Sunday 12 June 2022

Good morning!!!

Good morning all bloggy friends if you can read me loud and clear.   I do hope so.   It is comforting to know that I am not alone in my blog post struggles.   I am afraid  your helpful hints mostly fall on a muddled brain and I really don't think I can pass the problem on to a blog savvy person - none of my friends blog and the chap who 'looks after' my computer knows nothing at all about blogs and freely admits it.

It seems to be something about Google v  Blog or something but for now I shall try someone's advice in answer to my last post.   I shall switch off, go and do something else (pull a few reachable weeds out?) and then switch on again in the hopes the problem has righted itself.



  1. I was referring to a computer savvy friend, not a blog savvy friend. It takes a person not afraid of computers to sort cookie problems. You seem to be signed in at the moment and have left me a comment so hope all is well.

  2. Good morning...though it just turned afternoon here, and is approaching evening by the time this is posted to you. Not a blog problem, just the earth turning and your time is 5 hours ahead of mine. I hope blogger can be fixed. I've discovered the comments section has been holding a half dozen comments and I must go check (at a check mark) each of them for them to be posted...over a weeks time!

  3. Oh, the delights and frustrations of technology - it seems they go hand in hand. Turn off and restart is always my first port of call, and it usually sorts things. Hope your problems disappear too.

  4. Hi, I see your post! It is a rainy day here on the coast of Delaware. I'll do inside the house chores and maybe later I'll pull a few weeds while the ground is soft.I look forward to your writing each day so I hope your computer/blog issues are sorted. Rose

  5. I turn my computer off every night, and whilst I agree that off/on ccan cure some blips, it has had no effect at all on my ability to comment on Google-only blogs for weeks now. Yet I am signed in on this blog??? Please don't change this blog to Google-only comments though. I'd be stuffed!

  6. So good to hear your “voice” today❣️

  7. Switching things off then on again is the answer to many computer problems.. Hugs! debs

  8. Veg artist - I think I mostly get your comments - I usually answer them too. I shall certainly not alter them I promise you - I value comments from my old favourites and don't wish to stop them accidentallly.
    Thanks bike shed.
    Rachel I think all came right when I switched on this morning but just have not had time to come back on again - so fingers crossed for tomorrow.

  9. 🧡Yep ! Switch off then switch on again ..and cross your fingers !

  10. I had trouble with Blogger vs Google, and it was a matter of signing into Google, then I was safely back to Blogger. You need a Google account to use Blogger in the first place.

  11. I haven't posted on my blog in a while, too much going on to even think about it. I do hope the problem is temporary. Wondering if it will affect my ability to blog too.

  12. I don't think you realise you are a household name in other countries around the world....known as the lady in Yorkshire who said this or said that....thank you for keeping us informed of all the details of your life year in year out...I am sure others appreciate it too.

    1. Yes, I have told my 78 year old mother in Australia about things I have read on your blog and refer to you as .. “this lady in the UK who I read …”

  13. I referred to you as " 'a lady in Yorkshire who mentioned ..." when I questioned my English brother-in-law about people in the U.K. having cheese and apple pie together, not usual in Australia that I know of...our choice being cream or ice cream. You had posted about it. Evidently there's a saying in Yorkshire that 'apple pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze.'. I thought it was such a strange combination, but he saw nothing strange about it.-Pam.

  14. You're coming in loud and clear, Pat! Yay!

  15. Good morning! Good to see you seem to be able to post here without trouble again.

  16. I'm happy it's all working well for you today. I hope you've had a pleasant day!

  17. The world has righted itself Pat. I never turn my computer off at night but put it on 'sleep' because getting it to work the following morning takes ages. But as my son said years ago, see that button in the corner mum, press it for 20 seconds and your problem will go away. I worry more about an event that happens every so often, all of a sudden my stats goes into the thousands. But our cyber security expert in the family says don't worry.

  18. Comforting Thelma - thank you

    Pam - indeed -apple pie without a cheese is indeed like a kiss without a squeeze. Another oddity I discovered when I married the farmer is that pork pies are delicious up here and beautifully baked when you buy them - but put them in the oven and serve them HOT even if it is with salad!!

    Thank you friends everywhere.

  19. I've been having problems too, Weaver, so you're not alone. I always thought it was my old computer but maybe not after all. I think the internet is going to h*ll along with the rest of the world. ~Andrea xoxo
