Thursday 29 September 2022


Just as the weatherman said this morning - showery - heavy downpours interspersed with bright sunshine - and very cold.   As I look out now the sky is intense blue and it is very sunny but black cloud bubbling up on the horizon.  And it is cold.  I have to keep reminding myself that it is Thursday.   Going out to Ripon yesterday has thrown my days of the week out completely.

Friends S and T came this morning and have sorted my night lights out for the winter.   T has the sort of mind that deals with such problems and S was not happy about my having candles  in the event of a power cut.  (the way things are at present quite likely) .   He found that my two lamps in constant use are worn out,  but S has fitted me up with a nice light for the side of my bed which I can switch on just long enough for me to see my bedside lamp and switch it on.  Now it is just a case of looking for one in the sitting room.   No use waiting for it to happen.   Maybe "camping" lamps are what I am looking for.

I keep wondering how our friends in Florida are surviving .   Our weather girl, Carol, said this morning to imagine a Double Decker bus and then realise that that was the height of a storm surge hitting the shore, accompanied by winds well over a hundred miles an hour.

Well what to have for tea?  I rather fancy a tuna sandwich so shall go off and prepare one.   See you tomorrow.


  1. We have a little emergency torch which is permanently plugged into a socket to keep it fully charged. It can then come on automatically when its motion sensor is triggered, even if the power goes off. Very useful for nightime visits up or down stairs.
    I had a tuna sandwich for lunch today. One of my favourites.

  2. Beautiful day here. Shorts on and hot sun. Good to be prepared for darkness at all times in whatever way suits.

  3. Beautiful, blue skies and sunshine all day after a light frost early on. Warm this afternoon but my shorts are in the drawer for next year now.

  4. What a treasure your friends are! I have a motion sensor night light in the hall that runs on two AA batteries. It is very much appreciated and used. Next time I put one in, must remember to put it a bit higher up the wall. The pets can trigger the current one to go on when they walk by.

  5. I have torches strategically place in kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and living room, in case of power cuts. Noticeably colder today and I put the duvet back on the bed last night also gave in and put the fire on this afternoon. I was trying not to use it until October, but we're almost there.
    Keep snug and safe.

  6. Thanks for reminding me about keeping torches or candles handy. I used to know where the candles were in case of power failures, but since husband has retired, he has happily shifted everything in the house 'to a better place'. Only the other day, guests and I waited while he searched the back of the pantry with a torch to find the mint sauce - always within site before. 'You never use it' seems to be the explanation for retrieved goods in strange places.
    My cake tins are presently on top of the wardrobe in the bedroom. I searched for ages for them!-Pam.

  7. Best to be prepared. Having some battery powered lights is always good when there is a power cut. I keep several flashlights and one larger camp light for emergencies. Today was a brilliant blue sky and sunshine. The warmth of the sun is lovely; move to the shade and the coolness is quite noticeable. It was a perfect Fall day. People in Florida got hit very hard with floods and high winds. I did hear most people evacuated. Some that stayed in place were surrounded by as much as 8 feet of water. They are trying to rescue people trapped in the highest point of their homes. Hurricanes are very dangerous and the devastation is terrible.

  8. I have a stick torch that hangs on a hook by the kitchen window. We had a power cut the other night after a short thunderstorm and it was nice to be able to reach out in the pitch dark and feel the button on the torch, press it and flood the kitchen with a little light. Once you can see what you’re doing it feels easier somehow.

  9. I think Friday will be a nasty day of cycling for me, awful weather forecast

  10. Our share of rain is expected to arrive this morning. But I shall try not to complain, given the situation in Florida.
    A camping lamp would be a good idea. Lily has one and it is really quite bright. X

  11. The worst thing about those storms, is that they get them EVERY YEAR.

  12. I must admit that I am not very good at preparing for an emergency, I am a bit of a day-to-day person at that, having few durable food provisions in store and just one small torch light in the top drawer of the hall cabinet. There are tealights and one big candle in the living room, but they usually come out for decoration only. It might have something to do with the fact that I have not experienced one single power cut in the nearly 20 years I have been living in this flat, but of course I am aware of the changed circumstances that could have a big impact here, too.

  13. Candles are a bit dodgy but if you do have them, always remember to put the matches near!

  14. Somw helpful ideas here re light in the night - I shall investigate Thanks everyone.
