Tuesday 29 December 2020

Yes - I know what day it is today!

 Tuesday.  All day.    And was it not for Bank Holiday New Year's Day on Friday, it would all be behind us.   Somehow Christmas and New Year have not been the same in this Covid 2020.   2021 and its vaccination programme can't come soon enough.   I sit here, arm-ready, waiting to be called.   Outside snow lies on the ground; only a light covering but enough to advertise from here in the warm that this is definitely not a day to venture out with Priscilla.   But the Mind Games in The Times wait to test my morning's Brain Power, a pile of new books from Christmas are shouting 'read me', a Pear and Ginger pudding with brandy sauce sits waiting to go into the oven for lunch (the last of my Christmas 'goodies') and there are exercises to be done.  And is there anything on TV?   I haven't looked yet - but surely there will be something.

It did strike me yesterday just how far things have moved on TV wise.  I remember watching the first colour film on television years ago and marvelling at it (just as I did at the first colour photos I took on my little camera) and yesterday I put my feet up after my walk and watched 'Murder on the Orient Express' - an old black and white film it seemed to be filmed in the semi-dark.   We do tend to take things like this forgranted now don't we?

I have friends who have hens - not many but enough to provide their needs egg wise.   Now all birds have to be shut up because of fowl pest.   My friends have taken great care with how they have housed their hens (lucky hens indeed) but I read in today's Times how many folk who decided to keep a few hens during lockdown can't be bothered with them now and have just 'let them go'.   I think we need to add the phrase - 'a hen is for life - not just for lockdown' - people are just so thoughtless aren't they?   That's my rant for today.

Mind Games and a cup of coffee call (and maybe one Milk Tray from the box one of my carers bought me).   And speaking of Carers perhaps I should explain.   The Carers I have are private carers, the price they have is negotiated between them and me - I pay their travelling expenses too - they come fully equipped with masks, aprons and gloves which they dispose of when they leave my property and I really cannot fault them.   They are good natured, will do anything at all I ask them to do, keep my washing up to date, cater for my every need.   Ten out of ten to both of them.


  1. I have read both today's and yesterday's posts and am so pleased you have such wonderful carers. I too have trouble in knowing what day it is - they just keep blending into one another.
    Nice and bright here at present. We had about a teaspoonful of snow yesterday but there could be more to come. In the distance I can see what looks like a snowcapped hill way over in Wales.
    I've just done my week's shopping in case the weather deteriorates and the supermarket get too crowded later in the week. We are so fortunate having only ourselves to worry about, aren't we? Keep warm, and safe.

  2. I am glad that your carers are good ones. Not all are. Oh, I love books that call out to be read!

  3. Not only do I not know what day it is, I don’t know whether it’s a full lockdown or a half lockdown day, not that any of those facts makes any difference apart from the bin collection. The weather doesn’t know what it’s doing either, torrential rain yesterday, bright sun again today. We just have to go with it all and hope for better times. Sending good wishes for 2021, I’m glad to hear you are well looked after.

  4. Yes this Christmas has been weird and I am ready to take my decorations down now, but Alan says no. Last night I stayed up later than him and after my bath I might have surreptitiously, and very accidentally thrown a length of scruffy tinsel on the dying embers of the fire .....

    I'm glad you have a good arrangement with your carers, they are worth their weight in gold when you find good ones.

  5. Thanks for the explanation about your carers, I thought they seemed a cut above the type that councils normally provide. Reading the papers today didn't make for happy thoughts, seems January looks to be pretty cold throughout and these severe Tier levels persisting as far as Easter. Like you, I long for a vaccination date but at 73 it could be some time coming as I'm in the 4th on the list level.

  6. When I was a kid, I dreamed of having a tiny TV which I could hold in my hand. Years later they produced them, so I bought one to fulfil that childhood dream. The screen is 2 inches across. I watched two things on it, the film 'Ben Hur' and Princess Diana's funeral. Both epics. Football was no use - you couldn't see the ball. Neither were foreign films with subtitles. It doesn't work anymore because it's analogue.

  7. I haven't thought of keeping hens but I have seriously thought recently of going in for self sufficiency. We've got a big garden. There must be more point to weeding the veg than to mowing the lawn. Definitely a project for 2021!

  8. You sound so upbeat today! Glad you have everything set up so you can recover at home with good help. How lucky you are!

  9. Well, I lost track of days and took my rubbish bags down the lane for tomorrow morning and have just realised that tomorrow is Wednesday, the day they usually come round and I knew they are coming a day late so needn't have put them out until tomorrow!
    So what day is it?

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  11. That's all good stuff again Weave. x

  12. Pat..I'm passing on your information about your carers to my grand daughter Kate ..who also hires her own PAs. Recently had a spot of bother over the covid protection gear with one of them. I like that your carers provide their own protection masks etc. Kate has SMA and is unable to function in society without assistance...but is brilliant, fiesty and very clever. She's at a hospice in retreat at the moment but back in her little bungalow for new years eve.
    Love your blog today. Gerry

  13. I'm feeling a bit in limbo here, as one day of packing merges into the next! BUT I was actually LOOKING for more things to pack today - just one cupboard in the kitchen and then the rest of the stuff will be in boxes marked E for Essentials, to go On The Day.

    Sue in Suffolk - thanks for reminding me to check with our rubbish.

    So glad you have such good carers Pat -in this day and age peace of mind is essential and good to hear they help in all capacities.

    Oooh - Christmas present books calling out to you. Which ones are in your pile? I have one about the Tolpuddle Martyrs from my Dorset friend, who also sent A Devon Wood (delightful) and a grand book about Foraging which adds stuff I wasn't familiar with.

    We are considering getting hens again when we move as we have some rough land (which will become the Orchard and the veg plot (2 different sides of the main garden) - probably not totally free range there as a steep wooded hillside to one side of the orchard where foxes could lurk.

  14. I have holiday books calling too! Knowing I have a stack of books to read is one of the best feelings.

  15. Yes, humanity can be so cruel at times... especially where barnyard animals are concerned. In fact, I dare to say that I can't stand most humans and the ones I do like are "animal people". I have far more friends who are animals, than people. Blessings~ Andrea xoxo

  16. You've got all your ducks lined up for today. Have a good day.

  17. What a blessing to have good carers. It does sound like winter there and a good day to be cozy indoors with your books. We had a bit of an ice storm here today so we're staying in as well. I love it when we have books that call to us!

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  19. I'm glad you are well looked after, for this temporary time when you can't do it all on your own.

  20. It sounds like you have arranged the perfect support system. Being in your own home with good carers is the ideal. I do not understand how some individuals can take on an animal and later decide to release it. It seems wrong on many levels.

  21. Sounds to me as though you are all getting geared up for 2021 - can't be any worse than 2020 can it? Thanks for dropping by.

  22. It's reassuring to know you are well cared for, Pat. Stay safe and warm, it's chilly out. X
