Monday 7 October 2019

Lovely week end.

No posts over the week-end; my God-daughter has been here since Saturday lunchtime and we have had a lovely relaxed 'girlie' week-end.   I have enjoyed it tremendously - sad to say goodbye to her this morning very early as she drove back through Wensleydale to be at work on time.
At the moment everywhere is so wet that it is always a worry having to drive through Wensleydale in case the River Ure is over and the roads are flooded.

Today, after a wet start, it has cleared considerably and apart from a few showers it has been cloudy and sunny at intervals. 

This morning the first happening was that the lady who cleans for me found that there is a damp patch on the corner of my bedroom.   I have rung somebody who I think might be able to deal with it, so am now waiting for him to contact me.

Then it was off to Book Group to discuss 'The Diary of a Bookseller' a lovely, funny book which we all enjoyed tremendously.   This afternoon was spent reading The Times and doing the Mind Games, walking the dog and having a doze.   During the week-end I tripped up and fell into the hall from the kitchen (I have fallen in exactly the same place before) -throwing a full cup of tea up the wall.   Luckily I like my tea weak and take neither sugar nor milk so my God daughter managed to remove the stains and today it is impossible to see where the accident happened.   But it did shake me up somewhat and I am finding it rather painful to walk.   Still Tess had to be walked three times and together we managed it, albeit slowly.   I did read an article in The Times last week which recommended we walk at least once a day with our dog with the dog's wishes in mind - in other words a slow walk allowing maximum sniffing, weeing and investigations - which a dog would do if taking itself for the walk.
Well that suits me fine.

Back tomorrow.


  1. Your girlie weekend sounds very enjoyable, apart from your trip! Is there something in that position in the house that causes you trip? Is it something that can be rectified? It is worrying to think it could happen again when you are at home alone. I hope your damp problem is solved quickly and cheaply. We have a new damp patch in the corner of our kitchen but it is caused by a gully trap blocked with leaves so easily remedied.

  2. Your weekend sounds lovely and I hope you didn't do any damage to yourself when you fell. I haven't got a dog but walk slowly enough for one to enjoy plenty of sniffs! Hope the damp patch isn't serious and that the weather will settle down, though according to the forecast that may be a vain hope.

  3. Lovely weekend. Scary about the fall. Still to find out if mine was a drop in oxygen levels which is what I think it was. Take care.

  4. Good job it was weak tea and not red wine! Hope you are okay Pat. Dogs love to go on sniffy walks don't they.

  5. You won't fall there again!

  6. Sounds like a lovely weekend - aside from the fall!
    I have just picked up that book from the library so very pleased to hear that it should be a good read!

  7. Your post brought a smile remembering how much my husband disliked "walking" our dog. She was a hunter and it seemed like every few feet she had to stop and see if there was something in the tall grass to pounce on or a hole to dig out. He wanted to walk, not stop and start so she could do all those things wee(leave her mark) sniff...I had trouble with her at the park because the grass areas were criss-crossed with mole runs and she wanted to dig them up. Falling is scary. One always worries about breaking a hip or shoulder or... hope there are no more falls.

  8. Love the story about the dog walk. When Watson and Hamish were very old, almost blind and deaf he would walk them down the same roads so they would know where they were. Long slow walks. Watson loved flowers and plants and would always stops to sniff I miss him so much.
    Now Pat am I going to have to come over there and talk to you about falling ! ! ! Hope you are feeling better.

  9. I'm so glad you enjoyed the diary of a bookseller. I may read it again; it was pretty much a happy book.

  10. My dog, Billy, would probably run for 50 miles, then run back again.

  11. Why do you fall in this spot? Is there a hazard there?

  12. I was going to ask the same, is there anything in that particular spot that can easily make you trip up?
    Apart from the fall, your weekend sounds lovely, and I am glad you and your God daughter were able to spend time together. Hopefully you feel better today, with no leftovers from your fall.

  13. A happy weekend only marred by a fall, as everyone says you need to check that spot. Damp patches will be on show in this very wet weather, maybe the guttering needs cleaning out.

  14. Hmm. Damp patch on wall. Tea on wall... Is the damp patch brownish?

  15. Let's fully enjoy the beautiful nature in autumn.

  16. Thank you for the comments. Yes indeed there was something there which I tripped over - and it is the third time I have done it. It is there no more. It was the crate which Tess slept in - it is there no more - my cleaning lady took it for her grandson, who has just got a jack russell puppy. And yes, I was stupid to keep it there - there was nowhere else in the kitchen where it would sit - but now she is sleeping on her soft bed up against the radiator and seems very happy there.

  17. See those comments, just above mine. I'd delete them. Do not like unknown click-able links.

    Just sayin'....


  18. Lovely weekend, but I repeat what another lady asked.... Is there some reason, why you keep falling, in that spot?

    Is there not enough light? Is there a change in the smoothness of the flooring? Is there a scatter rug there, to trip on the edge? Is there a regular rug there, on the edge of which, you can trip?

    Please look into it. We do, do, do not want to fall... As we all know.

