Friday 9 September 2022

A Strange Feeling.

 It is indeed a strange feeling that after all those years suddenly our Queen is not with us any more.   I am not particularly a Royalist - in fact  I have no feelings either way but She has been our Head of State for such a long time that  She had really become a Permanent Fixture and now suddenly She is gone.   There is a disorientated feeling there which I hope will go in a day or two.   Life feels so very strange without Her.

I watched King Charles III land and drive to Buckingham Palace around lunchtime - how very strange it must seem to him to walk along the crowd of well-wishers, all eager  to shake his hand.   By tomorrow he will have a sore hand I guess.   He must have wanted to just go inside and put his feet up  and have a quiet time but no such luck.   Now meeting the Prime Minister  and then addressing the nation.   The state of things to come I guess. 

Good to read that Derek has had a good downpour - it has not rained so much here today although still several heavy showers and a rather cheerless day - as befits the news about HM the Queen I suppose,

No Last Night of the Proms - it has been postponed - I shall miss that but we must have a period of National Mourning I suppose although I don't know what our Beloved Monarch herself would have to say about it

I'll be back tomorrow friends.


  1. I rather echo your comments Pat, certainly not a royalist but it's strange now that She is no more.
    More heavy showers today and we are rather wet but it will need much, much more before before the soil a foot or more below ground gets properly wet.

  2. I also agree with your sentiments. I've had another temperate sunny day: Cool in the morning and the afternoon is warm in the sunshine and cool in the shade. The season is definitely changing. We had rain a few days ago and now the ground is starting to feel very dry again.

  3. Though the Queen is no more but note how King Charles 111 has slipped effortlessly into place to replace her. Perhaps it is because of our rudderless political situation, the helm needs to be taken.
    Rain absolutely poured yesterday, dagger three inch rain drops...

  4. Good point Thelma.
    I am pleased that some rain of consequence has fallen Derek - I was getting quite worried for you.

  5. I think both King Charles 111 and Prince William will be good at taking the helm. Harry seems to be the one who is rudderless. Last to arrive, first to leave, and only an airport staff
    member to keep him company and offer support on the tarmac on his flight back to London.
    The man has made many mistakes, some cruel, and continues to do so. Sad that calculated actions by grandson Harry and wife must have been around her Majesty right up to her final days.
    On a positive note, much coverage here on present happenings with the succession.
    RIP Queen Elizabeth. You were much admired, and as media coverage shows, loved.-Pam.
