Sunday 17 November 2019


Sunday is one of the days when I have to take Tess for her walks.   Luckily once I got going this morning .my ankles were not too bad and as I did my first walk of the day the sun was promising to come out so both Tess and I enjoyed it.    On my return home I rang my old friend L to remind her that I was collecting her for our usual lunch.   She is ninety-eight and apart from her short term memory is in near perfect health.

We stopped at friend W's and transferred to her car.   My little car is only a two door and so her car is much better when there are three of us.   Friend C comes from the other direction so the four of us meet up at The Golf Club for our usual Sunday lunch (today I had Penang Curry and (dare I tell you) instead of rice I had their delicious chips with it.   For pud I had a chocolate brownie with cream.   Then the four of us sat in the bar and had ourpot of tea and a chat.   By the time I arrived home it was almost four o'clock and time to take Tess round for another walk.

Most of the time I had been away it had been raining heavily but luckily it had now cleared up, there was little or no breeze and it was a pleasant evening.   After only a short while I met a friend and we strolled round together having a chat.   She and her husband were greatly affected by the flooding up here at the end of July and hopefully tomorrow the contractors are arriving to put up some new skirting boarding.   What a long time it all takes.

The News, as usual these days, was all pretty depressing.   Personally I have no interest at all in the Prince Andrew affair and certainly don't choose to listen to it as headline news - like all the other news items today I can do nothing about any of it so I choose I suppose to bury m y head in the sand - I look upon that as the priviledge of my age.
My attitude now, at my age, is 'sufficient unto the day' - I apologise for it but that is how it is.

Until tomorrow.



  1. Glad to hear you all got out for your usual Sunday lunch - if you want chips then you have chips!

  2. You seem to be getting such a lot of rain over there. Curry and chips sounds like a good way to keep out the chill though.

  3. We've got some nasty flooding here, though not as bad as up Doncaster way.

  4. Not a bad day for you which is good. Like you I get depressed with the news so I have some fun in sharing videos ridiculing Trump et al. You will be pleased to know I havent worked out how to share them to my blog!

  5. Mixed weather down here - one day pleasant the next two rain. Today was 'neither now't nor summat'!
    Oh! such wickedness - chips and chocolate brownie. I am drooling.
    I watch the TV news some days but never read the papers. I don't believe half of what they print.

  6. I follow enough of the news to know what (they say) is going on, but not so much that I let it seep into my everyday. Too depressing! Lunch sound good.

  7. Like you, I have no interest whatsoever in Andrew, his silly ex-wife, and their daughters. I hope we may now see far less of all of them.

  8. Chips and curry sound good, the news is the news = bad or good.

  9. I much prefer chips with a good curry than rice! And a chocolate brownie for dessert - that's my idea of a great lunch.
    It was grey and rather miserable here almost all weekend, but we still went out on walks both Saturday and Sunday, and the fresh air certainly did us good. Now we'll be cooped up at work all week, without much chance for seeing daylight.
    Prince Andrew? I have no idea what's going on and frankly, am not interested. I do follow news from the UK as far as politics and some other things are concerned, but not what the royals or other celebrities are up to.

  10. Im very interested in the royal family’s connection to any scandal involving abuse of children and young people. And I think we all should be, particularly when this time the main player is the owner of an island and has a private jet known as the Lolita express. Andrews friend Epstein was found dead in his cell. I applaud the US authorities for catching him and investigating the rest of the gang. Too many scandals were buried in the UK recently, and particularly abhorrent was the one in the children’s home in the Channel Islands involving tv personalities such as Sir Jimmy Saville OBE and others. Turning a blind eye is is the worst thing, almost as bad as being an accomplice. We have a duty to protect our children and young people not only from Muslim rape gangs but from the high and mighty too.

  11. You are right to end with.."Sufficient unto the day..."...I think we are certainly having a sufficiency!...I stopped looking at the TV news June helped my health and nerves...but it's hard not to hear or see it all from other sources...enjoy chips as often as you want..xx

  12. Sounds like you had a very nice Sunday - lunch with friends. The news here is also depressing, frustrating, tiresome. Sometimes it's easier to just not listen for a time.

  13. Lunch sounds lovely. Like you I feel I am burying my head in the sand with most of the news these days, I honestly have just had enough of it all, especially the politics.

    Gwil's comment is a bit harsh … please don't be upset by it!!

  14. 'Wince' Andrew, as he has been described in the papers, just about sums him up. He winced at some of the questions and we wince at his abuse of privilege and that he treats us as though we are stupid.The boot really is on the other foot. I hope the Americans can pin him down. What an appalling example he is.

  15. Thank you 'A Smaller Life' for your comment. Yes Gwil's comment is harsh but I have blogged with him for a long time and I have a lot of time for what he has to say - food for thought in this case.

    Like most of what I read in the papers or hear on the News - I can do little or nothing about it - I don't know whether to believe it or not - so I listen and then let it all go over my head.

    Thanks for all your comments.
