Thursday 7 March 2019

Too much water

Following on from yesterday I made my decision not to go over to the other side of the country today.   There has been rain in the night and when I went down to the bottom end of the town to fill up with petrol this morning the river was banking and the fields either side were deep in water - obviously the river had been over and flooding overnight.   Too much of a risk I thought.

I e mailed my God-daughter (it was she I was intending to lunch with) who confirmed that the weather was awful over there too.   So we called it off, sadly as I was really looking forward to going.

Now, at half past eleven there is a lot of blue sky although there is a sharp wind and looking over to the West the sky has a lot of big, black clouds - so perhaps for the best.

Now to change the subject - have you seen Boris's Hair?   (yes, it needs a capital letter all of its own).
There is only one question one can ask oneself -
has it always looked that terrible mess just because he was too lazy to go to the barbers or because he was making a statement of some kind?    Maybe his latest girl friend has made him have it cut - or maybe he thinks it creates a better impression on the Electorate.   Whatever the reason I think he looks a whole lot better.

Now, suddenly, the sky is blue and the sun is shining (momentarily as it happens) so I make a snap decision, ring A and arrange to drive over the Pennines to Sedbergh after all.   It takes an hour - I change rapidly and  am off quite quickly, arriving there just after one o'clock and meeting in The Black Bull for lunch.   Lovely hotel with a blazing, welcoming stove, pleasant staff and a delicious, tempting menu.   I had three duck Spring rolls with a dipping sauce, together with a bowl of chunky chips and a lime and soda water.
A had a bowl of beef broth and a thick  beautiful ham sandwich absolutely stuffed with thick cut ham.   We chatted for an hour, during which it rained and then I started for home.   It poured all the way home but there was no flooding other than in the fields, so I got home safely.   It was lovely to see her.


  1. You made a great ‘snap decision’ to travel and must be glad you did. Well done.
    The word is that Boris has had a Prime Ministerial haircut.
    Or maybe the new young girlfriend has said - For goodness sake tidy yourself up!

  2. Yes, a good and informed decision. Not finding Boris on a front page with a new haircut, I googled it. OMG, as they say. I saw it described as opening a box of eggs and finding a few feathers on.

  3. I,m off to take a look !........... :)

  4. Wonderful ! So happy it worked out,

    cheers, parsnip

  5. So pleased you didn't miss out on your lunch appointment and that you got home with no trouble. The weather is so unpredictable at present.
    I haven't seen Boris's new hair style but it's about time he looked smarter than a 10 year old schoolboy.

  6. I disagree about Boris.... I liked his unkempt, scatty, couldn't-care-less, look. Now he just looks like Mr Average.

  7. Glad you had a good drive there and back, and a very nice lunch in between!
    To be honest, I couldn't care less about Boris' hair... our own politicians with their antics are "entertaining" enough.

  8. I agree with Cro, I liked the unkempt Boris look.

  9. I have no interest in politicians looks.

  10. I'm in two minds about how politicians look. On the one hand, I want them to look 'put together' enough, implying a level of organisation in their private life, and a degree of respect for those they are going to meet. On the other, though, I quite like mavericks. I think Boris's new look is down to his very ambitious girlfriend.

  11. Well I had to go and look, it makes Boris look older for a start and would never win my heart as prime minister material. He is too late!
    Glad you were able to make the trip, to see your granddaughter, I quite like the idea of choosing what you want for lunch, a growing trend.

  12. Cro I think he is Mr Average.

    Thanks everyone.

  13. I always thought Boris Johnson's hair was part the "loveable eccentric" image he peddled as a cover for his nasty political ideas. Why he's changed it I've no idea, unless he has his eye on the "top job" and thinks sprucing himself up will help.
