Saturday 16 November 2019


A very cold and dismal day today here - no sign of even a weak, watery sun.   This is one of the days when I have Tess to myself, which means three walks however small.   The very damp weather is making my arthritis very bad and walking is difficult but I managed two short walks and she also came out with me for a pub lunch so she hasn't done so bad.

The decorator has been and has finished my bedroom - the mildew has been treated and the room has been re-emulsioned.   He finished while I was out at lunch and when I came back he had put my curtains up for me (I washed, dried and ironed them yesterday) and put all the furniture back.   Tomorrow all I have to do is put my pictures back on the wall and I can go back in with my electric blanket.

Flooding everywhere does not seem to be getting any better - at least when we had it up here in late July the weather was fairly warm.   Today, up here at any rate, it is very cold - no sign of any sunshine and a sharp wind blowing.   Christmas only five weeks away doesn't bear thinking about for all those flooded out of their homes.   And as for Venice (my favourite city on earth) - those priceless treasures and the thought that somehow the money that should have been spent on flood defences appears to have been creamed off.

And a General Election looming and all parties in such a mess - and the idea of Brexit in such a mess - that I really don't know what to think.  Somehow nothing in the world is as it should be right now is it?


  1. Your freshly revamped bedroom, complete with electric blanket, sounds very inviting. Just what is needed for this cold, damp weather. We have lit our first fire of the season this weekend, and very cosy it is too. I love to sit beside it and watch the flames flickering.
    The flooding in the UK, and elsewhere, sounds awful. I cannot imagine what is must be like to live through that. For our friends and family living at the opposite end of the world, they are currently enduring horrendous bushfires. The world seems to be tearing itself apart.

  2. The Mafia stole the flood prevention money for Venice. The word 'criminals' does not do them justice. 1000 years of astounding history destroyed by a few men who want more money. Despite local outrage, they have recently widened a large canal to take more cruise ships. They would happily see Venice sink forever to rake in enough money for themselves. They are despicable, but at the moment the despicable ones seem to have the upper hand.

  3. We can only take each day as it comes and do our best to hope for the best.
    I feel for those who are flooded out of their homes, especially at this time of year. One is helpless to do anything about all the disasters around the world - terrible fires in California and Australia , and priceless irreplaceable treasures destroyed by the flooding in Venice. We were warned of what climate change could cause 30 years ago - what a pity none of those who might have prepared for it, did nothing then.

  4. I am glad to hear your bedroom has been finished. I hope you are able to stay warm and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  5. The sad situation in Venice with Project MOSE supposed to protect it and the cost now rising to $8 Billion and 35 people including a former mayor of Venice arrested for corruption, yikes! It sounds like your home is in great shape again and will be cosy now. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. So much sad, I play with my gud dugs to make me happy.
    I think I will post the egg recipe on my next post.

  7. I really do think a second referendum before the election would have been far better, then we could all have voted on domestic issues, and not bloody Brexit. This way it will only make things worse.

  8. All we can do is sort out our own little corner of the world and, once you've got your pictures back up, you'll have done that admirably! According to the BBC this morning we can now forget about everything else and worry about what Prince Andrew did/didn't do/remembers/has forgotten.

  9. Nothing in the world has ever been as it should be.

  10. Good to know your bedoom is done - and how kind of the decorator to even put your curtains up for you and so on! I do not envy you for the political situation in your country.

  11. I am glad your bedroom is repaired and you are moving back in. The weather everywhere seems awful. We went through terrible rains and now have stupid thawing creating ice which is treacherous for our cattle. I had a serious fall a year ago on the ice so am a nervous nelly out there.

  12. John Stargoose you might want to look at the Project Veritas ABC News anchor Amy R revelation that she had the full Epstein, Andrew, story 3 years ago and why it was shelved . . .

  13. Thank you for your comments as usual - they are always varied and interesting.
