Monday 3 October 2022


 Two day gap but both days, just as I started a post, friends came. I do like to post every day because it aids the 'continuity of thought' in my brain - difficult to explain to anyone younger I think but if I miss a couple of days I tend to lose the thread and I have to do a bit of a search through my brain cells to find it again.  But friends - actual human beings here in my bungalow and actually touchable - are so important and have to take precedence don't you agree?   (although all of you are so important and keep me in touch with reality)  so "Good morning bloggers and dear bloggy friends!"

Now what did I intend to post about?   Well, first of all about Gwynneth Paltrow (or Gwynnie  as theTimes calls her) who has reached fifty and wishes to be noticed in a really big way.   So how does she go about it?   She takes all her clothes off and covers herself in gold paint!!   Well, in another 28 days I shall be ninety and when I get out of bed and look in the mirror I can say with certainty I shall look more or less the same as I did the previous day.  Time marches on and how ever much I spend on creams, potions, beauty products, ready meals and sex aids , in spite of Gwynneth's  advice  nothing can really - in the real world -stop the march of time which always wins in the end.    So my philosophy is to live one day at a time  and just make the most of it.  No pills and potions on earth make much difference.   On the scales of life you (or me) sit on one side and fate/time/ call it what you will sits on the other and sooner or later you lose.  So what do I intend to do on my 90th birthday?   Not sure yet - depends how well/agile I feel but one thing is for sure - if I paint anything gold it will be my front door!

See you tomorrow dear friends.


  1. Thank you for this post, you really made me smile today.
    That Ms Paltrow certainly has a unique way about her.

  2. So glad you are not planning to stand around covered in just gold paint - bit chilly for that in Yorkshire!

  3. Val in north London3 October 2022 at 04:51

    This made me smile too, Pat. Melanie Reid, the Times journalist who broke her neck and back in a riding accident, wrote "if your body works and moves then by definition you look beautiful." I think she's right!

  4. Gwynneth does have some strange ideas but I have to say, she did look quite appealing.

  5. Good to hear of friends visiting. Blog friends are important as well, though..they arrive whatever the weather!!

    One of my friend's father (in his early 90s I believe) has a quick saying...AGM...and he is happy..Above Ground and Moving!!

  6. Well, you had me picturing you covered in paint for your 90th birthday! :)
    What a silly thing to do! You have a good attitude about life. I think we can just do our best each day and that's that!

  7. I think painting your front door gold would be a fine way to mark your 90th birthday. Such fun!

  8. From what I have read of Gwyneth Paltrow she sells pretty silly stuff but then Sarah Miles used to drink her own urine, apparently it has health properties. You can make some money painting yourself gold and then sitting like a statue outside a shopping centre - chuckle.

  9. Your blog struck a cord with me this morning. There's really no stopping the march of time and a person has to learn to appreciate a healthy mind and body. Aging fall-out like crow's feet and sagging skin take some getting used to, (speaking from experience), but it really doesn't matter. My sisters and I use to discreetly roll our eyes whenever we'd hear someone say, "As long as you've got your health." I can safely say we no longer roll our eyes.

  10. GP is marketing her beauty and health (?) products. It's a business. So much for gold paint. I rather like your idea of a gold door for your 90th. What fun that would be. Definitely a conversation piece. Add a Christmas wreath against the gold and striking it would be.

  11. I like what you said about the Scales of Life.
    Wendy (Wales)

  12. Nothing beats friends within reach to hug, visit with, and share their company and conversation! What a good way to spend your energy!
    I'm 19 years behind you and hope I have as much to say and do if/when I get to 90, I'll be very happy. You're a delight!


  13. Hope I'm able to write such witty posts when I'm 90.

  14. Now i'd like to see that! a GOLD front door!

  15. I'm so very glad you have friends who come to visit. Some of my friends go to see others who are shut ins in nursing homes. It is certainly important to break up the routine. I'm so glad I found your blog, and get to read about your wonderful sense of life.

  16. You are an inspiration. I hope I will be blogging and still enjoying the world when I get as close to 90 as you are.

  17. She's a silly thing, but then again, she's made a lot of money peddling all her strange ideas and ridiculous wares ... so maybe she's a lot cleverer than I am giving her credit for.

    Painting a door rather than a body sounds like a much better use of gold paint if you ask me.

  18. Ah well, you have such a wonderful way of putting the day and life in such perspective with the added joy of putting a smile on my face. Though we’ve never met I consider you a friend and I’m thankful for starting the day with you as often as I can on this side of the pond up on the California coast with the Redwoods. Thank you. I’ll keep an eye out for that gold door!

  19. Love your post today. I do hope Gwyneth wont regret her decision to paint herself gold later on in life.
    Will you be painting your front door gold, before or after painting the town red on your 90th birthday?

  20. You gave me a smile today - thought for a moment you were contemplating painting yourself gold to match Gwyneth 😉.

  21. You really tickled and made me smile! At 80 yrs. old looking in the mirror always makes me smile. The days of a pert bosom long gone, many wrinkles and a jowly look tells me I am still here! How we see ourselves and how others see us doesn't matter. Love, kindness and most oi all laughter means the most! Imagining your front door painted gold!

  22. I love your take on aging. Yep, there's not a darn thing we can do to change it. Congrats on your feistyness at your age. I am not far behind you. Isn't it wonderful that we 'old gals' have blogging to keep us in touch, be creative, and express ourselves!

  23. What does an ageing gold body and a gold front door have in common? You need good knockers for a stunning effect.-Pam.

  24. Okay...Weaver's post was funny. This comment was hilarious, Pam. Thanks for the giggles.

  25. Well, gold is OK, and does make a statement. However, my front door will be painted red for celebrations.

  26. You have a good attitude about your end here. It's our good bye. We mourn our own loss. But have a very happy birthday. What a great milestone.

  27. Until I found your blog and began to read it I always said I didn’t want to live until I was 90. Now I’m not so sure. You have an interesting life even though you describe it as limited.

  28. This made me smile, and for a brief moment I thought you were intending to cover yourself in gold paint! Xx

  29. Offline life always should take precedence on our online (blogging or other) lives; ideally, blogging is a pleasure and never a burden, enhancing your life but not ruling it.

    Why people see time as an adversary they need to fight is beyond me. Time is what it is, and our bodies naturally age, like everything around us ages.

  30. Thanks everyone - lots of smiles you have given me here to start my day today. Enjoy you day!
    Latane - tried to get on to thank you for your visit but your site would not allow me entry.
