore necessary to change the Summer clothes and put them away in drawers to make room for my woolly jumpers and cardigans. All done now. Very satisfying.

Heather said...

I hang all my clothes in one wardrobe and pick clothes suitable for the weather, whatever the time of year. Sweaters and Tshirts are folded in my chest of drawers so everything is always close at hand.
A good sort out is always very rewarding and every now and then I pull out one or two garments to go to the charity shop. You certainly earned your jacket potato!

Virginia said...

Golly, that was a Full On day! I'd have spaced that out over two or three days - you have done the full marathon! We are starting to get the odd warm day, but it's still winter layers and the heating on, so I haven't thought about swapping the wardrobe around to summer clothes.

You stirred a memory, talking of jacket potatoes. When we were in Oxford in 1979, we used to go to a local pub for the most amazing jacket potato meals. The potatoes were huge - six inches long, and stuffed with vegetables and cheese. And cheap! At the time, the NZ dollar was FOUR to the British pound and we were really struggling. The last couple of times we've been over it's been around TWO, and we think back to those days with nostalgia - and relief!

Joanne Noragon said...

I haven't actually switched around the clothing yet, but that down comforter made me so happy last night. I didn't care which shelf I got my clothing from this morning.

Cro Magnon said...

Leek and Potato soup here too yesterday. Autumn is on the way.

Derek Faulkner said...

My wardrobes are like Heather's, a year round mixture of clothes that suit whatever the time of year, I couldn't be arsed with all that changing stuff around twice a year. A week of beautiful warm and sunny days here on Sheppey but very chilly overnight.I might put the CH next month if it starts to get properly cold.

thelma said...

The thing I haven't worn all summer are my dresses, (which are in the spare bedroom wardrobe), I won't get rid of them though - just in case! Lazy dresser, always in jeans and t-shirt, not disciplined enough to change summer for winter.

Librarian said...

Well done, you!
That will be my job on the 3rd of October, a National holiday in Germany. It is mid-week so no point in travelling to OK's or he to my place. Therefore, I shall use that day to prepare for the cold Season.

wherethejourneytakesme said...

A great feeling of satisfaction once the seasonal clothes switch is over - such a tiring job.
We have a few butterflies here still and a lot of dozy ladybirds. I keep finding one half of the butterfly wings when weeding - I think they are of the Red Admirals.