Sunday 11 September 2022

Interesting day

There have been plenty of repeats again today but it was interesting to see the Queen's cortege leave Balmoral and travel through the beautiful scenery of Deeside and finally into Edinburgh where it will rest in the Palace of Holyrood House overnight before a short service in St Giles's Cathedral and a flight to London.   I am sure it has been planned for weeks but that can only be a good thing.

It has been a better day - warmer but Autumnal.   I have had two or three walks out in the sunshine one to chat to M, my neighbour, who was busy weeding dandelions out of her drive and one to her neighbour whose name I don't know but we often have a chat - today about pruning holly.

Between times watched a bit of television about the funeral and the journey down.   Now it is time for a bit of tea - maybe a couple crumpets with honey I think - I am not very hungry.

See you all tomorrow. 


  1. I always find that it's good to get outside even if it's only for a few minutes. My cat agrees. He pesters me all morning until I head out into the backyard with him. He's an indoor cat with a deep longing to be an outdoor cat. His age and weight now make it impossible for him to escape over the fence so the two of us can now safely enjoy the morning together with the birds and the butterflies flitting around us.

  2. A vast number of us stand still to watch the Queen go by.

  3. I, too, will watch the services for the Queen. It's unseasonably warm and humid today. Your weather sounds lovely and cool. Perfect for walking outside and enjoying your neighbors.

  4. I'm back in shorts again now. A day of rain was very welcome, but I do like to wear shorts until the end of October at least.

  5. Well done on your walks!
    There was quite a bit of rain on Saturday, but yesterday was once again sunny and warm. Mornings and nights are chilly, and we are looking forward to a good long hike today and tomorrow - as every year, we have two weeks off in September, starting today.

  6. We have a chilly rainy morning here today but it should be all right for an afternoon walk. I love the cooler temps!
    Hope you are having a happy Monday!

  7. Good for you, out and walking and visiting! I have found the outpouring of respect for the queen very moving.

  8. Melinda - your walks with your cat sound therapeutic all .round. Thanks to you all.
