Saturday 11 June 2022

What has happened?

Over night something strange has happened in Blogland and I seem almost unable to put on a new post.   'It' keeps telling me to 'sign into |Google'.   My skills in such things are pretty limited - can somebody with time and the right skills talk me through what to do in easy steps as I have only been able to leave about two comments so far.  Without my blog life would be very dull for most of the time as I am almost 90, almost unable to walk and rely on you lot out there to keep me sane!   Thank you


  1. You have a google blog, so you have to sign in ... just the name you use and pass word and then all should be ok

  2. Possibly to signed out of Blogger last time you left it, rather than just closing the browser. I usually just close the browser and it remains signed in the next time I open the browser and start up Blogger. I think you need to sign in to Blogger again. However, you may already have do it because this post is a new post.

  3. No clue, so hope you can continue with the help of others who are more tech savvy than I am.

    I am so glad the comment format here is user-friendly, unlike those who now require google to sign in. I am uncomfortable with google's fingers in every pie!


  4. It could be cookies need enabling and cross site tracking turned on. May need a visit from tech savvy friends. This would explain some sites ok and others not. A bit complicated. Google has started changing cookie policy which remembers us and is causing problems on Blogger.

  5. I find myself signed in on your blog, but out of most others. I have updated my blogger page as it was registered with a now defunct email (Tiscali), and managed to sign into John's blog, but not to any others, therefore unable to comment on most.
    It will be such a shame if the so-called improvements to blogger result in many of us not being able to take part in conversations because we are not tech-savvy enough to cope with the changes.

  6. Sometimes all you need to do is shut down the computer, wait ten minutes & restart. It resets itself to correct all the problems - as I've found to my dismay after hours of trying to fix something. Doesn't always work but works more often than not . . . And I've had the same problems with my long term blogs. No rhyme nor reason. Keep up the good work.

  7. I am having the same problem, I am signed into my blog but cannot leave comments on many others, obviously I can on yours, I’ve been leaving comments as anonymous and then typing in the link to my blog at the end. Can’t seem to sort it on iPad and away from home so I hope friends will realise I haven’t deserted them. Why these things happen I’ve no idea, it is annoying.

  8. I wonder how you managed to post this one, Weave. Maybe it's not so much of a problem after all?

  9. I had the same experience. There are a few blogs where that Google log-i n screen shows up when I want to comment, even though I am already logged in.

  10. Same problem I had a month or so ago. Problem turned out to be my settings didn't accept 3rd party cookies. Once that was changed, the bullying to sign I n stopped.

  11. Thank you for your comments - it is a comfort to know that I am not alone. Tom - I could sign in to some blogs - yours was one. Not sure I always understood your advice - but I shall keep on trying. Now I shall try today with renewed vigour - if it will let me!
