Saturday 10 September 2022

This and that

 The first sign that Autumn is fast approaching this morning four Daddy Long Legs (Crane flies)  on the outside of the window.   Not keen on those thin, dangly legs but as long as they remain on the outside of the window that's fine.

The other, more pleasing sign is that in the rare moments of sunshine this week it has been quite warm and all the perennials that D my gardener cut back are well on the way to flowering again which does tend to emphasise that Summer is not quite over yet.

Today is just a very grey day - a kind of 'nothing' day weather-wise.  I am wearing a vest, a pure wool jumper, a cardigan and a shawl. My carer breezed in in a T-shirt and complained of being hot.

Each time I switched on BBC 1 without thinking yesterday . - all I got was repeated shots - many of which I had seen earlier in the day.  I do agree we should have a period of mourning but I do hope it doesn't go on too long (for King Charles's sake as much as anything).   I did watch a Prom concerto which was highly impressive and when I finish this I shall try to find out what it was .   I presume it was probably from last night's prom.   If anyone out there watched it and knows - please do let me know.   It was a violin concerto in which the soloist walked amongst the orchestra in the last movement.

Lunch calls.   I watched the Official proclamation from St James's Palace.   Our new King looked so cut up about his mother (understandable when he has had no time at all after her passing  when he could afford a few minutes to grieve).   This morning's official proclamation was so interesting in that never before has it been seen by members of the public.  To see the Guardsmen in full dress take off their Bear skins so that they could ' do' 3 cheers and to see them kneel in obeissance to their new Head of State was very touching.  (his mother would have been proud of him).


  1. Even here in the States, we shall be subjected to the full 10 days of mourning, if we choose to watch it all. I will watch other programs!
    It's a very gray start to the weekend here and, hopefully, some good rains!

  2. I, too, have been impressed with the smooth transition between Queen to King, but I imagine King Charles would have preferred more time to himself.

    Pat, I'm with you in dressing for warmth even thought others are in summer attire! DH has long said I cannot be a reptile because I'm colder than my environment!


  3. I'm interested in the essential events to this hand over to King Charles but the broadcasters do so much lengthy waffling while waiting for these event, often repeating much stuff.
    After the last couple of nicely wet days, today has been very warm, sunny and breezy which potentially dries out the soil again.

  4. Although I shall not be watching any TV I expect I shall be catching up on events online.
    I put on an extra layer today. The temperature has only dropped a degree or two but the dampness in the air makes me feel chilly.

  5. The news and other programs here on TV and radio have all been about the Queen‘s death and King Charles. What bits of time were left were about the Ukraine war and energy crisis. As far as I‘m concerned, I find it appropriate to commemorate the Queen‘s life and report what is happening now, but the endless repeats are as unnecessary as cancelling scheduled films or other programs because of it - she was not Queen of this country, after all.
    We‘ve been having a pleasantly rainy day, with the gentle kind of rain that even our parched soil can handle. Just now, there has been an earthquake. Nothing broke or fell over, but we heard and felt it and it was a bit scary. The epicentre was in France, not far from O.K.‘s where I am staying this weekend, and it was 4.5 on the Richter scale.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Had to turn the TV off tonight while watching the princes greeting the crowds outside Windsor. Can't believe the people were so happy to great that American woman after the time that she's spent slagging off the royal family, how gullible people are.

  8. JayCee and Barbara Anne - ladies after my own heart - dress for the weather - I have an extra layer on today while folk are walking past in T shirts.

  9. This is not a referendum on Meghan; it is the mourning of a great nation for a great woman. Good for England for carrying on.

  10. It's Summer today in the Northeast US; at 80 degrees and sunny it could have been July. Our broadcasters provided a biographical on Queen Elizabeth from childhood to later in life. She led a very fascinating life and most certainly was a natural born leader with great skill and charm. A truly remarkable woman. Other woman should take their cue from the late and great Queen Elizabeth II.

  11. Yes, it is wonderful how England always stoically carries on. Their efforts during the Blitz and courage to protect their country in WW2,was admirable with the Royal Family playing their part to keep up that courage and determination going. Admirable also Charles willingness to accept and contribute to the future of the modern world, while maintaining traditions of the past. - Pam.

  12. The funeral has been planned for quite some time. The 10 days allows preparation because this event plays out on a world stage. I agree though that the endless looping and repeats on television gets quite tedious.

  13. I also agree with Derek. And yes, people do seem to have a short memory.
    She's probably collecting bits and pieces for her next pod cast to lift herself up. I've heard she has quite a following.
    I also get a bit chilly if I'm just relaxing but the minute I start a project things heat up pretty quickly and I'm down to the bare minimum.
    Of course 95 degrees Fahrenheit is pretty average right now in the Lone Star state.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Thank uou everyone for your views - much appreciated.
