Monday 26 April 2021

Turning chillier.

 Well it has definitely cooled off a bit since earlier today.   I did my walk early, shortly after J had departed.   It was such a pleasant morning and I walked the whole way round the block in the morning sunshine.   By the time I arrived home with Priscilla D and J, my gardeners, had arrived - D to mow the grass and J to do a quick weed.   Not many weeds around - the one plus of the dry weather - too dry for them to grow.   And of course the converse - when we do get a good downpour, which will happen eventually,  not only will all the perennials shoot up but so will the weeds.

When they had gone I went out with my brush and shovel and swept around the edges of the patio as they have said they intend to come on Wednesday to wash the patio for me and clean the moss from out the gutters.   I love the birds dearly but I do wish they would refrain from flinging moss out of the guttering on to the patio.

By this time it was time to heat my lunch in the microwave (chicken with gravy, Yorkshire pudding, sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and carrots, mashed and roast potatoes) and jolly good it was too.

Then it was back outside to finish my four shovelfuls of grit, moss and debris which I am aiming to sweep up every day (I need Priscilla's help as I can't balance without her).

Now, at twenty past two I am indoors again having done enough for one day - not only am I tired but it has clouded over, the sun has disappeared and it is chilly.

I am well into the Sahara now with my Michael Palin book - enjoying it all over again and not wanting it to end.   But I must say that some of the sleeping places in the desert leave a lot to be desired.   I don't think I was ever the type (other than in my imagination) to get out of my tent in the night with toilet paper and a trowel and get washed in little more than a cupful of water.   I have always been an en-suite kind of girl - don't know about you.


  1. At one time I could have probably have coped in the desert - for a long time I lived with a relative where the toilet was at the bottom of the farmyard, in a little zinc shed, which contained just a plank seat which had been suspended over a small stream, and newspaper squares strung up on a nail behind the door. But then a lot of us grew up with primitive conditions! Once we get used to indoor 'facilities' it's difficult to re-adjust!

  2. The sun is still shining down the coast Pat, at Spurn where we are for the week.
    I was that girl! I got so used to al fresco toilet arrangements in Ethiopia years ago that I almost missed it when I got back to Sheffield.
    Almost! x

  3. Now the 'en-suite' is perfectly normal, three loos at least. We should all get on our knees and say hallelujah to Thomas Crapper, though I believe there was earlier inventor of the flush loo.

  4. I am another 'en-suite' girl. No squatting behind a hedge for me. There could be nettles !

  5. I had no problem with it, home from home, and a quick pee in the sand didn't require paper and trowel. I dislike en-suites but they are good in hotels but that's all.

  6. We will have a warm, sunny day here today so I should get out for some weeding this afternoon. However, I am reading your recommendation, "Where the Crawdads Sing", and I do not want to stop! I am curious to know what will happen to Kya. The descriptions of the marsh area are really great.
    So the weeding may have to wait maybe...
    Thanks so much for mentioning this book!

  7. It's ideal gardening weather, not too hot, not too cold, soil nice and light to work and the days longer. We could do with some rain's either too wet or too dry, never just right!
    As for camping rough, even when we were regularly touring Europe on our motorcycles with a tent, one ring stove, bag of clean underwear and not much else we tried to choose a site with good clean loos!
    It's now only eight weeks to the longest day - how the year has flown!

  8. I have your problem with birds flinging moss onto the patio, too; but just had the thought that perhaps we should be grateful they are clearing the gutters for us!

  9. Today is a beautiful warm and sunny day with little wind here down south and I've got sunburned just walking round.
    As someone who spent a lot of time in the 60's hitch-hiking around with just a sleeping bag and sleeping in some pretty rough places, having a piece of toilet paper would of been a luxury let alone e-suite, so never been a problem for me.

  10. It is still quite cool here too. The garden is slowly emerging. To help manage and slow weeds, yearly I spread black bark mulch over all the beds. Mulch helps retain moisture as well and given our drought conditions will benefit the plantings. I went tent camping once and left in the middle of the night, checking in to a hotel. The bugs, no mattress, sleeping bag and no real bathroom was not for me.

  11. Ah Susan, the joys of the open road, the sleeping under a hedge in a sleeping bag, the joys of sharing a sleeping bag with somebody you met, the weekly wash in public toilets, costing 3d if you hired soap as well. They were great experiences being a hippy teenager.

  12. You've had a busy day and have gotten that outdoor work done. I imagine you were more that ready for a nice rest indoors. I don't mind camping except for the bathroom situation! Enjoy your evening!

  13. It is comforting to read you're getting around as much as you do.
    As for the desert, going outdoors, watching for snakes and bugs can greatly diminish the romance of travel if we aren't prepared or waste our time dreading the experience.

  14. Veg artist - I well remember those sort of conditions - my father emptied our loo at the bottom of the garden every Satutday morning. Like my en suite now though.

    Thanks everyone - firmly divided betwen those who like their creature comforts and thhose who don't mind 'roughing it'

  15. I am not surprised that you were tired after such a busy day. You must be very pleased with your achievements.
    I am definitely an en suite girl, and not the least bit intrepid, though it is interesting to read of the exploits of those who are intrepid.

  16. I am an en suite kind of girl too Weave - I would rather be in the Sahara than Glastonbury though.

  17. Derek - I was a hippy teenager too, perhaps we shared a sleeping bag!

    Weave - you could buy a mesh grid for your gutters, they're easy to fit and stop the birds from flinging stuff about. Easy to remove when you want to clean the gutters out too.

  18. I had to run a very long errand this morning, and when I returned I took my nap before I began weaving.

  19. I can never decide whether the birds are being a nuisance or being helpful when they remove the moss from my gutters. I've done plenty of camping in my time but the tent (and the little trowel) haven't been used for many years.

  20. I love camping - there are so many wonderful places here in Australia under the stars. Husband and I (world backpackers in our youth together ) have always travelled lightly and intended to always be that way.
    We did not factor in however, COVID and also being in our 60's with creaky knees, bad backs, and other health issues.
    I can't see either of us using our cosy little dome tents anymore, which is a pity. Funny to see others arrive at a campsite with absolutely everything, a bigger is better mentality, while our little car and tents have been wonderful to us. Fond memories past. You can't beat gazing into a smoky campfire and the smell of burning gum leaves., under a glittering canopy of stars...the magnificent silence and space. Tasmania was exceptional. Pam, South Australia.

  21. I do love my creature comforts, especially a hot shower in the morning to get me going. When I was much younger, I camped with my then boyfriend in the St. Tropez region in France; we only had a small basic tent and depended on the facilities of the camping ground for toilets and washing, but we had a lot of fun.
    It was a beautiful sunny day here yesterday, but the wind still had a sharp edge to it. Today and tomorrow, mild and sunny again; for Thursday, a drop in temperature and the badly needed rain are forecast - just in time for the start of my May holiday :-)

  22. Jan - well my sleeping bag was always available for two-ups, what a shame if I did miss you.

  23. I can make do. However, I prefer not to have to.

  24. Yep, I'm with Debby ... I could make do but I'd rather not have to.

    I don't mind en-suites but I'd rather have a bathroom next to the bedroom instead at home, although when on holiday an en-suite is a must. Gosh, I even had one in my caravan, how times have changed. Years ago staying in my Uncle's caravan on the same park we had to grab a torch and trek to the toilet block ... which was always full of Daddy Long Legs and moths at night, no wonder I'm scared of the long-legged beasties to this day.

  25. Definitely an en-suite person. My camping years are behind me (pun intended). :)

  26. Smaller Life - I am with you all the way with moths, daddy long legs and toilet blocks.

    Do I detect flirting on my comments page??

    John - much as I love birds I am pretty sure birds are single mindedly out of themselves.

    Tom - In theory I adore the Sahara - not sure whether I would in person though.

    Thanks to you all for some fascinating reading.

  27. Rachel - just seen your comment - you are a real traveller - take what comes and get on with it. Wish I could have been like that.
