Tuesday 8 October 2019

a Fine Day!

So far, here in North Yorkshire, it has been a completely fine day - the first for what seems like a very long time.   There is a strong wind blowing, so strong that I had to ask for assistance from the shop where I do my Tuesday morning shop in crossing the road to my car.   When the wind is in a certain direction it is nigh on impossible to stand up crossing the road in the market square.

I was here in time to see my dog return from her  walk with the Dog-walker and to see how she returns in utter bliss.   The lady is a real dog lover, returns the dog to its home and spends ten minutes making a fuss of it and talking to it.   Tess already idolises her and I have no qualms at all about entrusting Tess to her.   That is a relief.

The afternoon has been spent catching up on jobs like preparing the recycling 'rubbish' for collection, emptying and folding and putting away stuff from the tumble drier, little, fiddly jobs which somehow stretch to the whole afternoon.   Now it is almost time for tea.  These days I do seem to spend an awful lot of time thinking about doing a job before I actually get round to getting up and doing it.   Then, when it takes only a few minutes, thinking why didn't I do it at once and get it over with.

I am now going to go over to one or two shopping outlets to have a look at Winter jumpers.   How easy it is to do this from the comfort of one's arm chair - and ultimately how easy it is to type one's credit card number on to a site and buy something - something you would not otherwise have bought if it had meant going to the nearest town (in my case twenty five miles away) and trailing round the shops looking for it.   Oh dear, the wonders of modern living.


  1. I tend to do a lot of shopping online, but only because we don't have much of a range available here on the island. I do get frustrated sometimes as, when items finally arrive, they may not fit or the fabric may not be quite what I expected. I would much prefer to visit a shop and see things for myself but that would entail a flight or ferry trip!
    It is blowing quite hard here this evening. The ferry sailings have been cancelled/delayed and it is quite umpleasant out there at the moment. I hope your weather improves so that you don't get blown over the next time you venture outside.

  2. I noticed today that another shop had closed in our Bezirk (local area - there are 23 I think). This time it was the firm New Balance who are based in the Lake District. I have two pairs of their running shoes. Sad to see the closed sign on the window. Whether it's due to Internet shopping or the lengthy Brexit chaos I cannot say.

  3. I'm the opposite with internet shopping - forever putting things into my 'basket' and then deciding a few days later that I don't really want them after all.

  4. How lucky we are to have online shopping as we age so muck easier, I do all my main shopping being as I don't drive I find it a good help, not easy getting old.

  5. Fine here too, I went a bit further on my bike - building up the miles slowly and after I got back my new soft wool bike seat cover - ordered on line- arrived. I wouldn't have found one in a shop anywhere around - so thank goodness for online

  6. Better weather here too today. I also shop online. Dont pick up germs!

  7. I also do online shopping but sometimes I really don't like it. Especially all the money I am giving to Jeff Bezos and I think of all the shops going out of business.
    As I say that, I do most of my shopping online because leaving my home is pretty impossible. So on line it is and so easy for me. I also get most of my Market shopping done online also.

  8. I shop online too sometimes because I hate trailing round shops looking for something that is the right size, colour and style for someone of my age and shape. An exhausting task. I usually get fed up after three shops and head for a bookshop to by a book to cheer myself up.
    It has been quite mild down here but wet. Extremely wet just after lunch.

  9. Lovely day here yesterday too; I even did some mowing. Buying on-line can be addictive; you don't seem to be spending 'actual money'. My daughter in law receives an Amazon parcel almost every day.

  10. My wardrobe is well stocked with autumn and winter things already, so I won't be buying any new this season. I hope you have found the type of jumpers you were looking for. Online clothes shopping is good if you can't easily go to the shops. I live only 10 minutes on foot from town centre so can go and try things on anytime.
    Like Gwil, I have some New Balance shoes and really love them, could wear them every day if it weren't for work - I need to be in "proper" business attire when I work at my clients' offices.

  11. I loved shopping in Northallerton when I lived "up North";I wonder how long the likes of Barkers and Maxwells will last if everyone shops online.

  12. Yes Penhill I agree about Barkers - love the shop but find walking round it hard going. I have just ordered two new settees from their furniture shop (good parking and minimum walking as it is just out of town) and as a result once they arrive and I pay for them I shall get a whole lot of points on my card which I can spend in the shop - not sure I can face the walk round so shall have to look if I an buy on line from there.

    Thanks everyone - we all seem to be of one mind on this one.

  13. Oh I so agree! I so hate shopping. Well, I never was a Real Shopper. But being older, I really hate it. And if/when I have to go to a store.... I walk in, look for someone to ask, ask for what I want, look at it, if I want it, I buy it. If not, I leave.

    But oh yes, typing in one's order and having it come to our front door, is wonnnderful.

    But then, I have to feel guilty, about the local stores, after having had a lifetime of our being the owners of our own local store. -sigh-

    Oh there are just no simply decisions any more!!!<--Don't I show my age, with that remark????? -grinnn-

