Wednesday 28 April 2021



 I made a typing slip there when I wrote the title,  I typed Weednesday - and to some extent it is true - we had a jolly good heavy rain yesterday and any weeds would come up very easily today.   And what is more D, my gardener has arrived.   But not to weed - he did that last week.   He has arrived to clear the gutters of moss and then pressure-wash the patio.  Jobs that have needed doing for a while.

It's all happening today because my carer has also stayed behind for an hour to give the kitchen a really good clean - the windows (2 large ones), the cupboards - all the tins out and everything sorted out there and finally the floor washed.   Yesterday I had cleaned the top of the gas hob and the inside of both ovens (hardly used) - it had taken me a long time and also made me realise just how important it is that I keep doing things around the house.   If I don't use it I shall lose it and not be able to do things around the house and that means landing at the top of a long, slippery slope I shall not be able to get off.

I have just manipulated the washing basket (with a mixture of hands and toes) from the machine through into the garage and then put the washing in the tumble drier which is merrily tumbling as I type this.   When it is finished I shall make an effort at  folding - not very successfully as my balance is not brilliant

So far I have not done a walk today.   It is now a quarter past eleven so I shall not get one done this morning. -  I shall see how things go this afternoon.  But it is good to be getting jobs done and I must say the kitchen looks and smells lovely - every time I pass the door I stop to admire her handiwork.   We have decided that the next room to tackle is the bathroom.   Obviously, like the kitchen, it gets a cursory clean each week  but as my mother used to say - every room needs a good old bottom now and again.

'Sewing Bee' to look forward to tonight on the television.   I used to do a bit of sewing at one time but when I look at the tasks the competitors are set - and more importantly the time they are given to complete the challenge- awe is the word which springs to mind.   Still, horses for courses as they say.

Well something worth reporting has happened in that my gardener arrived with his pressure washer and has spent most of the day cleaning the patio

Until tomorrow unless anything worth reporting occurs betweentimes.......

My gardener arrived with his pressure washer to clean  around my bungalow   I just cannot tell you how much better it looks for its Spring Clean - the first time it has been done in four years.   Because my back garden is steeply sloped and stepped and held by a retaining wall, there are drainage holes along the bottom of the wall and soil washes out of these on very wet days and settles on the patio - and so it builds up over the years.   Now it has all been hosed away, today's sunshine has already dried it all up.   I am very pleased with the result.   Well worth the money.


  1. It was so lovely to see some rain this morning! It seems to immediately make everything look greener and grow more quickly including the weeds of course. Glad to hear that you have got some cleaning and tidying done (with a bit of help) I often put off these jobs and then have a real blitz when I'm in the mood!

  2. It is only now that I am clearing out rooms for packing up that I have realised just how cursory my weekly cleaning has been. Must try harder, as my teachers would have said.

  3. You are right; if you don't use it, you'll lose it.
    As for folding the washing, could you do that while sitting at a table? I remember how my grandma used to sit on the settee and make neat stacks of undies and other clothes on the coffee table, and then the stacks were given to each household member to put away in their drawers and wardrobes.

    No rain here yet - that will wait until tomorrow, right in time for the start of my May holiday :-D

  4. We had some much needed rain recently too!

    I agree, it's always good to have a thorough cleaning session once in a while,

  5. It's lovely to get everything out and the cupboards cleaned properly and then things put back neatly isn't it. I always peep into the cupboards just for the smile they give me for days after a good sort out and clean.

    It sounds like you are being thoroughly spring-cleaned both inside and out, and yes, keep doing all the bits that you can while you can, it's very important for your body as well as your mind.

  6. Could people stop mentioning the rain they've had - here on Sheppey, which must be one of the dryest places in the country, rain is still missing, despite what the forecasters promise.

  7. We had rain in the night - heavy enough to wake me. I can practically hear the ground thirstily sucking up the moisture today. Back to winter with the temperatures though - it feels like February again and we didn't enjoy our riverside walk this morning.

    I have just mopped my floor and that's as far as I've got with cleaning in the kitchen today! Cooker tomorrow.

    Glad you can still manage some chores on your own. I struggle more with the garden digging each year but make myself do as much as possible.

  8. I love the TV series Old People’s Home for Four Year Olds on ABC and iView here in Australia, which has kindergarten kids work with old people, in this series people living independently in their own homes but becoming physically or socially restricted. You might have something similar there? It shows both elders and children gaining a great deal from each other. And the professionals commenting certainly underline your point about needing to keep moving and connecting and working on strength (sit to stands!) and confidence.

  9. No rain in Norfolk either Derek and I suspect Suffolk too. I thought it unlikely the showers would reach us today. We live in hope that the rains come soon for the farmers.

  10. Wednesday is for wash day this week and watering day for my indoor plants (otherwise, I either over-water or under-water them!) Oh, and possibly, weeding day and walk day if my energy keeps up! Thanks for the post as it encourages me to keep busy!

  11. No rain in Cambridgeshire either. The little sycamore seedlings that grow everywhere in my little plot don't seem to care whether it rains or not, so I've been "uprooting trees" this afternoon!

  12. I enjoy reading your blog more than I can adequately express .. the routine of your days and weeks, tidbits about your carer, weather, what you are reading and watching. Stay well .. be happy.
    Helen in Bend, Oregon.

  13. I can confirm as Rachel guessed that there has been no rain in Suffolk either!

    When my late father in law got so that he couldn't move much without two hands on a walking frame he had a couple of those perching stools to sit on so he could still peel veg and dry dishes.

  14. I have been so busy recently - only now catching up on some blogs. And I too was something sorting and odd jobbing today - a sign of stress for me, though always satisfying when complete.

  15. How wonderful that your carer got your kitchen all polished up and your gardener did the same on the outside! Enjoy "Sewing Bee" tonight!

  16. We have had a day of lovely gentle rain, and probably a night too. So welcome to farmers and gardeners.
    With all the jobs you have done today I should think a walk would not be necessary. You can rest on your laurels for a while.

  17. your carer sounds like Superwoman...all that in an hour...that list would take me all day!
    A day doing jobs will do you as much good as a walk, and exercise different muscles.
    My turf did not come today...just as well, really, as it poured with rain here. The forecast is much better tomorrow; it's going to be cold, though! With the northerly wind we have had recently, I've really noticed that the weather you get today, we get I'm hoping for sunshine.

  18. Sounds like a very thorough Spring cleaning is underway at your home. It always feels so good to have everything exactly as you want it. Rain here over night and cloudy during the day. More rain for tonight. The gardens are loving the moisture and my croquet lawn is looking marvelous.

  19. Happy Weednesday to you, even if no weeding was done. All that attention to your yard, and your carer working miracles in your kitchen, sounds very productive.

  20. I skipped hauling a load of stone to the retirement property to do some work. Tim said rain was in the forecast. I have stuck close to home all day. We received some minor drizzle. The thunder is nice to listen to though.

  21. I can just see the cottage and the patio, sparkling in the sun. Well done.

  22. I wish someone would come to clean our house. We are more of the Quentin Crisp ilk; he claimed that after 4 years the dust doesn't get any worse.

  23. A good bottoming - how satisfying! And you are right to keep doing what you can, use it or lose it is a good mantra.

  24. Sounds as though most of you have been busy in one way or another - must be the effect of Spring , although I am not quite sure where it has gone because it is very cold again today. Thanks for calling by and having a chat - you have more than filled the required quota for today.

  25. It's always wonderful to get things spring cleaned, regardless of whether we do it ourselves or hire the jobs out. It's cold today here too but it's spring, most definitely. ~Andrea xoxo

  26. Yes - no doubting it is Spring although there have been sleet showers today. Thw plants just don't seem to notice - they just get on flowering in their season.
