Wednesday 30 December 2020

In the morning early (it

These days my brain seems to function at a higher level earlier in the day.   I have to synchronise my hand with its shakiness and my brain in order to get maximum function.   It is 9.34am. my morning-carer has gone, after giving me a lovely hot shower. I have breakfasted, The Times has popped through the letter box and I opened the door to check that the money I left on the doorstep for the paper boy as a Christmas present had disappeared (it had).  I smiled when, just before the big day a small card from the paper boy, wishing me a Happy Christmas, appeared on the mat.   A reminder or what?   But boys will be boys.

It is very cold here but yet no snow to speak of - some forecast for later today.  There is blue sky out there so I have high hopes of sunshine.   As to the News -  I switched on Breakfast TV at seven and watched it until my carer came at 7.40 - and it was all Covid.   Such depressing news about it all.   And further restrictions coming in later today.  But something good is happening.   There is a blackbird on the end of my hedge just outside my window and he is singing his beak off so it is not all bad news.

I have finished 'Shuggie Bain' the Booker Prize winner which I had for Christmas.   Not a cheerful book - even the ending offers no hope - but by golly what a powerful read and what amazing imagery.   In so many of the incidents the reader is there with them - as they move house for example - full of such high hopes and only to be let down when they see the place.   Now I have the 2020 Book of Short Stories and Monty Don's Garden Book to go at - so plenty to go at.

So - it is away to The Times Mind Games before I wear out my day's quota of power.   Stay alert against Covid, keep warm, keep cheerful and listen out for that blackbird - he will be around somewhere.



  1. I‘ve heard blackbirds already, too! Amazing really, as I always thought they sync their singing with the amount of daylight, and although we are past the winter solstice, it is still a while before the days lenghten in a more noticeable way.
    Thank you for explaining about the book. I have just decided that I do not wish to read it, however well written and highly recommended it comes.

  2. What a wonderful post! It sounds like things are looking up on your end... and that's grand news indeed! I'm so glad you like your carers (we call them "caregivers" here in the US). Every night when I used to help my mother with her shower, she'd say how good they felt. My old bones are now appreciating the same. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Good for the paper boy! He's learning that customer service matters.

  4. Here it’s magpies warbling beautifully. And there are wattle birds in our tallest eucalypts (the ones that were described as dwarf mallee gums but have been growing taller for nearly forty years ). The birds loved Melbourne’s long lockdown and lots of us learnt a lot more about them.The Aussie Bird Count week had never had so many contributors. The Orange bellied parrot plays a key part in the book I’ve just finished and love, Richard Flanagan’s The Living Sea of Waking Dreams.

  5. I was listening to a little bird singing his heart out this am from the bathroom window. Unfortunately I don't know which bird it was. It lifted my spirits.

    I try not to listen to too much covid news. It is in the lap of the gods whether I catch it or not. I have maintained social distancing and all the rest of the advice.

    I have Shuggie Bain on order as an audio book from Library Borrowbox so look forward to that

    Kind regards

  6. I always associate blackbirds singing at dusk with one snowy childhood Christmas.

  7. You have such a positive attitude about everything - such a delight to read.

    Went for a walk along the lake a few days ago and watched a lot of ducks and geese that don't bother heading south. There are a surprising number of birds here even over our very cold Winters and this pandemic has caused a lot of us to turn into twitchers! It has been fun to see so many people (of all ages) out with cameras and I expect it to boom come the Spring.

    Enjoy your books and have a lovely day.

  8. Lovely to have time now to read..Ive started with the new James Rebank's and then hope to move on to Merlin Sheldrake and Fungi...what fun!!...stay well and stay warm..x

  9. We got snow last night - heavy and wet - luckily my oldest son lives with me and he always takes care of shoveling. This morning it is wetter so more ice now and my trip to the grocery store will be postponed until tomorrow morning. I always go early to avoid the crowds.
    Glad you are keeping busy and happy!

  10. What a post today and I love seeing all my critters and birds hanging out and about.
    cheers xx

  11. Good to hear you on a positive note. I struggle with it all but am trying hard to start being more positive. Today has been a good day so its easier!

  12. Definitely a book for ME to avoid right now!!

    I was counting Blackbirds out by the driveway apple tree (there are still pounds and pounds of windfall apples for them to peck at). I got to six - big fat ones, which have almost certainly arrived here from Europe (I imagine them as burley Russian businessmen!) and then something startled them. Our local ones are slender by comparison.

    My brain is sharpest in the morning - but then I have always been a morning person.

  13. What a beautiful gift you have given us in this post! Thank you and bless you for your wonderful attitude. Yes, we should all listen for that bird that is singing outside!

  14. Morning is time to do and go! Afternoon to reflect. . . .

  15. We certainly have to look for the positive these days, but there is usually some to be found. I booked a haircut for Monday but have a feeling that it won't be happening after hearing the news today. I don't suppose anyone cares what I look like, but I feel better if I look neat and tidy! I just hope the Physio appointment will go ahead - also for Monday.
    Keep warm and safe, and sleep well.

  16. How I relate, Weave. I have to do all my thinking before noon.

  17. You fill your days beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

  18. I don't think that I will ever cease to be amazed at your optimism. You are just what the world needs right this minute!

  19. We put out a constant supply of seeds and grease balls for the birds, and love seeing them all arrive at lunchtime every day for their meal. At present we have several different small brown birds, tits, robins, etc, plus a pair of shy doves, and a couple of blackbirds. They all seem to tolerate each other well, with very few squabbles. It's funny that they eat when we eat!

  20. I love the dusk when the blackbirds are at their noisiest. They have completely cleared the large holly of berries. Keep well.

  21. I've seen quite a few blackbirds but not heard them singing yet. There is a beautiful,little wren visiting our garden at the moment; I often wonder how such tiny birds survive this bitterly cold weather.
