Thursday 31 December 2020


 Outside it is cold and icy but it is sunny and at present the sky is a clear blue.   But underfoot is too slippery for me to venture out.   But I have plenty of reading matter -  Shuggie Bain is behind me.   I can't say I am sorry really - it is not a pleasant, easy read - but it is certainly a good, well-written  book, entirely deserving of the Booker.   Now I am on to the 2020 Book of Best Short Stories.   There is something that really interests me about a good short story.   So far I have only read two but they have both left a lasting impression.

New Year's Eve and at midnight we went into Tier 3.   My friends have just got me some money out of the cash machine.   These days we just never seem to need actual cash and yet there does need to be a bit of cash around - the paper boy needed a Christmas present - the Postie - I wonder just how long it will be before cash disappears altogether from the High Street.   This virus has certainly  speeded up the change in our shopping habits.   I have not been inside a shop in the past year - everything is ordered on line.  The Supermarkets, Amazon, PC World - these places must have seen a huge surge in business.

The Prime Minister is now telling us that by Easter - with 2 different vaccines being rolled out - things will be considerably easier for many of us.   I have not been vaccinated yet but have received a text to say 'don't call us, we'll call you ' and I have four drivers who have very kindly offered to to drive me to the vaccination place.   So I await a date.  Then I can ring round and see which one is available at the time.  

It is a very strange New Year's Eve and just let's hope everyone is sensible tonight and obeys the rules to stay home and celebrate with one's family.   A very happy and healthy New Year - and stay safe.


  1. Very cold and frosty here too, I'm going to venture as far as my bird feeder and that's it. I wish a very Happy, Safe and Healthy New Year to you

  2. Only Tier 3, you're lucky, we've been in Tier 4 for a while now, not that it's much of a problem, life goes on pretty normally for me.
    The use of cash for many people could become a thing of the past quite soon I believe, now we're out of the habit of using it, just buying a paper in the morning is done using a bank card now.
    Very hard frost here this morning and still below freezing at lunch time with grey skies and a chilly breeze.

  3. I am told you have to wait for 22 days after the having the vaccine before you can drop your guard. It's going to be a long haul I think. Happy New Year, Weave.

  4. Having slipped on black ice in the back garden three weeks ago, ended up flat on my back and sprained my wrist - I can relate to your reluctance to go outside. Yesterday hubby had to drop me off at the Tesco doorway as the car park was like an ice-rink. Yes I am a scaredy cat (but also a paid up member of the "Institute of Devout Cowards" when it comes to pain).

    On the East Coast we had a huge frost last night - the towels on the line are like pieces of cardboard and are rattling together !!! But the sun shines on brightly and lifts the spirits.

    Have a peaceful, warm and homely New Year's Eve.

  5. Sending my very best wishes to you for a safe and healthy New Year.

  6. Enjoy your book of short stories, and I am sure you will also have a delicious meal, your food always sounds so good.
    Better not risk a fall; as long as you do your exercises a walk outdoors can wait.
    Happy New Year to you!

  7. Happy, uneventful and safe New Year Weave. Take care.

  8. If you have the Oxford jab you have a high immunity from the first jab and do not go for the second one, which will give you longer term immunity, until 12 weeks after the first.

  9. Wishing you a very Happy and safe 2021.

  10. Best wishes for a happy, healthy New Year!

  11. Happy New Year, Pat. May 2021 bring only GOOD things your way.

  12. I will have to look for the book of short stories--I do love those, better than novels, actually.

    I hope you get your vaccine soon. My aunt, who is 86 and lives in a retirement community here in the US, was vaccinated 2 weeks ago. Being under 70--barely--and in fairly good health, I expect I will have to wait til the bitter end for my vaccine. I just hope I manage to stay uninfected until then.

    The best of the coming year to you, Pat. I look forward no so much with happiness as with hope this time.

  13. It was still icy when I took Rick out for his afternoon walk, you are better off staying indoors at the moment. Happy New Year Pat!

  14. I can guarantee that many many people here in the US will ignore the "celebrate at home" request. People are rioting in the street over it! Takes away their "freedoms", so they argue. Ridiculous! Yes, our world has changed and I don't see much changing back until next autumn, if then. We're in this for awhile yet, I fear. But it is what it is... I'm content staying home. A safe and happy New Year ahead for you & all of us. ~Andrea xoxo

  15. I hope your recovery process continues Weave. Icy and cold weather is not the weather to venture outside in. Stay safe and stay happy, that is what matters. xx

  16. I will cook a poached salmon meal for the three of us. NYE will be quiet at home. Today I saw that half of all the communities in Massachusetts are experiencing high infection rates. Sadly, people are not following the rules and vaccine distribution is slow. If appearances mean anything, at present, managing/resolving the issues are proving insurmountable. If we are to believe, time heals...this might just be the test. All the best for 2021.

  17. I love a good book of short stories. These are the days to stay in and warm with a good book. May you have a happy, healthy and safe New Year! xx

  18. Happy new year Weave, we can only believe things will get better eventually. Take care keep cosy.

  19. I'm looking ahead with cautious optimism. Happy New Year, Pat. X

  20. A very hard frost for us this morning but dry and sunny. The pavements were dry so not icy and safe enough for my little walk. If we get rain with these low temperatures I shall not venture out.
    I don't get enough from short stories and feel deprived when they are finished. Maybe I am just greedy. I love a good gripping tome which lasts a nice long time, then feel even more deprived.
    Happy New Year and may we all get a lovely Spring and be able to get out and about a bit more. Keep warm and stay safe.

  21. Healthy, content 2021 Weave...continue mending beautifully and think how lovely your gardens will be this coming Spring. Warmest wishes always.

  22. Wishing you a quiet and healthy New Year and I am looking forward to reading so much more from you!
    Hugs from S. Colorado.

  23. Happy New Year from Wendy & Tom x
    Wendy (Wales)

  24. A wonderful new year to you, Weave.

  25. Happy New Year to you. May 2021 be a lot less eventful for you than 2020.

  26. Add this book to your reading list, or see the film (if you can):
    "Nomadland". It's the best book I've read in a long time!

  27. Regarding deliveries, as time has gone on, I've found more local places will do deliveries than I realized - as well as the big companies. House and Home, for example.

    Also, you can buy books from independent bookshops via

  28. Carruthers - didn't know about House and Home - so thanks for that.

    Happy New Year - and keep upright by the sound of it.
