Monday 19 February 2024

Perky today!

Feeling my old self today - long may the feeling last.

I am in no doubt that my garden keeps me cheerful.  I suppose non-gardeners might not feel the same, but having been a gardener since I was a child I just can't imagine life without growing plants just outside my window.

A friend called on Friday to show me some of her exquisite handwork - neat and precise (two strengths I never really achieved with my handwork apart from beading, a craft I enjoyed until trying to get the beading needle and thread through the tiny hole in the bead (having already spent a long time actually threading the needle) became impossible)).  If you are reading this G then I hope you realise just how much I admire your craft work.  And in case you think you are too precise you then let yourself go entirely with your highly colourful, hand-dyed material using wax-resist so that the colour and pattern burst out and dazzle.  I do wish you had a blog so that we could all enjoy that colour.

As one's end of life becomes visible even if on a fairly distant horizon (and yes I do realise I might fall on the garage floor on my way to the freezer at lunch time today) it concentrates the mind beautifully.   So many things one worried about suddenly become unimportant and tiny things which were hidden in secret corners of one's mind pop out and loom large.

Marvel at the way the blackbirds suddenly seem to know St Valentine has woken up  their 'flirting songs'.   As I write this a male blackbird is singing his beak off in the hawthorn in next door's garden.  I have no idea whether Mrs B is impressed because I am sure she has heard it all before.  But I do know that come hell or highwater it won't be long before the pair of them will be wearing themselves out flying back and forth to my hedge with beakfuls of twiggy bits - I just hope they build far enough down in the hedge so that they are safe from bigger beaks.

It's hot choc time (11.30) and an added Kit Kat but before I go I wonder if anyone out there can help me.   Some time ago I read a verse on line somewhere which I thought was very beautiful.   Now that it so appropriate for me I would like to find it again - but it seems to have disappeared.   I write it here.   Does anyone know where it comes from please?

At this time I would ask three things

as the Solitudes round me close.

Spare me the sensitive nerve that sings,

the storm cock*

and the rose.

*the storm cock is the Mistle Thrush

Enjoy your day if it is warm (16 degreesC) and very sunny - unseasonable but welcome.  As the doom-mongers will say - it won't last!

PS.    If you have access to The Times do please read Melissa Harrison's Nature Notes on   Page 23. The uncompromising first sentence "Badger droppings are fascinating" might be a bit off-putting but the paragraph is well-worth the read.



Derek Faulkner said...

So nice to see you feeling much perkier and writing as well as ever.

I loved your paragraph about the blackbirds, though nesting too low in the hedge puts them in reach of that awful domestic predator, the cat.

It has been very wet in recent days down here on Sheppey, much of the nature reserve is either under water, or water-logged and very muddy. Not nice to see the sheep sitting around in such wet conditions, especially as they're due to lamb in a few week time.

After a wet start today, it is now sunny but certainly not the balmy 16 degrees that you have, however, the Lapwings have now begun their courtship displays and catkins are beginning to appear on the willows.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good to hear you are feeling so well today.

Floods down here again but at the moment the sun is shining and there is much banging and crashing from next door where they are having a new fence and patio - that has frightened away any birds!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you. Glad you are feeling better. 16°, wow! We currently are -17°. My Mum is the same age as you. But no way would she ever be able to write and post a blog. Her memory is not what it was and her cordless phone is now something she can not figure out. We take the good days with the not so good days. I have a couple of Melissa Harrison’s books, they are lovely.
Take care.❤️

Sue said...

Your words seem to come from this:

' In the quietude that envelops me, I seek solace.
Three humble requests I make of the world:

Spare me the sensitive nerve that sings: Shield me from the raw edges of emotion, the quivering strings that resonate with pain. Let my heart find respite in silence.

The storm cock: Oh, the tempest’s messenger! Grant me a reprieve from its raucous call. Let me listen instead to the gentle rustle of leaves, the soft murmur of rain.

And the rose: Ah, the delicate bloom! Spare me not its thorns, but let me inhale its fragrance. For even amidst solitude, beauty persists—a reminder that life persists, too.

Thus, I stand, a seeker of quietude, surrounded by the solitudes that cradle my soul.'

There is no knowledge of the author from where I found it, but I thought it lovely enough to share for you.

Spring was definitely springing on the canal this morning as I walked Mavis the Jack Russell. The two swans that live on our stretch were swimming along and almost dancing together, with the lady wiggling her tail feathers in a most beguiling way. I wonder if they can beat the seven cygnets they managed to raise successfully last year.

Anonymous said...

Is it Solitude by Thoreau ? Jackie

Anonymous said...

The earth has certainly tilted more towards the sun in recent days and don’t the birds know it. I have a particularly noisy wren who is certainly making his presence known. And of course all the usual blackbirds, robins and tits have to join in and and sing even louder. I planted a Sorbus when we moved here just to have the pleasure of thrushes and fieldfares feeding on the white pink-tinged berries in mid-February when all the red berries and hips have been devoured and sure enough the tree has just in the last week been stripped bare. Like you I could not conceive of not having a garden. I went into the garden after my yoga class to pick chard and the makings of a little posy. I picked a sprig of Daphne, a few snowdrops and twigs of pussy willow. The water meadows beneath us are back to being sheets of water and like Sue I saw a pair of swans swimming on the floods this morning just by the pub which appropriately is called the Swan Inn. We’re off now to our local RSPB nature reserve this afternoon wearing our wellies to see what birds are around and admire the Highland cattle who do a good job grazing the rough ground year round. Good to hear you are feeling more perky today Weave, long may that last. Sarah in Sussex

Librarian said...

For about two weeks now, hearing a blackbird's beautiful song first thing in the morning set the tone for my day - it really feels very much like spring, even though I am by no means under the illusion that wintry weather can't and won't return before long.

It is a pleasure to read today's post, Pat. You sound as perky and "your old self" as ever.

anonymous said...

Your feeling perky today has made my day into a happier one, it's so nice to read about you enjoying things! Thanks for posting such an uplifting report.

Rambler said...

Pat, it's so lovely to read that you are feeling perkier today and more like your old self. I have noticed a few of your comments on various blogs that we both follow but so good to see you on your own blog again.
I shall see if I can find that 'Badger' article online. Thank you.
- Rosemary xx

Susan said...

Hello and so nice to see you here. Spring is in the air. The sunshine and blue sky is lovely. The birds are visibly active. The cardinals are nest building and the wild male turkeys are putting on quite the display as they call for a mate. Like you, I will always love gardening and designing spaces with ornamental trees and shrubs. This year will include expanding my orchard. Unfortunately, I did not get my grandmother's sewing genes so my excellent seamstress takes care of these projects.

Barbara Anne said...

Oh, yes, long may your perkiness last and it is so wonderful to read your lovely post this morning! Ta for the ongoing life lessons you share with us and am glad your days are brightened by your friends, your garden, the singing birds, and Kit-Kats!

Sorry, I don't know where that quotation comes from and have never heard it before.


Carol Caldwell said...

It is lovely to hear you sounding so perky and writing such an up lifting post. I too have seen your comments on other posts we share which is always good to see but seeing you here is always lovely.

Derek Faulkner said...

Well very well done to Sue for finding the words that you quoted, I searched Google for ages but couldn't find them.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling your old self. Long may tht last indeed. Always a pleasure to read your blog.

Frances SW

The Weaver of Grass said...

Sue- thank you for finding that for me - it would seem to be a shortened verion.

Jackie Thank you - I shall look up the Thoreau

I wonder if the catkins have appeared on the hazels - I can see a line of them from my window but too far away to see catkins and too far away to walk.

Country Cottage said...

Lovely to read your words today.

Tasker Dunham said...

The blackbird certainly seems to have impressed you, if that is anything to go by.

Debby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debby said...

I love that you're finding quietude. As the din of this world fades into the back ground, you're rediscovering all the joy there is in your own place in the world and this makes me happy to read. Enjoy your flowers, your kit-kats, your song of the blackbirds. If I lived nearby, I would cut you a small handful of hazel twings to keep in a vase on your table, so that you could watch them come to life again before your very eyes. I hope someone will.

That was a lovely find by Sue. I enjoyed it.

Bovey Belle said...

My Merlin app for birdsong ID said that I had a Mistle Thrush in the garden this morning, and also a Little Owl but I've only seen one of those once in my life - let's hope that I see this one. Spring is certainly shyly showing her face here - the morning and evening chorus are wonderful and the Celendines, Dog's Mercury in the hedgerows and leaves of Lords and Ladies unfurling. Magic.

Derek Faulkner said...

Pat, hazels here in the south are awash with catkins wherever I go.

gmv said...

Your post made my day and uplifted my spirits.

So glad you feel perky and are enjoying the birds and garden.

gz said...

Good to read your words today.

A bit of sunshine really helps, even if the wind is still chilly.
Having the window open enough in the morning to hear the birdsongs is a joy...even if you know they are territorial threats and battles!

thelma said...

There is an invisible force in the air starting to stir. Flowers have had enough of being below the soil and the birds are eager to start nesting. We could easily have a day of snow in May but gardeners will protect their precious plants and the world will go on turning.

Virginia said...

Seeing your post brought a smile to my morning. I’m glad someone found the long version of your Poe, it is worth savouring. May you have many more good days, Pat dear.

Tom Stephenson said...

Can't help with the verse Weave. Sorry. They do say that February 14th is the day that birds become betrothed.

Red said...

Good to hear that you're perky today. You have some good things that will make you perky.

Ellen D. said...

Glad you are having a good day, Pat. And your sweet post made my day a good one, too!

Cro Magnon said...

There was some beautiful birdsong in the park yesterday, but I seemed to be the only person who stopped to listen; or who was even aware of it.

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to read your post this morning and that Sue could help you out with the piece of writing you queried.
The bird life here is interesting. We live on the edge of a park. This morning there was one line of ducks and one line of magpies facing off against each other. It was obvious which "Red Rover" team would lose interest...the ducks waddled off nonchalantly, reflecting "Got no issue with you Bro", while magpies are always up for a bit of biffo, mainly with other magpies, depending on seasons and territory, though cyclists can cop their ire too.
Wishing you a good day today Pat. - Pam. Sth Aust.

Jennifer said...

I love that you're feeling perky! Your blog was a pleasure to read this morning. :)

Damselfly said...

So good to "hear" you're feeling perky and sharing your observations and thoughts.
May the good days continue.

Heather said...

So good to know you are feeling perky today. I think of you often and wonder how you are. I miss my little garden and loved working in it, though I'd have to get help if I still had it now. I enjoy looking for signs of growth in our communal garden here, but of course it is not the same.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Plants do hold onto us in life.
Gardens lets the soul frolick like no other task. Fresh air, new things, old things, undecided things, intruder things, the garden has it all.

Pixie said...

"Badger droppings are fascinating" would certainly grab my attention:)

I love to garden but I need to wait. The ground is still frozen and although there isn't much snow, hardly any this year, still enough to cover the ground, kind of. I always enjoy listening to the birds.

Have a lovely day.

Julie Thornton said...

Oh I've finally found your blog.

What I've read so far is great.

Was lovely catching up with you yesterday.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Pam - Your "stand off" brought my first laugh of the day. Thank you!!

Thaks Derek for the info on carkins - I would guess it is the same with the ones I can see from my wondow.

Thanks everyone - such interesting comments. If I have made any mistakes please forgive me. My eyes are failing badly and the print is so faint and small.