Sunday 29 December 2019


The promised unseasonably warm weather never really materialised here today.   It has been a pleasant enough day but the temperature never got above nine or ten even when the sun came out mid-afternoon.   Our usual lunch out - the four of us - was pleasant, as usual.   Three of us had salmon and the fourth roast beef.   Two of us (me for one) had the new addition to the menu for sweets - we had the cheese board.  It consisted of three pieces of our chosen cheese (cut at the table by the chef) with biscuits, butter, celery and grapes.   A perfect finish to the meal.

Tess and I have managed two walks today but I am worried about her as she is limping so badly - it appears to be arthritis in both back legs and now today in her front legs too.   I am already giving her a joint supplement so intend shortly (after New Year) to pay a visit to the Vet. 

This week looks to be a quiet week so far before I am expecting visitors for tea on Sunday -so plenty of time to post on here.   See you tomorrow.


  1. I do hope Tess can be sorted. Animals are such a worry. Our senile cat drives us mad but we carry on showing him his food is still there.... She seems so fit enjoying all her walks. Glad you had a good lunch today.

  2. Your cheese plate sounds delicious! I do hope Tess is feeling better soon. I know changing weather sets off my arthritis and I imagine it does the same for dogs. I hope you've had a nice evening and your new week starts off well.

  3. I was so busy today that I hardly noticed the weather other than it was dry and I was kicking myself for not putting a load of washing in! Your meal sounds lovely. Hope Tess isn't in too much discomfort and the vet can sort her out to keep her mobile... perhaps I need to take my mum to the vets LOL - she is suffering with arthritis in her knees and feet and becomming less mobile now - the doctor doesn't seem to be able to do much for her.

  4. Ask your vet about giving Tess a small dose of aspirin daily. It makes a world of difference for our dog.

  5. We give our border terrier cross a daily table called Youmove which was recommended to us by another dog owner. Amazon sell them - I think they are fish oil related. Our dog (now 15) was struggling with stairs and they make a huge difference. I wish they made them for people! We have to crumble them in his supper as when we wrapped them in cheese etc he ate the wrapping and spat out the tablet. Wishing you and Tess a happy 2020.


  6. well there seems to be remedies for poor Tess, I hope they work for her. Lucy is also a bit unsteady on her feet but can still scamper around like a young pup when she is happy. Thinking about all the meals you go out to, perhaps you should start a Ladies Gourmet Club?

  7. Any day without rain or snow is a bonus.

  8. It wasn't very warm here either despite the forecast. I hope we soon get some warmer weather and Tess is able to enjoy long walks once more. I eat far too much cheese, especially after Christmas, so that would be a place for me to avoid.

  9. So often what has been forecast doesn't arrive. I think that the accompanying dampness in the air makes our weather feel more extreme, whether it is cold or hot.
    Poor Tess with her old lady arthritis. Wishing some warm dry air for all us old ladies.

  10. It was wall-to-wall sunshine here on Sunday, but crispy cold. We walked for about 2 hours on the fields and saw many herons, buzzards, crows and other birds. One friendly black and white cat from one of the farms we passed came along with us for a while. It was an enjoyable day, crowned with an excellent meal at my local Indian restaurant.
    I hope Tess will be in much less pain soon.

  11. We gave our arthritic labrador Yumove which contains New Zealand green-lipped mussel and proved excellent. The manufacturer also makes a similar product for humans.

  12. My little Pomeranian limps of and on, some times his front leg sometimes his back legs, sometimes his tail doesn't curl up over his back for a while, but he still plays with his toys, spins around when he is happy, and has a good appetite. He is 15 years old. There are days, now that winter is here, he and I are both limping. I haven't consulted with the vet about Fuzzy's arthritis yet. I am concerned about the side effects of medicine on a dog his age. He does not seem to be suffering with pain yet.

  13. Have you tried giving her Cod Liver Oil ?

  14. To steal from an environmental bumper sticker, think global but act local. Check out yard sales, estate sales, flea markets, swap meets and Goodwill stores close to home. Also check out local free listings on Freecycle or Craigslist. Find things people are getting rid of locally and then list them online to feed global demand.
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