Saturday 28 December 2019

A Late Birthday Outing.

For my birthday my son and his wife bought me a beautiful large scarf and also promised me a visit to Saltburn on the North East Coast.   Today at lunch time he rang to ask if I would like to go this afternoon.   Of course I said yes please.
It looks to be a chilly North Sea and I am sure it was although there were one or two surf boarders around (in wet suits I hasten to add).

There were hundreds of families there walking along the promenade and walking down the pier.  The whole place has a real Victorian feel to it and it almost seemed incongruous to see people in up to date clothing.   There were lots of children with their Christmas presents - little bikes, scooters and the like and there were lots sitting in the outdoor cafes on the side of the prom.   We joined them and had a cup of coffee and a cake and watched the world go by. 

Because both my daughter-in-law and I are disabled (she in a wheel chair and me with a wheelie) we went down from the car park to the prom in the cliff railway - a fascinating contraption constructed in the late nineteenth century and one of the things which gives the place its Victorian feeling.    The two carriages
pass one another on the journey - one going up and the other coming down and the whole thing takes maybe about a minute.   Coming down we were at the pier in no time.
There was a strong aroma of fish and chips on the pier as dozens of those sitting on the seats had cartons of fish and chips and dainty little forks with which to eat them.   They smelled divine!

We didn't have long there before the sun began to go down and it began to get near to dusk so we had to set off for home, but we had had a lovely afternoon.   By the time we got home we were all three hungry but nobody felt like getting any tea so after calling in at their house to feed the cat they took me home (only a mile away) and ordered a pizza each - they were jolly good.   The sea air had given us an appetite!   My son took Tess for an early evening walk and we settled down for a chat.   Now they have gone home and it is time to get ready for bed.   The sea air should send me to sleep soundly.


  1. That sounds like a lovely outing. Hope you sleep well with all that ozone in you!

  2. Lovely. Great air from the North Sea. I must have been to Saltburn. But cant remember. Me being from West Yorkshire. You had a great day out.

  3. I remember seeing people collecting coal on the beach there.

  4. Glad you had a good day out it is one of my favourite places - we took my granddaughter there in the summer for the day and then my mum. The year before we took them both together, played on the beach, rode the little railway through the park to the tea room. My mum who was only 92 then walked down the hill from the top to the bottom - it is very steep - something unthinkable now after only one year her mobility has declined so much - but hopefully we will be there again this coming year.

  5. Sounds like a lovely afternoon. I miss the ocean air I just felt so much better by the sea.

  6. You've just reminded me; it's years since I've seen the sea. Strange for someone who has a home in Brighton.

  7. Well I would like to visit Saltburn, remember travelling to Scarborough and talking to someone who owned a gallery there, think it was an old bank building. The lift reminds me of the one in Whitby, though it is inside the cliff. Always scary because it had a habit of breaking down.

  8. Sounds like you had a good day. I keep promising myself a trip to the coast to see the seals (Donna Nook) but we would have to leave Rick at home.

  9. A day by the Sea is wonderful any time of the year! it is way too long since I have last breathed sea air. Have you been on the cliff lift in Scarborough? That one has been around since Victorian times, too, as far as I know.

  10. That sounds like a lovely late birthday surprise. What a wonderfully unspoilt place Saltburn seems to be - my sort of seaside resort, and I can almost smell the ozone.

  11. Thanks to you all - interesting comments but getting my reply on is just not working so all the comments I made individually have disappeared. Will try to correct it if this appears.

  12. Well, it has done so here goes.
    Where the journey - we can't live all that far apart when I read your comments. I shall put you on my side bar because we seem to have a lot of interests in common. I enjoyed reading your post recent post.
    Rachel - I had forgotten about coal on our North East beaches - so thanks for the reminder.
    Thanks to you all - yes I did enjoy the sea air.

  13. Hi again Pat
    Thanks for your comment on my blog - I actually live in West Yorkshire but many family members live not that far from you and I visit them a lot and I read your blog because you talk about places I know well. My mum 94 in January lives in Yarm, my sister is North of Northallerton and my daughter and the two granddaughters lived over by Healey (Masham) but moved only a month ago a little nearer to Thirsk.
    We roam around your area a lot though - Leyburn, Bedale, Richmond, Northallerton, Masham and of course Saltburn and beyond as we come up regularly to take my mum out and the granddaughters, in fact this year we have spent more time in North Yorkshire than at home.
    You invited me for coffee a while back on one of the comments I made if we were ever passing and I promise to let you know when we do and maybe we can meet. It has been a bit hectic recently with my daughter's move and Christmas but I look forward to being in touch sometime in the new year.
    Hope you have sorted out your comment replies - computers have a mind of their own.!
    Bye for now Viv x

  14. The beaches were black and men and children would be down on the beach with hand carts and sometimes small carts pulled by horses, collecting coal.

  15. Hello, I read your blog whenever you post and have done for the past couple of years but have never commented before. I very much enjoy reading about your life, and get withdrawal symptoms if you don't post for a few days. I live about 8 miles from Saltburn. It's a town with charm and I'm glad you enjoyed your visit there. I was last there towards the beginning of the year, with a group of friends. The restaurant we went to was being refurbished and only had one floor open, there were long queues and eight in our group so we were seated at two different tables. One person at the table I was at opted for a starter, no one else did. So by the time our table got the main course the other table had finished and because of the queues, were obliged to leave, so we barely got chance to speak to them. The weather was atrocious howling winds and pouring rain, and as the refurbishments weren't quite finished we kept hearing ominous rattlings and clangs which were not conducive to a relaxing meal. However we had a tremendous view of the sea which because of the weather was pretty wild and quite awe-inspiring. I'm glad your visit was a little calmer.

  16. What a lovely day out. I really like the railway thingy (I've forgotten what they're called).

  17. Thank you Thelma. The name always reminds me of an Italian light opera: Fenicular feniniculee fenicular feniniculee, da de da de dada da de da de da de da.

  18. What a lovely afternoon out. I think there is a funicular railway like that at Scarborough too. Has Giant Hogweed growing beside it!

  19. The beach is always a good place to spend the day.

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