Wednesday 6 July 2022

A mystery

It never ceases to amaze me how computers have a mind of their own.   For the last fortnight I have been able to get on some blogs and not on others.   And never once have I been able to get on to my own blog  to leave a post in the usual way.   Until that is five minutes ago when on pressing the usual button up it all came as though it had never been away.   Still, 'ours not to reason why' I suppose'.

The day here has deteriorated  - sunny this morning but a strong wind blowing.   I walked to the end of the road and back with Priscilla and called at the Postbox.   When the post came five minutes later there were two letters which needed answering so it is back to the drawing board - letters typed, printed off (if you saw my handwriting now that my tremor is really bad you wouldn' t ask), stamped and back round by the post box again.  My lunch of a salmon steak with fresh vegetables followed and then a kit kat with my coffee.   After a snooze of half an hour I came to put on my blog and read yours, dear blog friends.   I have to say poor old Boris gets             some stick from you all today - deservedly so  of course.   Politics is a dirty business.

I can't believe he will survive much longer - he might even have gone by now it is a couple of hours since I viewed the small screen.   But I shall soon be putting it on to see how the tennis has fared so that is soon enough.   The sky is now the same dark grey dismal colour all over.   Will it rain?   I do hope so otherwise I shall have to water later.  I wish you could see my pots along the front of my garden under the windows.   They are worth the trouble watering.

If you are reading this Debs thank you for your snail mail this morning = I have enjoyed reading you and will reply shortly.   All ofyou who communicate either by snail or computer have my sincere thanks - your missives give me pleasure every single day. 

I'll be back tomorrow.  Or see you later as they say around here. 


  1. Computers are a bane and a blessing, and I can never decide if the blessing is worth the bane.
    I've been away from blogs for a good while, and missed reading you every day. I worry that something will happen and I will miss it, I guess. I've been following you since 2007 or 2008, a long time, and have enjoyed the journey with you. Be well, Pat.

  2. Always enjoy your musings and am glad your blog is once again playing nicely with you.

    Hope we get rain today as the high is forecast to be 35*C and that's not fit for man nor beast! Happily, cooler days are also in the forecast for the next 5 days, so while highly unusual, they're welcome!

    I plan to tidy my wee sewing room today or for as long as my energy lasts!


  3. Computers are so nice when they play properly, otherwise they are a complete nightmare. Mine is going to our local computer shop to be 'looked at'. This morning was warm and muggy, but after lunch there was quite a breeze but the sun on my back was so hot. I am afraid I am done for and my feet and legs hate it. Trying to stay awake until bedtime!

  4. I just switched the radio from politics to the tennis to see how Nadal is getting on. He's limping along but refusing to give up - it sounds familiar. Unlike Boris he has a lot of talent as well as support from those around him.

  5. Well your computer has more of a mind of its own than mine does. Mine, I am pleased to say, does as it is told. Yours is a complete mystery.

  6. I certainly wouldn't like to be in Boris' shoes today - they must be pinching something dreadful!

    My computer decided recently it wouldn't let me do video calls. The camera was off. Then the sound was off. I had to be a bit gung-ho and open things I wouldn't normally open but managed to sort it. But where would we be without them these days?

  7. Bone dry and rock hard down here on Sheppey and losing the battle to keep some plants going. Temps. of 31 degrees and hot sun for the next several days, so things aren't going to improve moisture wise.
    Watched the tennis for much of the afternoon and now going to watch the England women in the football, they play so well.

  8. I'm always reading your blog dear Pat .. maybe not commenting but i read every day.. So glad your snail mail made it and you enjoyed it.. We would love some cloud cover here.. Up over 100 F every day.. 105F today.. no end in sight and no rain.. Its going to be a heck of a Summer.. Take care Hugs! deb

  9. Glad you got things working as I always check each day to see how you are.
    My computer acts up sometimes and I shut it down and let it rest for awhile and then check in to see if it is better! :)
    It is nice that your garden is giving you a good show this summer! Thanks for posting!

  10. Poor Nadal with his twisted back Derek - but he finally won. Whether he will last another marathon game another day is debatable. His father kept shouting to him to retire but he was having none of it.

  11. Our computers can operate very well and then go off or require replacement entirely. Lately, I've been lucky and experience no problems. Your flowers always sound lovely. You definitely put in the effort to take very good care of them and keep them looking nice. It's rather hot today at 80 degrees F and humid. We got a bit of rain last night but not enough to make much of a difference. Some rain and coolness would be great.

  12. Granny Sue's comment had me wondering when I first started reading your blog, and it would have been 2013, so have had a great time this morning catching up on your blog years before then - lovely reading, thank you Pat.
    Interesting to read Wed. 29th Dec, 2010..."Even after the computer doctor's visit, I am still having some problems with my computer..". Ha!
    So glad you persevere with this annoying aspect to continue to deliver interesting posts.

  13. I don't have any tremors to use as an excuse for my poor hand writing. I have not done cursive writing for a long long time.

  14. Your posts give as much joy to us as your commenters give to you. The blog world can be an wonderfully supportive place.

  15. Yes, see ya later (with glottal T).

  16. You had two walks then yesterday - well done!
    My handwriting has always been bad, and I have no tremor... also, I find I can express my thoughts so much better typing, because it is much quicker. Still, I like to send snail mail cards for people's birthdays and at Christmas, and sometimes when I know they have been ill or suffered a loss. No idea whether they are ever able to read properly what I wrote, but I live in hope!

  17. I have found the weather this year as being very cold, and am still waiting for the warmth of summer but that might be just me - Southern bones not coping with Northern air. Glad your plants are looking lovely, they give so much pleasure.

  18. Mine not only has a mind of its own, but one with hostile intent. There is no other explanation for some of the things that happen.

    I have always had such terrible handwriting (and weirdly similar to my father's, who certainly did not teach me penmanship!). When "cursive" was introduced when I was in elementary school I was always coming home with bad reports, extra practice, etc, and it basically never improved. My 8 years younger brother had the same issues and as a teen basically switched to printing vs cursive in instances where he couldn't type a message. Still prints everything, now in his 60s. At least people can read it, I applaud his approach.

    Congratulations on the walks going well - we are now having a gentle rain, much needed as the garden soil was like terra cotta yesterday - hard clay! We did get a dog walk in before it started thankfully.


  19. Thelma it is very warm here today and the wind is not so strong and it is far too warm for me - it is making me feel quite ill so I have done little or nothing all day. Now, at 8.30 in the evening it is much cooler and much pleasanter.
    Pam - Your comment made me laugh out loud!

    Thank you everyone for your contributions.
