Thursday 7 July 2022

New problem.

Oh dear I thought all my problems had disappeared but now Cro and Tom's sites I just can't get a comment to stay on - .computer just keeps telling me an error has occured.   Also I don't think my question to John (by Stargoose) has gone on either.   But it is a hot night and pretty airless so I will try again tomorrow.   After strong winds for days there is just a faint breze today - not enough to cool down what has been a very hot day - I would guess the hottest of the Summer so  far here.

And a day that has been dominated entirely by Boris.   He is the only man I know who can stand up and speak for about a quarter of an hour without once mentioning any of the things he has done wrong at all.  What is wrong with the man?   Answers on a postcard please.


  1. You are quite fortunate in your comment difficulties I have to say.

  2. Ah, don't forget the skills of our #45 over here. With the added bonus of Trump's ability to get people fired up over imaginary grievances. Peas in a pod.

  3. Sorry your computer won't let you comment on Cro's blog or Tom's blog. I cannot comment on John's blog because it now only accepts google and I don't do google because it has its fingers in too many pies. What a bother!

    Wish His Horror had had the grace to bow out but he hasn't got any grace at all. We can only hope he goes to jail for life for the multitude of crimes he chose to commit or whatever punishment shuts him up forever.

    I'm sewing the first border on another donation quilt, this one going to some little boy by way of an organization called Quilts Beyond Borders.


  4. My answer wouldn't fit on a postcard!

  5. Perhaps time to get the computer doctor again.
    I had to call one in for my mother in her nineties, after her bank requested me to do so, after an attempted scam.
    He was wonderful doing a 'general clean-up' and deleteting a lot of things she would never use, and a lot of clogged up housekeeping. It would be interesting to hear his/her take on things and why it's happening.
    I am tired of hearing about Boris over here too. We are enjoying having New Zealand's young prime minister here for a visit at the moment - she is another one who didn't have much time for our former Prime Minister Scott Morrison - so glad he was voted out recently. Good luck with it all ! - Pam, Aust.

  6. Lots of comments are off to spam pat

  7. Re Boris, I'm now starting to feel sorry for young Mrs Boris. At least she's known where he was for the last few years!

  8. Later on by trying again I managed to get back on to one or two more comments pages.

  9. Your last attempt to comment on mine worked Weave. The rest have probably been put into spam by Google. Go to comments and look for spam under deleted comments. You will probably find a load of ones hiding in there.

  10. BJ has been on our US news feeds as well. In the US it is either BJ, Chicago gunman shooting bystanders at a 4th of July parade and Roe v. Wade overturn by the SCJ. Nothing very uplifting in the news! I think TS has some insight to your computer problems. It is hot and no rain here too. The heat is oppressive and I'm starting to look forward to Fall.

  11. Your Boris and our tRUMP were cut from the same cloth, I think. At least his cabinet had the integrity to finally stand up and this is wrong and leave their jobs. Here, everyone is still trying to kiss his fanny...and he is not even in office.

  12. All politicians are good at this activity. They refuse to admit wrong doing.

  13. Sounds like you have a serious gremlin.

  14. I'm moderating all comments at the moment (they don't appear on the blog till I check that they are suitable). I had to do this after getting a few comments that I wished not to inflict on readers. I can't answer your question though, being no expert on grasses. Clearly Boris's mistakes are just more examples of things he's "forgotten".

  15. I don't think a postcard would be big enough....

  16. Weave, when you feel you have written a comment and pressed send, and then there's nothing, it's beacuase it has gone into a 'holding bay' because that blogger has chosen to wait until they have read the comments before allowing them to appear. Some bloggers wait and will sort through a batch at the end of the day, so revisit later to check.
    If, like Cro's blog, you just can't sign in at all, I don't think this is anything to do with your computer as it happens to me. There is a glitch in Blogger/Google which fails to allow people who are already signed in on some blogs to sign in on others. In trying to avoid spam comments, some options that bloggers can select are causing other problems.

  17. Well there are some weird and wonderful ideas out there Weave for to get further confused about. The error message you get when try to publish a comment comes up for me too sometimes. I either start again or give up depending on how much I really wanted to say it!

  18. Thanks to you all.. Shall begin a new day and try again.

  19. Using Roundup on Bermuda grass can effectively control its growth. However, it's important to note that Roundup is a broad-spectrum herbicide, so it may also affect other plants in the vicinity. To mitigate this, consider implementing permaculture, a technique that involves planting alternating rows of crops and grass to reduce erosion and pesticide runoff, thus protecting the environment while managing Bermuda grass effectively.
