Friday 27 December 2019

Almost over and done with...

Well not quite - there's still New Year's Day to come to mess up and confuse one's memory of what day of the week it is next week.  Today is Friday isn't it?   But only the arrival of my dog walker confirmed for me that I had things right - and then going out to lunch with W, M, and C - what a treat to get out of the house and almost back to normality.   I had a bacon, brie and cranberry panini and have just had a cup of tea and a mince pie.   It has been lovely to get with one's loved ones - my son's meal was super yesterday and I enjoyed it very much - but how good it is to get back to one's normal routine.

Weather forecasters speak of a warm spell drifting up from Africa as a great mass of yellows colours the weather map.   I hope it arrives here soon because at present it is damp and cold.   Luckily Tess has had a good walk today and I am hoping it is better weather for me to take her tomorrow - my walking is almost back to normal after my visitors.

It is good to have my telephone back in working order again and I have been most impressed with the work BT have done.   It was a big job and several teams of workmen investigated various possible faults until at last they dug up my front lawn and fitted a new connection.   Every single workman was pleasant and friendly and today - the icing on the cake - an e mail from BT apologising for taking a week to finish it all and telling me that they had credited my account with forty pounds compensation.   So well done BT.

As usual there has been little on television to appeal to me - apart from a special nightly 'University Challenge' in which teams who were at Uni in the nineties have competed against one another.   It has been so interesting to watch especially as their reactions to the button are just that little bit slower than the young things who are usually on the programme.   And it was good to watch HM The Queen, so amazing for her age - and so dignified - talk for ten minutes.   I am no royalist but who could help but admire a lady of such age who ploughs on, come what may, whatever we may say about privilege and no money worries?

Saturday tomorrow - I shall no doubt think it is Sunday all day - a day on which I have absolutely nothing to do apart from walking the dog and going into town to post a parcel.   So see you then.


  1. I hope you and Tess have had a wonderful Christmas!

  2. I hope you had the fine weather we had down here on Christmas Day - it was glorious all day. It didn't last of course, and Boxing Day was damp and dreary, but the company made up for that. Glad to hear your walking has improved. I was pleased to find that my legs still worked after two extremely lazy days.

  3. I hope you haven't been eating 10000 calories a day like I have

  4. We have had very mild weather here too. Maybe the warm front has drifted across the Atlantic. So un-Christmassy!

  5. As much as I enjoy special days such as Christmas and New Year, I also like my day to day life, and welcome back my routine after a while.
    Good to hear your walking is better again, and maybe the milder weather will also help.
    It is amazing that BT not only apologised, but even gave you a refund!

  6. Heather - weather the same here on the two days and set to be fine for the week end.

    Si - Certainly not! When you reach my advanced age you will find you just can't eat like that any more (sadly!)

  7. Every time it rains in the town in which my mother lives, I can count on her phone line not working for at least 3 days. I report it and request a repair. Despite my many complaints to the phone company, there is never an apology given and never a credit given.

    Happy Holidays Pat! Looking forward to another year of your blog.

  8. BT also gave me a credit on my last bill (£24) for what they said was not repairing a fault to their satisfaction within two days. In fact I had never been aware that the fault had not been satisfactorily completed within the time limit as I appeared to be up and running again very quickly. I am glad you are enjoying the festivities, if indeed you are, not sure about that from the mixed bag in your post.

  9. Oh, it's been a strange Christmas this year.

    A lovely last-minute arranged visit to see our new granddaughter, then home for Christmas with our lovely doggies. We were slightly out of place seemingly with our Christmas hats on walking along the prom, everyone seemed dour and out of sorts, with only a couple of folk returning our Merry Christmas greetings.

    Some good television, Worzel Gummidge being a real highlight ... but I missed the Queen!! Never has that happened before, I even missed the repeat showing.

    I hope you had a lovely Christmas and would like to wish you all the very best for the New Year. xx

  10. Christmas isn't over - we're in the 12 Days of Christmas, ending January 5!!

    The commercial madness is over - now we can enjoy the peaceful contemplation of the meaning of Christmas. Your blog is a part of it - Brotherly Love!

    Peace be with you and yours - and Tess!!

  11. Thank you to you all for a good year of your comments. Look forward to the next year.

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