Friday 8 July 2022

Another day

 Another day of wall-to-wall sunshine.   The trouble is that my six tubs along the front of the bungalow (South-facing!) do get very thirsty and it is very tiring watering them.   I do have a tap with a hose pipe attached that makes it much less stressful but I do not always feel confident to use it because I have to walk with Priscilla along the edge of the lawn while at the same time turn ing on the tap (lefty loosy, righty tighty as my friend W taught me) and pulling it along.   It is best done at night so that the plants get a good long drink without the sun on them but by night time I am too tired to do this.   Yesterday friends T and S called and T did it for me in about five minutes (thank you T).   My new Joie de Vivre rose which had been covered in beautiful blooms needs regular watering too and it is up one level in the garden and I can't climb the steps.   I left the watering can on the draining board to remind me to ask my carer to do it for me while I got my own breakfast.   I started to ask her and before I got the sentence out she said - "done the rose and your tubs!"   J you are one in a million!

I shall now store this and go and make myself a coffee and a couple of rounds of toast - back later.

What a world we live in.   Away for a couple of hours and when I return Japan's Prime Minister has been assassinated.   Japan - one of the countries with the safest and strictest gun laws yet a highly respected man has been shot and killed.   Why is it that life is so poorly valued, so valueless to people?   And the people who commit such a crime- do they just not value a life at all, do they have a grudge against society, are they mentally unstable?  We can make excuses for them - and we usually do -  but apart from the crime they commit they are also often fathers, mothers, children.   I do despair at times like these and wonder whether the perpetrators ever regret it afterwards when it is too late.

On a lighter note I see Nadal has pulled out of Wimbledon semifinal this afternoon with  a torn 7mm long wound on his abdominal muscle.  It was obvious when he was playing last that his service was suffering and its speed had slowed down from well over 100mph to around 90.   I think i can say with certainty that never would I have been able to return a service shot from Nadal.   How about you?

H next door rang the doorbell and came in for a cup of tea - she stayed for an hour.   I have just returned to my computer to sign off for today and to say - see you all tomorrow.  Another pleasant day forecast - no rain on the horizon.


  1. The strong sunshine and high heat drying everything out is not ideal for us as gardeners. I'm glad your friends are helping out with your watering. Worldwide the shootings of innocent people is very concerning. Personally, I think the shooters are angry, disturbed people and the act of shooting another person gives them a feeling of power. Maybe it temporarily abates their anger.

  2. The assassin in Japan used a home-made gun.
    Imagine sitting in the crowd at Wimbledon - that's hot!

  3. How marvelous to have helpful friends to keep your garden watered so cheerfully!! I was told long ago not to water plants at night because that encourages harmful molds to grow in the soil. I wonder if that was ever correct?
    How sad so many events are these days or is it that we just know about worldwide horrors because of first it was TV and now it is the internet. As the motto of the American Field Service (placed exchange students in homes 51 years ago) is/was "Walk together, talk together, oh ye people of the world. Them, and only then, will there be peace."
    The Rail Fence quilt is the right size to send to the group that will finish it so I cannot add the next border I think it needs. I do plan to make the binding so I can choose that fabric and will send it along with the quilt top!


  4. I am going to look up the Rose you mentioned. How wonderful your Carer and friends are helping with the watering.

  5. He was a former prime minister, not the present one. Facts on social media get distorted. I always use a hose from one spot and see how far I can get the water to reach, no walking along with it. Make it into a game and turn the tap up high.

  6. Rachel - the trouble is that the pots are along by my front door and step and also windows thus making a mess of the area if I shake too much.

  7. I water in the cool of the evening as well, greenhouse every day and pots usually every other day, although it will be every day for the coming week if it's as hot as promised. It takes three joined-up hoses to reach the veg plot, so that is usually left to itself unless everything is wilting!

  8. Pat, are soaker hoses available there?

  9. I was going to say the same as Debby. They are a life saver for plants. And so easy to use.

  10. Please leave us some wall to wall sunshine days for when we're in Ripon from next weekend onwards! We will be glad to escape the extreme heat that is forecast for our area for that time with temperatures up to 40C, but it would be nice to have reasonably dry weather for walks and visiting our favourite places and maybe sit in the garden with a book for one whole afternoon.

    Your blog was the first place I heard of the assassination in Japan, not having watched the news for two nights in a row.

  11. That assassination was shocking. He was a very modern PM for Japan.

  12. Thanks everyone.

    Debby and Sparkling Merlot. What is a soaker hose please?

  13. Simply, Weave, a soaker hose is a hosepipe with lots of tiny holes in it. They work well on veg and flower beds, laid around the plants on the ground and the idea is that they are left in place. You turn the tap on for as long as you need and the water seeps out of the little holes all along it. Crocus sell a few of these at:

    You'd also have to consider being able to remove the attachment from the tap if you needed to fill a can.

    It is possible to get more dainty drip feed watering systems with very thin pipes, often strung along things like hanging baskets, again just turning the tap on. A system like this might be better, but again, might be too visible.

  14. Thank you veg artust I will look into this.

    Thanks to you all for joining in our conversation.

  15. There's a stratum of people who have failed to succeed to fit in with society. They have basically failed in life. There are many reasons for this (bad upbringing, drugs, distraction, stupidity) and they are angry that the world succeeds as they falter. So some are unfortunate losers due to background, and others are failures due to being misled, and some are just basically incompetent. I call them the moaning classes.
