Friday 4 October 2019

Making someone happy.

When I returned from morning coffee with friends this morning a giant surprise awaited me.   There on the doorstep was this lovely bouquet of flowers and a lovely card from Gayle, Winston and Agatha (Two Little Square Black Dogs) - I have my God daughter coming to stay in the morning - how cheery my bungalow will look now with these pretty flowers on the table.    I don't know what I have done to deserve them Gayle but I cannot tell you just how much pleasure they have given me - and I thank you most sincerely.   Maybe she has mistaken the date of my birthday (Oct 31st) - if so then I am pleased - I am inundated with flowers usually on that day - and how lovely to get this early present.   It has cheered up my week end already.


  1. A thoughtful and kind gesture, whatever the reason. Enjoy them. X

  2. I'm sure you deserve some flowers whatever the date!
    That was the only thing I used to dread about my mother's birthdays; the constant stream of visitors bearing flowers. I used to spend much of the day making tea and arranging flowers!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. What a thoughtful and beautiful gift! Gayle is a wonderful person and of course iWinston and Agatha are very special dogs just as your sweet Tess is as well. Enjoy visiting with your God Daughter this weekend!

  5. How thoughtful. Enjoy your flowers and your weekend.

  6. Pat, I sent them just because.
    Sometimes friends need a cheer no matter why.
    I was not able to pick the bouquet but I said over the phone pretty and cheerful.
    iwinston and agatha send woofs to You and Tess.

  7. Beautiful as you are. Enjoy.

  8. Such beautiful flowers and a lovely surprise. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. What a wonderful surprise gift! I think it made everyone who heard about it happy, too.

  10. They are beautiful. My oldest brother had his birthday on October 31st.

  11. What a lovely gesture, and so bright and beautiful for this dull Autumn weather.

  12. Lovely to read your comments, especially angry parsnip's who sent them of course. It all goes to prove how spreading a little happiness spreads out and takes in so many others.

  13. How kind ! What a lovely surprise ! :)

  14. Very pretty and so cheery. A lovely surprise.

  15. A beautiful bouquet from a lovely lady and her gud dugs. Wishing you a wonderful weekend with your God daughter Pat. X

  16. What a lovely surprise and a thoughtful gesture:)

  17. How lovely!

    And Happy Birthday, ahead of time!

