Friday 30 April 2021


 It seems to me that when when one becomes physically handicapped because of a mixture of arthritis and a broken hip and needs some kind of aid in order to walk then there are two approaches.   You can either sit at home and hope folk will call in to see you or you can get as many walking aids as possible and get on with it.   Well, I have chosen the latter route - not necessarily the easiest but undoubtedly the best.

It is half past ten on a Friday morning.   The sun is shining although showers are forecast and it is cool enough to need some kind of anorak.   J, my carer, has been and gone and I have done the job I had ear marked for today.   The brown sills and frames of my windows back and front were splashed with  mud after my gardener had de-mossed the gutters and Zimmer and I ventured out back and front and wiped down the sills and frames with a microfibre cloth wrung out in hot soapy water.

The added bonus is that J, another 'Priscilla user' was just walking to the postbox and so we had a nice ten minute chat - so with my carer that is two I have already clocked up today (I managed six yesterday - keeps the old mind going).

Now my next intention is to walk round the block with Priscilla before the threatened showers arrive.   See you later.

Round the block indeed and a nice chicken and leek pie lunch with a selection of veggies.   Now it is back in blogland - never a dull moment there.  Lots of big black clouds bubbling up - showers ahead I would guess.    Feet up and a sudoku for me - so good-bye for today.


  1. Undoubtedly the best. You are an inspiration.
    My turf arrived yesterday afternoon, and I got it laid...just in time for this morning's steady rain. perfect!

  2. Perhaps you could organise some Priscilla races down your road.
    It's another bone dry, warm and sunny/cloudy day here.
    Can't believe that your gardeners go away and leave your windows dirty from their handiwork.

  3. A good start to the day, and I see you've been to visit my cousin John's blog with all the beautiful bluebells. How I would love to see them for myself. Maybe one day. Until then, I will have to imagine the sights and the scent here in the West Virginia mountains I call home.

  4. A cool but sunny day here so I will get out for a walk and do some weeding as the ground is damp from yesterday's rain. I often feel lazy but know I have to keep moving as you have so excellently demonstrated! Glad you had a pleasant day!

  5. You really are a role model for growing older.
    It takes courage and fortitude to get up and get out each day.
    I hope when my time comes I find a carer as nice as yours.

  6. Wishing you a splendid weekend ~~~~

  7. You are so right to keep moving as much as you can. 'Use it or lose it' is my motto.

  8. The most perfect of attitudes :-)

    Black clouds rolling in here too, but the sun keeps valiantly peeking through, so there is hope on the horizon.

  9. I've got very lazy living in limbo for 8 weeks - MUST DO BETTER when I get settled - hope you will nudge me as it's so right about use it or lose it.

  10. You're undoubtedly making the right choice in getting all the walking aids that are available and getting on with life.

  11. Priscilla might be able to help you walk, but I bet she can't do sudoku.

  12. Today's post demonstrates, once again, what a thoroughly practical person you are. I must say that it is what I admire most about you.

  13. I like Derek's suggestion of Priscilla races.

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  15. I'm so glad you have chosen the latter. Good for you!! Use it or lose it, as the old saying goes. Enjoy the pitter-patter of rain! ~Andrea xoxo

  16. I always enjoy hearing about your day - and about lunch! Now I need to adopt your can do approach and go weed a bit!


  17. Granny Sue - I didn't realise you and John were cousins. I get great pleasure from John's posts - always so interesting and inspirational.

    Priscilla Races - the mind boggles at the thought!!!!

    Tasker - I don't know what Priscilla is like at Sudoku but I wish she could help me with the hard killers - they almost always defeat me.

    Thanks everyone - as always you cheer me up.

  18. I enjoyed reading about your day Weave.

  19. I always enjoy your posts. You have had a very good day getting some jobs done and getting your walk in with Priscilla. You say we cheer you up. I should tell you that YOU cheer me up!

  20. Keeping moving is the best way, well done you!

  21. Another busy day for you by the sound of it. It is better than giving in and feeling sorry for yourself. Well done on keeping going - it's a case of sink or swim, isn't it. I had a fall last week and am so glad I had bought a 'Priscilla' as she has helped me get my confidence back. I only used her for carrying shopping at first, but it is a pity I hadn't used her to get to the hairdresser! Now I use her every day.

  22. Thanks everyone.Best thing Heather - I don't feel safe without her now.

  23. I need to take the same attitude or I'll end of as a recluse in my wheelchair!

  24. You are so right! By staying active regardless of the difficulty will serve you well. Giving up is not in your genes, I can tell, and this makes you a splendid and interesting individual. You accomplished a lot today cleaning all the windows. A great accomplishment.

  25. Well well, a chicken and leek pie was exactly what we had tonight Weave. Sounds as though you are doing well to me. (Too many wells?)

  26. You are a walking inspiration, Weave.
    Sometime will you tell us how you chose the nome de plume of Weaver of Grass?

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  28. That's wonderful, Pat. I'm so glad you chose the latter.
    Have a lovely weekend. Xx

  29. Derek‘s idea of a Priscilla race made me laugh - thank you!
    Pat, I wish my Dad had even half of your determination. We are all convinced he would not be as frail as he is if he just could bring himself to be a little bit more active.

  30. Tom - you can't have too many wells.
