Saturday 11 June 2022

Only a short post

Blogger has been playing up for the last couple of days and I have notbeen able to put a post on as it has been directing me to Google all the time.   Now, suddenly, just as I am about to watch Michael Palin it seems to have righted itself - so fingers crossed for tomorrow.  Night night.


  1. I just saw you had come back to me so I thought all is well. Night night x

  2. Enjoy your program and then sleep well. A new day of blogging tomorrow!

  3. I am so glad that Google fixed itself. I'm not sure why it's been misbehaving, and I'm hoping it stays fixed.

  4. I hope you get to see Michael P. His programs are always excellent.

  5. This is common now
    Have to retype name every time or comment is anonymous
    Some blogs I can’t even comment on
    Fortunately I only read a few.
    Hope you get it fixed permanently

  6. I sometimes wonder if it would be good to occasionally reset Blogger to default. Mine has a very annoying time lapse between replies to comments on my page. If I have just replied to a comment, I have to wait about 20 seconds before I can reply to another. I would love to get rid of it, but fear upsetting it and causing another blip. Good that you're back to 'normal'.

  7. I hope it is all sorted for you now. Blogger has been very hit and miss recently. X

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It is a good thing you don't have second verification as well, which involves, email, password and then phone pass. It is as if almost the computer reboots itself, could it be the programme apart from Google I wonder.

  10. Cro, what are you talking about in your ps?

  11. Hope it is still behaving itself this morning.

  12. Good to know it was blogger and not you who were unwell!
