Friday 30 September 2022

Acts of Kindness.

I don't see myself as a particularly kind and thoughtful person.   During my working life - mostly with children from fairly disadvantaged backgrounds I loved my job and worked jolly hard to do my best for them all - but let's face it I was getting well-paid for it.  Since retirement I have with both husbands had wonderful holidays all over the world,  great friendships, much fun with music.  I could go on but enough to say that I don't recall ever seeing myself as doing good particularly.   Both husbands did.   They were both good at spotting when somebody was in need of something being done and then they would step in and do it.

But fast forward to now.   An act of kindness yesterday (after I had finished having a bit of a cry) just made me realise how lucky I am.

I had got all locked up for the evening - it was not a particularly nice evening and it was jolly cold.   I was just thinking what to have for tea - lights on, blinds drawn, when my front door bell rang.  "Who's this bothering me at this hour?"   I unlocked the door to find my gardener D's partner standing on the step with a dish in her hand -handing it over she said "D's made you this".   "This was an apple crumble."   I beckoned him out of his van and gave him a kiss!!   Only after they had gone did I have a little weep.  What a kind thought.

During the evening I thought of the many acts of kindness I experience all the time and wonder what I have done to deserve them - I am in no state to reciprocate and yet they are so good.   My friends T and S - T has a permanent screwdriver in his hand and goes around looking what needs doing (and doing it).  I couldn't begin to list the jobs they do for me all the time - the help they give me without being asked.  S similarly helps me all the time. They call - they spend an hour or so here, they keep me company, they make me laugh,  they are here for me and I can't possily tell them how much I appreciate it.  J my carer does so much over and above what I pay her to do - usually something in the fridge she has cooked for me and constant texts  to keep my spirits up,   When my husband was in hospital twenty five miles away with 'End of Life' care with his brain tumour friend W took me to hospital every single day because she could see I was in no fit state to drive myself.

 Lots of other little acts too - I am so lucky - and not forgetting all of you out there - you bloggers who constantly cheer me up and keep me going.   And this is just a little thank you from a soon to be ninety year old - what would I do without you all?


  1. Most people are kind the world over. It goes unsaid and unwritten but kindness still prevails.

    1. Amen on your comments about Truss.

  2. Some people seem to invite kindness just by their very nature. You are one of those people.

  3. I agree with JayCee. You are someone who invites kindness. I can't even count the times I've wished you were my neighbour so I could pop over and water your pots, deadhead your plants and sit down for a nice cup of tea and a chat.

  4. I suspect you bring happiness to people in many ways. People are drawn to caring and compassionate people. You are a lovely individual. I do believe, acts of kindness are much the same.

  5. Yes I think you are all right - in these uncertain times it is a good thought to hold on to.

  6. What a lovely moment and act of kindness. From their hearts to yours with love.

  7. I'm rather new to reading your blog. Yet I feel you are definitely a caring person who must have done a lot for others throughout your life, and now it's coming back to you...the circle of sharing. I do enjoy hearing about your weather and your's quite different than mine here in the mountains of wester North Carolina! Isn't it great that blogger lets us do this!

  8. You are certainly a caring person and the fact that you have such lovely friends and neighbours, advertises the fact that you are a good person yourself. I do know how you feel to some extent, and find myself thinking what a lot of help I get from my family when there is little I can do in return. It must have something to do with the number of birthdays we have both had!

  9. You are a kind and loving person.It is great that people want to help you.It shows they care.
    As Rachel said.Kindness generally prevails.

  10. What goes around comes around. You are a caring person, and your friends, family, carer and us blogging friends look forward to spending time with you everyday. be kind to yourself. love from Poppy and val xx

  11. As I read long ago and have never forgotten:
    "It is in the shelter of others that people live." Paig Sayers, the Shetland Islands


  12. I have just come on again - the pouring rain has stopped and the sun is out. But the heating - has just clicked on, so not very warm outside methinks.- set to come on at 20

  13. Well, it seems to me that you have some really good friends, not just acquaintances. Many people "collect" acquaintances but never stop and take the time to let that mature into a real friendship. Not only that I would be willing to bet that you did many kind and loving things for people never realizing what that act of kindness actually meant to them. Often what seems a small thing to us means a great deal to the recipient. That kind of giving really does illustrate the saying "what goes around comes around".

  14. You reap what you sow pat
    You deserve your gift

    People are essentially good
    I’ve always believed that

  15. Your blog gives joy!

  16. You have good friends because you are a food friend to them, too.
    As for kindness, it does not seek a return act or other compensation. For the person who gives it, true kindness is enough in itself.

  17. Many blogs are people getting furious about something. I enjoy your posts so much for the calm consistency, and yes your blog gives joy.
    I think it is very kind of you to keep posting on some days when you feel below par and I admire how you tackle things when situations, or your health provides challenges. Keep up the good work Weave !-Pam.

  18. We love you; you love us and it goes round and round.

  19. It does one good to sit back and think about all the acts of kindness that are done for you. Never mind. You done many kind things and just forget about it.

  20. I love to read your blog and I think you are just kind by nature, without doing special acts of kindness. You are one of the people it is good to be around. And there are a lot of people who love to help without getting more than a "Thank you".
    Hilde in Germany

  21. I think it is as nice to do 'kind deeds' as it is to receive them.

  22. This makes me smile to read about so many acts of kindness you have received, both in the past and today. People care about you, and that includes me.

  23. We get back what we put out there. I've been noticing more and more acts of kindness lately.
    That was a lovely gesture and I'm sure it would have tasted delicious. Xx

  24. It's a very lucky person who has to use both hands to count their friends.

  25. It is nice to focus on the kindness around us. Thanks, Pat!

  26. I wouldn't say people being kind to you was luck, but love.

  27. Anon I couldn't find anywhere where I had made comments about Truss. I try to keep my posts non-political. But thank you all for your cheery comments at a time when there isn't a lot to be cheerful about.

  28. I wish we were neighbors Pat. I might bake and share more often than you can now, but all the lovely stories you would share with me about your life as a teacher, your history, and wife of two lovely farmers, would be the greatest gift over a good cup of tea, often!!!!
    Warm hugs, Mary X

  29. That was a lovely post and I'm so glad you shared it. Such kind people, and you deserve all of it. Jxx

  30. It seems to me you are kind. It is important to me that others don't whine and complain about simple things...when I see the devastation forty miles or so south of me, I am thankful the hurricane turned...I am sorry for them. I was under mandatory evacuation...I went to son's home, about half mile behind me...a strong hurricane home...however, he and family were ready to go if necessary. It was a few days of wind and rain, sheltering in place for the many without electricity. My son was prepared. I was able to come home and family and I put things back together. When I see the devastation...south of us...I am in tears. I have lived through tornadoes and blizzards in Ohio and Indiana...hurricanes Florida and South Carolina...this daughter's flight was cancelled...she will come later in the month...the others and I were able to eat on the ocean Friday for my big fav veggie burger...we ate outside of course...I am still avoiding inside eating...and then we had the yummiest vegan cake...more moist than others...yummm...great birthday despite this storm...thanks for all of your best wishes and prayers. perhaps people will wake up and be thankful.

  31. Miss you, Pat. Hope all is well.


  32. I think you are kind. You think of others. You do the little 'extra' things. You have a generous spirit that always sees the good in others. To me, that is kindness.
