Tuesday 27 April 2021

No Politics here

 There is so much intrigue going on in the Political World at the moment - hundreds of thousands dying for want of Oxygen in India- funeral pyres lighting up the night sky- Nazanin being used as a 'bargaining chip according to today's Times- funeral pyres lighting up the night sky.........I could go on.   It is never ending and midst all this families are left distraught by the death of loved ones, a little girl is growing up while her mother is detained the other side of the world - and this is but two of the catastrophes in the pages of today's newspaper.

And I can do nothing.   Yes I can read about how much Carrie reportedly spent on a new sofa - but the question is 'do I want to'?    The answer is no - I really don't want my blog to become a political sounding board.   So I shall talk instead about the weather.

It has rained all afternoon - quite heavily - enough to leave large puddles in the road.   And it is raining still.   Already everything looks greener and it will be greener still by tomorrow morning.   One heavy shower seems to do more good than a whole can of water.   It is only half past six and already it is quite dusk.   No sign of the sun.

So I am sorry folks but I am rising above politics '- it is not that I am not interested in what is going on in the world, it is just that however much I complain about things, however much I go on about what I think should be done and what I think is wrong - I can do nothing.   I voted, I live in a Democracy (thank goodness|) and once the Ballot Box has been locked - that's it.   And especially at my age (88) - I can't devote any time to pontificating on what should or should not be done politically.   Am I wrong to feel like this?   If so I apologise but I believe there is a time and a place for everything and my blog is a no no for politics either with a small or a capital P.


  1. Well said and I agree with you.

  2. I'm with you on this. Not a political animal. They are all as bad as each other, it would seem.

    Our weather forecast showed a week of rain (Met Office). None so far, but it is overcast. My garden is calling out for it!

  3. So lucky you to have rain giving the garden a nice greening up. I recall last year that whenever it got too try round your way, along came a timely spell of rain. Down here it simply stayed dry right through the summer and looks like repeating that again.
    Today has been warm and sunny all day.

  4. You are not wrong. It's great to have a politic free space. It does seem we don't have the statesman-like politicians of old...or maybe it was just that they were not constantly 'exposed' by the media.
    We have had a few spots of rain, but I see lots more is forecast for tomorrow. Hoping to lay a few pieces of turf tomorrow, so rain is good for the grass, but not pleasant for me!

  5. I understand what you say Pat. There are so many horrible things going on in the world and I want to help but usually I feel my hands are tied. I always vote and if there is a situation where signing a petition can help I will do that too. But much of what we hear about we cannot change on our own and it does no good to make ourselves sick over it.

    The rain will help all your beautiful plants and flowers! I hope your evening goes well!

  6. I agree wholeheartedly Pat. Like Bonnie I always vote and sign petitions to try to give a little help, but beyond that I also feel helpless.
    I know some news is really appalling, but there are times when I feel the media reports have a bias or are scaremongering. I listen to the headlines and then switch off.
    Glad you have some rain for the garden but hope it doesn't interfere with your walk tomorrow.

  7. Sadly, it's not only the politicians that are to be mistrust. The corona pandemic has revealed that doctors are also ready to sell their integrity for funds and promotion.
    It's not over yet,far from it, and the cooperation between doctors and politicians regarding certain aspects of misleading the public, is going to come out.

  8. I wish I could get away from politics, but unfortunately my husband likes to keep me informed, although he knows I'm not interested.

    We had some rain today too, but not enough.

  9. I reckon politics and religion are best avoided and I'm glad you do too.

  10. Politics is such a dirty business. I feel frustrated and very sad when I read the news these days. If I felt that voting for someone else would make a difference I would but they all seem to make an equally bad mess of everything.

  11. I've written about the Post Office scandal as it touches most of us in Britain.

  12. Rachel - I shall go over and read what you have to say - it certainly doesn't fit into the category I have in m,ind although it is in a way political I agree.

  13. I agree, there is not much we, as individuals, can do when to comes to politics. On a local level, using public forums, I do present facts to enlighten. Raising questions and/or clarifying a distinct issue does: push politicians to defend their position or change it and at the same time the public is more aware and ready to vote with full facts vs. half the facts. Your blog is perfect just the way it is. Thank you for blogging.

  14. First rain for what feels like weeks, our cricket ground will be loving it

  15. I think there is a big difference between the heartbreak in this world that we cannot solve, and the things of the world that require our voices. We must follow the dictates of our own conscience in the end.

  16. My friend and ex lodger is in Mumbai India just now. When something affects you and those you care about it becomes more than just pictures on a tv screen

  17. You are so right about one good rain better than all the watering cans.

  18. In my dreams the Iranian Embassy in London would be raided, and a few of their senior diplomats arrested for spying. Of course, the UK is beyond such things (thank goodness), but surely there must be other bargaining tools they could use. This has gone on far too long.

  19. Each to his own is how I feel about things but we all have a a right to express what we feel in our blogs. Your blog Pat is like a ray of sunshine in a gloomy world. X

  20. I don't mind hearing some politics on the news, but I dislike the way they chew over a subject for days (sometimes weeks) until another story grabs their attention. That rain still hasn't got here.

  21. We had rain yesterday...despite having been sodden for months, it was needed.
    I hope Cornwall gets enough decent rain, not a downpour.

    Sometimes I feel exasperated by what is going on. We do what we can in our small way to be positive. I am rationing "news" ...pirate tends to binge watch and depress himself or get angry...at last he has realised that once a day is enough!!

  22. No Rain here, it has been realy sunny and hot here for weeks, our land would dearly love some rain.
    Politicians are just imperfect hu,an beings, as are we all.

  23. The reason I sometimes write about it is because it has turned into a slow downhill slide. Margaret Thatcher thought that there was too much money spent on Number 10 and bought her own ironing board. How times change. The insidious changes affect us all in the long run, but I understand why some just don't want to be bored by it all and agree with Rachel that we should be focussing on things like the Post Office scandal when it comes to internal politics.

  24. I've been interested in politics all my life and always vote but rather than listen to truth twisters now I turn the radio off, open the back door and listen to birdsong.

  25. I agree with you completely on this Pat, my blog is a political and religious free zone too and hopefully will stay that way. There is so much that is out of our control even when we use our right to vote, it's nice that we have safe havens and blogging buddies that are on our wavelength in other areas.

    I would much rather read about the weather, watch someone gradually make a patchwork quilt or change their lives in exciting ways and read what someone is planning to cook for their tea in blogland and leave the politics to the television news that I have absolutely no qualms about choosing to switch off when I've had enough.

    No doubt there are plenty of political blogs for anyone that is interested in them to find.

  26. I'm interested in politics but equally I like to find spaces that are free of politics, we all need that quiet time!

  27. I have always been very political but now in my 80th year I have become merely a spectator. I can do nothing but vote. And discuss of course. Hahaha
