Monday 18 November 2019


Tom speaks in his latest post of having 'a fight with negativity' at the moment.    Aren't we all?   Is there anywhere a ray of light which might suggest that there is something on the horizon which might be positive?   If so, then I can't see it.
At my age and in my position I find the only thing to do is to try and ignore it all and live each day as  it comes because there is certainly absolutely nothing I can do about things.

The one bright thing today here in the Yorkshire Dales is that at last we have had a day of complete and utter sunshine.   It has been quite cold but still and sunny and what a difference that makes to one's mood. 

Did any-one amongst you watch the programme on the very modern 'technology' city in Southern China?   I found it stunning and in many ways quite scary in that there was so much going on to make this city so far ahead of the rest of the world that one couldn't help wondering where it was all leading.   If you didn't watch it - it is the first in a series -  BBC2 Sundays at 9pm - .Reggie in China.  The first was last Sunday and there are three more to go.  The first one was in Shenzen, the next will be in Beijing and then there are two more.   As my Grandson lives and works in Southern China I am naturally very interested in the country.

I have quite a busy day tomorrow - Strugglers (a discussion group I belong to) in the morning and a visit to the Physio in the afternoon (although I am wondering whether I should cancel this as driving back in late afternoon would be directly into the sun and my eyes cannot deal with this at present.  I shall make a decision when I see what the weather is like in the morning.   So until tomorrow folks.....


  1. The world is all somewhat messy right now. We have people moaning about how they are so abused by the press when they have the world before them to do good and be of help.
    They should live like us everyday people, living month to month, keeping the lights and heat on plus food and medicine.
    Such Woke little Snowflakes.
    Much like you I try to find/enjoy something everyday. Give Tess a hug for us.

  2. It has been a beautiful day down here too - a chilly wind but warmth in the sun. I used to hate driving on days like this as I found the bright light almost blinding.
    I feel very unsure about what the future might hold, but tell myself that there must have been times when my parents and grandparents must have felt the same. The world kept on turning, and hopefully will continue to do so.

  3. Yes, the low sun at this time of year is very problematic especially for drivers. Let’s hope it’s a dull afternoon.

  4. I have never met Reggie but I found out a couple of years ago that we share the same great grandfather. Quite bizarre.

  5. Perhaps the only thing we can do is try to be as good to those we encounter as we can. Perhaps the ripple effect may spread in ways we don't understand.

  6. Are people who turn up late to your discussion group called 'Stragglers', Weave?

  7. One day at a time covers it, Weaver.

  8. I, too, have a struggle with feeling overly negative at present. Not listening to the news helps.

  9. The fact that the UK has made a General Election into a quasi-vote about Brexit means they will probably end-up with a government they don't want, or a Brexit decision they don't want. I can't see any other conclusion. I, personally would be forced to vote Lib Dem (as they're the only party who wish to 'remain'), but the idea of a Lib Dem government is crazy! You are in a Lose/Lose situation.

  10. You are certainly right in saying there is nothing positive when looking at the world. I see all that, and I know about it, but somehow I selfishly manage to block it all out and focus on my little happy bubble, my sphere, my own life - and there are so many good things in that: I have a well-paid job that I like, I am reasonably healthy, I have my own flat, a fridge full of food and a wardrobe full of clothes, I have my parents and sister nearby, a loving partner, friends and acquaintances, and I live in a country that allows me to do pretty much as I please.

  11. I'm with the Librarian. Yes, there's a lot going wrong in the world, but there is so much good in the world too, and I think it's important to focus on that. Negativity is quite toxic, and spreads like a virus, so we need to be aware of what we are exposing ourselves to and be on our guard against it, to preserve our own peace of mind.
    I once spent three years working closely with the most negative person I have ever come across, so perhaps I learnt a trick or two!

  12. It is best to keep away from negative people. Don't watch the news bulletins, I haven't watched since 2016, and enjoy yourself, and Strugglers sounds about as negative as it can get.

  13. And, on my side of the universe, the sun is out and the high temp today is nearly 80 - normal November for us in south Texas. Positive thought, deep breaths and moving forward is my answer to things I cannot change but won't accept. Just move past.
