Thursday 3 October 2019

A Crumpet Day

Just eaten two thickly buttered crumpets with butter seeping into each hole for my tea.   Well, it is a 'crumpet day'- after yesterday, when the sun shone all day and it was quite warm, today the temperature when I came back from town was eight degrees, there is a biting wind and there is no sign at all of the sun.   That's my excuse and I am sticking to it.

After returning from the hairdresser, taking Tess round the block and cooking some lunch for myself, I decided to nip into town and do some last minute shopping to save trailing around in the morning.   My God-daughter is coming for the week end and I intend to make an Irish Stew in my slow cooker tomorrow afternoon when I return from lunch out.   These days I find it so very tiring going round food shops and carrying stuff back to my car.   My 'big' shop on Tuesdays is always aided by a nice young man who pushes my trolley across from the shop to my car and unloads the stuff into my boot.   I do find people are really very helpful.

Isn't it wonderful news about Dina Asher-Smith becoming our first world champion sprinter?   The work, the dedication, the joy of winning after all that - it showed on her face as she crossed the finishing line.   And her mother was so proud of her.    I do so admire anyone who puts that amount of dedication and perseverance into what they are doing.

All blinds are drawn, central heating is on, I am all shut up for the night and it is only seven o'clock - how very quickly Autumn has descended this year somehow, hasn't it?


  1. I totally agree. Warming up seems to take for ever. I envy you the crumpets.

  2. You have been talking about Autumn descending since mid July. It is now here, right on time.

  3. Oh, crumpets and butter. How absolutely wonderful. I am drooling just thinking about them. I used to love them with honey too, melting with the butter into the holes. Alas, my fat-free diet doesn't allow me to enjoy them these days but I can close my eyes and dream about them.

  4. I love the way butter seeps into each hole of the crumpet. I worry about heart-attacks these days though.

    1. My partner JL has eaten a crumpet for breakfast every day for the last 20 years. He is now 94 and still going strong. He also has 2 glasses of red wine every night!

  5. Definitely a crumpet day. I made apple crumble because it felt so autumnal today - comfort food.

  6. It was very nippy here this morning and I had the fire on this afternoon. Rain again now and I am trying not to think about hot crumpets oozing with butter!! I hope the weather is not to bad tomorrow as I had my hair done today too. If I wear a hat or a hood it will be completely flattened.

  7. Your evening sounds cosy hot crumpets with butter and Tess.


  8. Good on you and the crumpets. I looked at the maple frosted creme sticks yesterday, and eventually decided five dollars was too much to spend. It is the cost of good, fresh creme sticks, though.

  9. Yes, well done Dina; I believe she only started running quite recently.

  10. In my neck of the woods Pat... Arkansas... Autumn has taken forever to get here... Summer has lingered long into Fall... Not the happiest of scenarios for me.. I'm a lover of all things Fall... even my granddaughter is named .. Summers here are sweltering and relentless and unbearably heavy with humidity.. sometimes every breath is a struggle... So the first cool promise of Fall is a joyous occasion and it has arrived this evening... the windows are flung open.. the air conditioner turned off.. and i can fall asleep to the evening sounds of crickets and frogs and if i'm lucky the excited yips and lonely howls of the coyote around midnight.. makes me smile every time... much love to you Pat.. stay warm and snug and hope you have a wonderful time with your visitor.. Hugs! deb

  11. I always knew crumpets as pikelets as a child. So on looking them up there is a difference. In Victorian times, crumpets were for those that could afford the rings to bake them in. Pikelets on the hand came out thinner because the poor could not afford the rings. Useless fact I know. Also the butter must be the best.

  12. I tend to agree with Rachel, you have been quoting Autumn for a lot longer than many of us. It's definitely autumn here on Bodmin Moor, in Cornwall, where I'm staying in a beautiful farm cottage, opposite Jamaica Inn, gales and heavy bouts of rain. As for crumpets, they do nothing for me, would rather eat some thick slices of toast.

  13. Snug as a bug in a rug. Nowt wrong with that, Pat.

  14. No excuses needed for crumpets with butter! We don't get them here, but I always make sure tomhave some when I am in Yorkshire.
    This week, my friend and I ran in long runnung pants for the first time this season. Yes, autumn is here, right on time.

  15. I live in a high mountain valley in Colorado and greatly enjoy your blog!! Since I am a reader but don't have a blog of my own I rarely comment...guess I feel that I have to have my own blog to participate in the comments...even though that makes no sense at all,,,I read your post everyday along with others you follow too....and feel like I get to live in the English countryside a little bit this way....and my life is enriched by it,,,,,!! I too am a booker lover but not a mystery reader and could have my own book sale if I wished to part with my treasures.....Thanks for the many days in which I am enlightened and entertained by your writing. I wish you still had Colin alongside you but am glad you have children and grandchildren to share life with. Mary in Colorado

  16. Yes, Autumn has brought earlier twilights...

    But guess what? I like it! To me, these feel cozy. A lovely cozy at home feeling.

    I know, not everyone likes earlier nights. But happily, I do. -smile-

